Solution containing volatile solute / solvents

Mixture of 2 volatile liquids

Raoult's law ( for volatile Liq. Mixture )

Statement of Raoult's law ( for volatile liq. mixture ): In solution of volatile liquids, the partial vapour pressure of each component is directly proportional to its mole fraction.

pA µ xA   =>   pA = xAPAº

pA = Partial vapour pressure of component A

xA = Mole fraction of component ‘A’ in solution.

PAº = Vapour pressure of pure component ‘A’ at given temperature

Derivation of total pressure over solution using Raoult’s law and Dalton’s law:

Let A, B be to two volatite liquids in a closed container as shown.

  pA = xAPAº

Similarly, for liquid B we have,

  pB = xBPBº

Total pressure over the solution PT , according to Dalton's law is

PT = pA + pB = xAPA0 + xBPB0

Determining composition of vapour phase:       


yA = mole fraction of A in vapour phase above the solution and

yB = mole fraction of B in vapour phase above the solution

Now, we have, pA = yA PT     .....Dalton's law of partial pressure for a gaseous mixture     

 pA = xAPAº         ...........Raoult's law

  Thus,    pA =  yA PT  = xA PAº

  Also,    pB =  yBPT  =  xBPBº

xA + xB = 1 =  ; Thus

Graphical Representation of Raoult's Law:

pA= xAPAº   &   pB  = xB PBº

PT = xAPAº + xB PBº

PT =  ( PAº – PBº ) xA + PB0                                            

PT =  ( PBº – PAº ) xB + PA0         

This represents equation of straight line. PT v.s. x

Note:  If PAº > PBº , A is more volatile than B. B.P. of A < B.P. of B. 

Limitations of Raoult’s Law: Raoult's Law only works for ideal solutions. Very dilute solutions obey Raoult's Law to a reasonable approximation.