Force can Change of Shape of an Object:-

A force on an object may change its shape. Example: Pressing an inflated balloon with two hands compresses the balloon.

Force can lead to a change in shape: An object cannot move by itself, it cannot change speed by itself, it cannot change direction by itself and its shape cannot change by itself.

Force can change the shape of an object

Force can change the shape of an object

The shape of an object can be altered if some force is applied to it. Depending upon the magnitude of the force that is being applied and the rigidity of the object, the effect on its shape and size can be observed.


  • The above examples show how the use of force in different ways can change the shape of the object.
  • So we can say that forces can change the shape of an object.

Effects of Force

Let us now look at some of the characteristics of force:

  1. A force can change the size and shape of an object. For example – While playing with clay we can change the shape of clay by applying force with our hands. The shape of the rubber band changes when it is stretched.
  2. A force can change the speed of a moving object. Force can slow down or completely stop a moving object. To do this we need to apply a force in a direction opposite to the direction of motion of the moving body.
  3. A force can move an object which is at rest. For example – A stationary trolley or trolley which is at rest can be made to move by applying some force. So the motion of an object can be halted by suitable application of force.
  4. A force can change the direction of motion of a moving object. For example – A football can change its direction by kicking it in a different direction.

Note – Change in the mass of an object is not an effect of force.