Chapter 8

Binomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices:

The Binomial Theorem is the method of expanding an Binomial expression that has been raised to any finite power.

Binomial ExpressionA binomial expression is an algebraic expression that contains two dissimilar terms. Ex: a + b, a3 + b3,a-b, etc.

The binomial theorem states a formula for the expression of the powers of sums.

From the above representation, we can expand (a + b)n as given below:

(a + b)n = nC0 an + nC1 an-1 b + nC2 an-2 b2 + … + nCn-1 a bn-1 + nCn bn

This is the binomial theorem formula for any positive integer n.


Some special cases from the binomial theorem can be written as:

  • (x + y)n = nC0 xn + nC1 xn-1 by+ nC2 xn-2 y2 + … + nCn-1 x yn-1 + nCn xn
  • (x – y)n = nC0 xn – nC1 xn-1 by + nC2 xn-2 y2 + … + (-1)n nCn xn
  • (1 – x)n = nC0 – nC1 x + nC2 x2 – …. (-1)n nCn xn

Also, nC0 = nCn = 1

However, there will be (n + 1) terms in the expansion of (a + b)n.

Example: (√2 + 1)5 + (√2 − 1)5


We have

(x + y)5 + (x – y)5 = 2[5C0  x5 + 5C2  x3 y2  +  5C4 xy4]

= 2(x+ 10 x3 y+ 5xy4)

Now (√2 + 1)+ (√2 − 1)= 2[(√2)+ 10(√2)3(1)+ 5(√2)(1)4]




  • The total number of terms in the expansion of (x+y)n  are (n+1)
  • The sum of exponents of x and y is always n.
  • nC0, nC1, nC2, … .., nCn are called binomial coefficients and also represented by C0, C1, C2, ….., Cn
  • The binomial coefficients which are equidistant from the beginning and from the ending are equal i.e. nC= nCn, nC= nCn-1 , nC= nCn-2 ,….. etc.

Some other  expansions:

  • (x + y)+ (x−y)= 2[C0 x+ C2 xn-1 y+ C4 xn-4 y+ …]
  • (x + y)– (x−y)= 2[C1 xn-1 y + C3 xn-3 y+ C5 xn-5 y+ …]
  • (1 + x)n  nΣr-0 nC. x= [C+ C1 x + C2 x+ … Cn xn]
  • (1+x)+ (1 − x)= 2[C0 + C2 x2+C4 x+ …]
  • (1+x)− (1−x)= 2[C1 x + C3 x3 + C5 x5 + …]
  • The number of terms in the expansion of (x + a)n + (x−a)n are (n+2)/2 if “n” is even or (n+1)/2 if “n” is odd.
  • The number of terms in the expansion of (x + a)n − (x−a)n  are (n/2) if “n” is even or (n+1)/2 if “n” is odd.

Question: Find the 4th term in the expansion of (x – 2y)12.


The general term Tr+1 in the binomial expansion is given by Tr+1 = r an-r br

Here a= x, n =12, r= 3 and b = -2y

By substituting the values we get

T4 = 12C3 x9 (-2y)3

= -1760 x9 y3