How Much Water Is Available

Chapter 16: Water: A Precious Resource

Water is a limited resource. It is needed for all living things and must be managed well to ensure we have enough for our needs and to protect our environment. Water is a precious resource. We can’t live without it.

How much water is available

There’s a whole lot of water on Earth! Something like 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (that’s 326 million trillion gallons) of the stuff (roughly 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 l) can be found on our planet. This water is in a constant cycle — it evaporates from the ocean, travels through the air, rains down on the land and then flows back to the ocean.

The oceans are huge. About 70 percent of the planet is covered in ocean, and the average depth of the ocean is about 12,100 feet (3,688 meters). Ninety-eight percent of the water on the planet is in the oceans, and therefore is unusable for drinking because of the salt. Less than 3 percent of the planet’s water is fresh, but about 1.6 percent of the planet’s water is locked up in the polar ice caps and glaciers. Another 0.36 percent is found underground in aquifers and wells. Only about 0.036 percent of the planet’s total water supply is found in lakes and rivers.

Forms Of Water

Forms of water


Water exists in many forms, such as a liquid, a solid, as in snow and ice, underneath the land surface as groundwater, and in the atmosphere, as in clouds and invisible water vapour.

Groundwater As An Important Source Of Water

Ground water as an important source of water

Ground water is an important source of water supply. 53% of the population of US receives its water supply from groundwater sources. Groundwater is also a major source of industrial and agricultural uses. We are withdrawing water from underground aquifers at a faster rate that it can be replenished.

Depletion Of Water Table

Depletion of water table

Water Table depletion is caused when we pump water more rapidly than it can renew itself. With a booming population, the more frequently we pump water from the ground, the more difficult it is for the groundwater to recharge itself and provide us with the amount of water we need.

Distribution Of Water

Distribution of water

Of all the water that exists on our planet, roughly 97% is saltwater and less than 3% is freshwater. Most of Earth’s freshwater is frozen in glaciers, ice caps, or is deep underground in aquifers.

Water Management

Water management

Water management is the control and movement of water resources to minimize damage to life and property and to maximize efficient beneficial use. Good water management of dams and levees reduces the risk of harm due to flooding.

What Role You Can Play

What roles you can play

Water harvesting.

Using water in adequate quantity.

Avoiding water pollution.

Using sprinkler system in plantation.

Reusing water, like giving water to plants which was used before for washing clothes.

Effect Of Water Scarcity On Plants

Effects of water scarcity on plants

The effects of water scarcity are reduced photosynthesis, wilting of plants, reduced respiration, reduced transpiration, and alteration in their adaptation.

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