
Any material which cannot be used in the form in which it is produced is called a waste. It is no longer needed by us because it has lost its value. If thrown around, it can cause soil, air or water pollution. It poses a serious threat to normal life, plants, animals and human beings.

Types of Waste on the Basis of their Physical State
    Wastes can be divided into the following three categories on the basis of their physical states.
    1. Solid waste
    2. Liquid waste
    3. Gaseous waste

    •    Garbage : Municipal solid waste is commonly called garbage. It includes only non-liquid wastes generated from households and other commercial places. Waste includes all the three types of wastes whereas garbage includes only solid wastes.

Dealing with Garbage

Types of Waste on the Basis of Degradability
All wastes can be classified into two main groups on the basis of their ability to get decomposed. They are:
    1. Biodegradable wastes
    2. Non-biodegradable wastes

1. Biodegradable wastes
 Biodegradable wastes are those which can be decomposed by the microorganisms into simpler substances. If properly handled, this type of waste causes no harm. A few examples of biodegradable wastes are  peels and cuttings of fruits and vegetables, cow dung, plant residue and agricultural waste. This type of waste can be recycled by making vermicompost or for preparing biogas.
The process of preparing compost with the help of red worms is called vermicomposting. The red worm is a type of earthworm that lives in the soil rich in organic matter, which is a combination of nitrogen-rich and carbon-rich material with plenty of moisture and microbes.
Method of Vermicompositing :
  •    A vermicomposting pit is made with a wooden box or big cement rings.  
  •    A mesh is spread at the bottom of the pit. 
  •    Vegetable waste, fruit waste, waste paper which is not shiny or coated with plastic, is spread over the mesh. 
  •    Water is sprinkled to create moisture so that the redworms can live. 
  •    A vermicomposting pit takes nearly two to four weeks to completely convert waste into manure.
  •    Waste material that is rich in oils, salt, meat and vinegar stops the growth of red worms. 

•    These red worms have a special structure called gizzards with which they grind food material. A red worm eats food equal to its weight every day. Red worms do not survive in too hot or too cold conditions.



    •    Plastics
The word plastic comes from the Greek word 'plastika' meaning to mould. True to its name, plastic can be moulded into any shape large or small, thick or thin, solid or hollow.
But plastic is not biodegradable. It .takes a million years for a plastic bag to degrade. So plastic is really dangerous for the environment.
1.    When thrown around, plastic materials destroy the natural beauty of a place.
2.    Plastic bags often choke the drains which results in overflowing of waste water.
3.    Sometimes plastic bags are eaten by stray animals along with leftover food. This can cause choking and result in their death.
4.    Use of recycled plastic bags to keep food items is harmful for health as these contain toxic chemicals.
5.    Burning of plastic produces harmful gases and smell.

Measures Taken To Prevent The Dangerous Effects Of Plastics
    Reduce, reuse and recycle plastics."    
    Carry jute or cloth bags for shopping."
    Do not store food items in plastic bags."
    Do not burn plastic items."
    Recycle plastics so that new plastic items can be made." Waste that does not decompose should be put in blue dustbins, while waste that decomposes easily should be put in green dustbins."

You must have seen in your locality that sweepers very often collect the dry leaves that accumulate on the roadside and burn it. Farmers too burn the husk, dried leaves and remains of crop plants in their field after harvesting a crop. The process of burning garbage and other biodegradable waste produces smoke and gases that are harmful to us.

Think and Throw

Recycling Paper
    The best way of recycling paper is to use part of it at home and sell the rest to the kabadiwalla for recycling. Let us learn to make recycled paper.
    Steps involved in Recycling paper :
    •    Tear paper into small pieces."  
    •    Soak these pieces in water for a day."
    •    Make a thick paste and spread it on a net or sieve."
    •    Let water drain off completely.
    •    Use an old cloth or newspaper to remove the extra water from the paste and dry it."
    •    Use this paste to get beautiful patterns."

2. Non-biodegradable wastes
Non-biodegradable wastes are those which cannot be decomposed by the microorganisms into simpler substances. This type of waste is a matter of serious concern for all of us. Non-biodegradable waste, if not handled properly, causes pollution. Plastic, bags, buckets, plates, glass, metal scrap, industrial metallic waste, etc. are examples of non-biodegradable waste.

• Recycling of Non-biodegradable Waste
    •    Landfills
Landfill consists of a large low lying area which is used for solid waste disposal. Garbage collected from garbage dumps are loaded into trucks. These trucks are emptied in landfills. The dumping of garbage continues till landfills get completely full. It is then covered over with a layer of soil. After a landfill is full it can be converted into a park or a playground. The Indraprastha Park in New Delhi is built on a landfill.

    •    Incinerators
Incinerators totally burn away solid wastes and ashes are left behind. This method does not need water. Ashes are biodegradable and easy to dispose off. Generally, all municipal wastes are disposed off by this method.

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