Emerging of rulers,Janapadas ,Mahajanapadas, collection of taxes

Emerging of rulers,Janapadas,Mahajanapadas, collection of taxes

Around 3000 years ago, this pratha of becoming raja by performing big sacrifices started. The ashwamedha or the horse sacrifice was one such ritual. In this sacrifice, the horse was set free to wander about, although guided by its men. If the horse who enter and stop at other's Kingdom, then they would have to fight. And if the horse us allowed to pass through the kingdom of others, then that indicated that the said king had accepted the strength and power of the king who wanted to perform the sacrifices. Rajas were then invited to the sacrifice ceremony which was performed by priests . The priests were then adorned with precious gifts or daan. The raja who performed the sacrifice was considered as one of the most powerful of all.

The raja remains as the centre of attraction all throughout the ritual. He is made to sit on a special throne or the tiger's skin. His charioteer who accompanied him to the battlefield used to narrate his story of glorious victory. His wives and children also accompanied the raja in performing some rituals. Ordinary people were also invited in the ritual. It was also attended by the vaishya caste. All who attended the ritual used to bring gifts. However, the shudras, who are considered the lowest in the caste hierarchy were excluded from attending any public happenings in the town.

The people were divided into 4 groups depending on the work they did. Those groups were called Varnas.

The first and foremost in the Varna hierarchy were the Brahmins or the priests class. They were entitled with performing religious practices, teaching and studying the Vedas.

The second category belonged to the Kshatriyas or the warrior. They used to fight battles and wars and protected people of their kingdom.

The third category were that of the vaishya. They were the farmers, traders, herders. They were entitled to perform the sacrifices.

The last and the lowest of the Varnas were the shudras. These groups served the top 3 Varnas. Many women were also grouped into this Varna. They were not allowed to study the Vedas. Later this Varna was described as untouchables. These were the people like Gatherers and hunters, who performed cremations and the burials.

The priests used to believe that these Varnas are applied since birth. But the king’s would not accept these divisions laid by the priests as they would considered themselves superior than the priests. There were controversies on these divisions.


The rajas who performed sacrifices were  considered as the rajas of the janapadas. The word janapadas means the land where the Jana or the people set their foot and settled down. Some of the janapadas were purana quila in New Delhi, Hastinapur in Meerut. The people lived in huts, and kept cattle and other animals. They grew crops like wheat, barley , rice, pulses, mustard.

They made earthen pots, mainly of grey and red colours. The special type were of grey colour with the linear lines and geometric patterns.


The important janapadas became mahajanapadas. Most of the mahajanapadas had the capital cities and we’re fortified. Walls of stones, bricks were built.

Forts were built to ensure protection to the people from foreign attacks. Such huge walls required massive planning. Numerous stones and bricks were required to built such huge walls. Labourers in huge number were employed, which included all men, women and children.

Armies were been maintained by the rajas. The soldiers were been paid.

Collection of taxes.

Needless to mention that building huge fortified cities and maintaining huge armies required funds. To collect these funds. Official were employed. Since, then the system of collecting taxes began. Here’s the list of things I n which taxes were imposed.

  • Taxes were imposed on crops. About 1/6 of the produce were demanded. This was known as bhaga or share.
  • Taxes were collected from the craftpersons.
  • Herders were entitled to pay in terms of animals and animals produce.
  • Taxes were imposed on goods bought and sold.
  • Hunters and Gatherers were required to pay in terms of forest  produce.

Name the following:

  1. Name the sacrifices been spoken about here. Ashwamedha yagya.
  2. Which Varna was considered the best if all-time Brahmins
  3. What were the shudras called: untouchables

What were the taxes collected from the farmers called- bhaga.

Agriculture, story of Magadha & Vajji

Agriculture, story of Magadha & Vajji

Agriculture underwent major change during this time. One such change was the use of iron plough shares. Another change was the transplantation of paddy. This means that instead of scattering seeds on the ground, sapling were grown and the planted. This lead to the massive production and even more plants survived. Slaves and landless labourers were employed to do these works.


Magadha became one of the most mahajanapadas. Rivers such as Ganga and son flowed Magadha. This was important as

  1. Transportation
  2. Water supplies
  3. Making the land fertile

Parts of Magadha were forested. Elephants were trained for the army. Forests provided woods for building houses, carts, chariots. There were iron ore mines in the region that could be  tapped to make iron tools and weapons.

The two powerful rulers of Magadha were Bimbhisara and Ajjatasattu. They tried to conquer other janapadas by all means. Another important ruler was Mahapadma Nanda, who extended his control over the north west part of the subcontinent. Rajgriha in Bihar served as the capital of Magadha for many years. Later on pataliputra , present day Patna was given the status of capital of Magadha.

Alexander, the ruler of Macedonia in Europe, reached Indian subcontinent to conquer it. However, he conquest west Asia and parts of Egypt as he wanted to conquer the whole world. On reaching River Beas, his soldiers refused to march further as they were aware of Huge Indian army and weapons, elephants, horses, chariots,. Etc.


Vajji, along with its capital city Vaishali in Bihar was under different forms of government, known as gana or Sangha. Gana is used for a group that has many members. Sangha means organisation or association. There were not one but thousands of rulers in gana or Sangha and each one of them were called raja. These rajas used to perform rituals- together. They all met in assemblies to discuss over important matters. The slaves were not made the part about of the meeting.

However rajas of powerful kingdom tried to control Sangha. This continued for a long time, say about1500 years. At last the last gana or Sangha was conquered by the Guptas.

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