Some Natural Resources are Limited

Fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas cannot be created in the laboratory as it is not possible to create the natural conditions under which they are formed. Moreover, it takes thousands of years for them to be formed.

Consequences of the burning of fossil fuels

  1. Increase in Air PollutionThe burning of fossil fuels results in the release of unburnt carbon particles in the air. These particles act as pollutants and increase air pollution. Fossil fuels release poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere.
  2. Global Warming: Fossil fuels when burnt release large amounts of carbon dioxide in the air. As the amount of carbon dioxide increases it results in an increase in the global temperature of the earth and leads to global warming.

Why should we use fossil fuels economically?

  • They are available in limited quantities.
  • Burning these fuels also causes air pollution as well as global warming.
  • Hence, we should use these fuels economically to make sure that we can use them for a longer time, the risk of global warming gets reduced, and we can live in a cleaner environment.

How can we save Petrol or diesel while driving?

  • According to the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) in India, we can save petrol or diesel while driving by:
  • Drive at a constant and moderate speed.
  • Maintain tyre pressure at correct levels.
  • Switch off the engine when you are waiting (such as traffic light).
  • Do regular maintenance of your vehicle.

Why fossil fuels can last for 100 years only?

  • Fossil fuels are exhaustible resources which means that they are not present in abundant quantities on the earth.
  • They take hundreds and thousands of years to replenish.
  • The rate at which they are being consumed today is increasing at a rapid pace.
  • It means that more amounts of fossil fuels are being used than it is being replenished.
  • Hence, scientists claim that they can replenish completely in 100 years.