Features of a Computer

Computer is not just and ordinary machine. It has many features which make it so special, such as:


Computer works at a very high speed. It does calculations faster than a human being.


Computers always give accurate results. So, whatever input we give, it gives accurate results.


Computer is free from tiredness. Unlike human beings, it can work with the same efficiency for a long time.


The best thing about a computer is its large memory, where it stores a huge amount of information that can be retrieved quickly and easily when needed.


A computer is a multipurpose machine that performs a variety of tasks and is used in almost all fields. It is a versatile machine.

Limitations of computer

  • Lack of common-sense             

  • Zero IQ
  • No Feeling
  • Computers can’t Decide
  • Computers can’t Express their Ideas
  • Computers can’t Implement
  • Computers can’t Think
  • Depend on the user input.
  • No Learning Power