A Keyboard is an important part of the computer. It is an input device. It has button on it called keys.it is also called as “QWERTY” Keyboard.

As you know, a keyboard is an input device. It has various types of keys.

  • Alphabet keys
  • Number keys/Numeric Key pad
  • Special Keys—--Enter Key,Spacebar key, Capslock key, Delete key, Backspace key,Arrow keys, Shift  Keys,Symbol keys

Alphabet Keys

Alphabet keys have letters written on them. We can type letters, words and sentences using alphabet keys.

There are 26 Alphabet keys.Alphabet keys have letters on them from ‘A’ to ‘Z’, but in alphabetical order.

Number Keys

Number keys have numbers written on them from ‘0’ to ‘9’. We can type numbers like roll number, age, etc. using the number keys. There are 10 Number keys. There are two sets of number keys on the keyboard.

The number keys are also present on the right side of the keyboard.This is called the “Numeric Keypad”.You can use use your numeric keypad when your numlock key is on. A geen button of num lock key will be ON.