Case II Projection in upward direction with some angle with horizonta

Vertical mirror


sign convention



Horizontal Mirror



x = (u cosq) t

Case III Projection in downward direction with some angle with horizontal

Vertical Mirror



Horizontal Mirror


Projectile along inclined plane For Simplicity & understanding


Vertical Mirror

V = u - g t

O = u sin b - (g cosa) t



Horizontal Mirror



OB = OA Cos a

Special case of Projectile Motion

Case I

(i) Time of flight  let OQ ® x -axis

                                   OP ® y –axis

ux = u

uy = 0

ax = - g sin b

ay = - g cos b


Vx = ux + axt

O = u – g sin bt


(ii) Final velocity V

Vy = uy + ay t

V = 0 – g cos b

V = u cot b

(iii) Height h    





h = Sy sin a


(iv) Distance AB













Case 2

(i) Time after which V1  ^ V2

Ball 1  

Ball 2  



g2 t2 = u1 u2


(ii) gap between the ball 1 and ball 2 at the time

Ball 1   x1 = u1 t,



Ball 2

x2 = - u2t



Gap between Ball 1 and Ball 2



Gap  = (u1 + u2) t


Case 3 Collision of two projectile