Strongness  about  Acids or Bases 

Strength of acid and base can be determined by universal indicator.

concentrations of H+ ions in the solution.

pH scale :-  A scale for measuring hydrogen ion concentration in a solution called PH scale.

pH = 7                           Neutral Solution

pH Less than 7             Acidic  Solution

pH more than 7           Basic solution

pH of some common substances shown on a pH paper.

Importance of  pH in everyday life :-

1 ,  Plants and animals are Ph sensitive.

  • Our body works within the pH range of  7- 7.8 .
  • When pH of rain water is less than 5.6, it is called acid rain.
  • When acid rain flows into the rivers ,it lower the pH of river water and makes the survival  of aquatic life difficult.

2, pH of the soil

  • Plants require a specific pH range for their healthy growth.

3,  pH in our digestive system.

  • Our stomach produce hydrogenchloric acid which helps in digestion without harming the stomach.
  • During indigestion, stomach produces more acid and cause pain and irritation.
  • To get rid of pain ,prople use mild bases called antacid to neutralize the excess acid. Magnesium hydroxide ( Milk of magnesia) is an antacid.

  4,  Ph changes as the cause of tooth decay.

  • Tooth decay starts when pH of mouth is lower than 5.5
  • Tooth enamel is made up of calcium phosphate ( hardest substance in body) .it does not dissolve in water but carodes when pHis low than 5.5
  • Using basic toothpaste , tooth decay can be prevented    

5, self defence by animals and plants through chemical warfare.

  • Bee sting leaves an acid which cause pain and irritation. Bakig soda (mild base) gives relief by rubbing it on stung area.
  • Stinging hair of nettle leaves inject  methanoic  acid causing  buring or pain rubbing this with leaf of dock plant give relief.