Mathematics Syllabus of CBSE Class 7

Chapter 15: Visualising Solid Shapes

Introduction: Plane Figures and Solid ShapesFaces, Edges and Vertices, Nets for Building 3-D Shapes, Drawing Solids on A Flat Surface, Viewing Different Sections of a Solid,

Chapter 14: Symmetry

IntroductionLines of Symmetry for Regular Polygons, Rotational Symmetry, Line Symmetry and Rotational Symmetry.,

Chapter 13: Exponents and Powers

IntroductionExponents, Laws of Exponents, Miscellaneous Examples Using the Laws of Exponents, Decimal Number System, Expressing Large Numbers in The Standard Form.,

Chapter 12: Algebraic Expressions

IntroductionHow Are Expressions Formed?, Terms of An Expression, Like and Unlike Terms, Monomials, Binomials, Trinomials and Polynomials, Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions, Finding the Value of An Expression

Using Algebraic Expressions – Formulas and Rules.,

Chapter 11: Perimeter and Area

IntroductionSquares and Rectangles, Area of A Parallelogram, Area of A Triangle, Circles, Conversion of Units, Applications

Chapter 10: Practical Geometry

IntroductionConstruction of A Line Parallel To A Given Line, Through A Point Not On The Line, Construction of Triangles, Constructing A Triangle When the Lengths of Its Three Sides Are Known (SSS Criterion), Constructing A Triangle When the Lengths of Two Sides and The Measure of The Angle Between Them Are Known. (SAS Criterion), Constructing A Triangle When the Measures of Two of Its Angles and The Length of The Side Included Between Them Is Given. (ASA Criterion), Constructing A Right-Angled Triangle When the Length of One Leg and Its Hypotenuse Are Given (RHS Criterion).

Chapter 9: Rational Numbers

IntroductionNeed for Rational Numbers, What Are Rational Numbers?, Positive and Negative Rational Numbers, Rational Numbers on a Number Line, Rational Numbers in Standard Form, Comparison of Rational Numbers

Rational Numbers Between Two Rational Numbers, Operations on Rational Numbers,

Chapter 8: Comparing Quantities

IntroductionEquivalent Ratios, Percentage – Another Way of Comparing Quantities, Use of Percentages, Prices Related to An Item or Buying and Selling, Charge Given on Borrowed Money or Simple Interest,

Chapter 7: Congruence of Triangles

IntroductionCongruence of Plane Figures, Congruence of Plane Figures, Congruence Among Line Segments, Congruence of Angles, Congruence of Triangles, Criteria for Congruence of Triangles

Congruence Among Right-Angled Triangles,

Chapter 6: Triangles and its Properties

IntroductionMedians of a Triangle, Altitudes of a Triangle, Exterior Angle of a Triangle and Its Property, Angle Sum Property of a Triangle, Two Special Triangles: Equilateral and Isosceles, Sum of The Lengths of Two Sides of a Triangle

Right-Angled Triangles and Pythagoras Property,

Chapter 4: Simple Equations

A Mind-Reading Game!Setting Up of an Equation, Review of What We Know, What Equation Is?, More Equations, From Solution to Equation, Applications of Simple Equations to Practical Situations

Chapter 1: Integers

IntroductionRecall, Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers, Multiplication of Integers, Properties of Multiplication of Integers, Division of Integers, Properties of Division of Integers

Chapter 2: Fractions and Decimals

IntroductionHow Well Have You Learnt About Fractions, Multiplication of Fractions, Division of Fractions, How Well Have You Learnt About Decimal Numbers, Multiplication of Decimal Numbers, Division of Decimal Numbers

Chapter 3: Data Handling

IntroductionCollecting Data, Organisation Of Data, Representative Values, Arithmetic Mean, Mode, Median

Use of Bar Graphs with A Different Purpose, Chance and Probability,

Chapter 5: Lines and Angles

IntroductionRelated Angles, Pairs of Lines, Checking for Parallel Lines, 

Science Syllabus of CBSE Class 7

Chapter 18: Wastewater Story

Water, Our LifelineWhat Is Sewage?, Water Freshens Up – An Eventful Journey, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Better House Keeping Practices, Sanitation and Disease, Alternative Arrangement for Sewage Disposal

Sanitation at Public Places., Sanitation at Public Places.,

Chapter 17: Forests: Our Lifeline

Visit a Forest

Chapter 16: Water: A Precious Resource

How Much Water Is AvailableForms of Water, Groundwater as An Important Source of Water, Depletion of Water Table, Distribution of Water, Water Management, Water Management

What Role You Can Play, What Role You Can Play, Effect of Water Scarcity on Plants.,

Chapter 15: Light

Light Travels Along A Straight LineReflection of Light, Right or Left!, Playing with Spherical Mirrors, Images Formed by Lenses, Sunlight — White Or Coloured?.,

Chapter 14: Electric Current and its Effects

Symbols of Electric ComponentsHeating Effect of Electric Current, Magnetic Effect of Electric Current, Electromagnet, Electric Bell.,

Chapter 13: Motion and Time

Slow or FastSpeed, Measurement of Time, Measuring Speed, Distance-Time Graph.,

Chapter 12: Reproduction in Plants

Modes of ReproductionSexual Reproduction, Fruits and Seed Formation, Seed Dispersal.,

Chapter 11: Transportation in Animals and Plants

Circulatory SystemExcretion in Animals, Excretion in Animals, Transport of Substances in Plants,

Chapter 10: Respiration in Organisms

Why Do We Respire?Breathing, How Do We Breathe?, What Do We Breathe Out?, Breathing in Other Animals, Breathing Under Water, Do Plants Also Respire?

Chapter 9: Soil

Soil Teeming with LifeSoil Profile, Soil Types, Properties of Soil, Moisture in Soil, Absorption of Water by Soil, Soil and Crops.

Chapter 8: Winds, Storms and Cyclones

Air Exerts PressureHigh-Speed Winds Are Accompanied by Reduced Air Pressure, High-Speed Winds Are Accompanied by Reduced Air Pressure, Air Expands on Heating, Wind Currents Are Generated Due to Uneven Heating on The Earth, Thunderstorms and Cyclones, Destruction Caused by Cyclones

Effective Safety Measures, Advanced Technology Has Helped,

Chapter 7: Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate

WeatherClimate, Climate and Adaptation.,

Chapter 6: Physical and Chemical Changes

Physical ChangesChemical Change, Rusting of Iron, Crystallization.,

Chapter 5: Acids, Bases and Salts

Acids and BasesNatural Indicators Around Us, Neutralisation, Neutralisations in Everyday Life.,

Chapter 4: Heat

Hot and ColdMeasuring Temperature, Laboratory Thermometer, Transfer of Heat, Kinds of Clothes We Wear in Summer and Winter.,

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric


Chapter 2: Nutrition in Animals

Different Ways of Taking FoodDigestion in Humans, Digestion in Grass-Eating Animals, Feeding and Digestion In Amoeba.,

Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants

Mode of Nutrition In PlantsPhotosynthesis — Food Making Process in Plants, Other Modes of Nutrition in Plants, Saprotrophs, How Nutrients are Replenished in The Soil., 

English Syllabus of CBSE Class 7


Chapter 1: Three Questions & The SquirrelChapter 10: The Story of Cricket, Chapter 9: A Bicycle in Good Repair & Garden Snake, Chapter 8: Fire: Friend and Foe & Meadow Surprises, Chapter 7: The Invention of Vita-Wonk & Dad and the Cat and the Tree, Chapter 6: Expert Detectives & Mystery of the Talking Fan, Chapter 5: Quality & Trees

Chapter 4: The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom & Chivvy, Chapter 3: Gopal and the Hilsa Fish & The Shed, Chapter 2: A Gift of Chappals & The Rebel,

The Alien Hand

Chapter 1: The Tiny TeacherChapter 10: An Alien Hand English, Chapter 9: A Tiger in the House, Chapter 8: The Bear Story, Chapter 7: Chandni, Chapter 6: I want something in a Cage, Chapter 5: Golu Grows a Nose

Chapter 4: The Cop and the Anthem, Chapter 3: The Desert, Chapter 2: Bringing Up Kari, 

Hindi Syllabus of CBSE Class 7

Chapter 1: Vasant Bhag-2

1. हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के2. दादी माँ, 3. हिमालय की बेटियां, 4. कठपुतली, 5. मीठाईवाला,

Chapter 2: Durva Bhag-2

1. चिड़िया और चुरुंगुन2. सबसे सुन्दर लड़की, 3. मैं हूँ रोबोट, 4. गुब्बारे पर चीता, 5. थोड़ी धरती पाऊं, 

Social Science Syllabus of CBSE Class 7


Chapter 1: Tracing Changes through a Thousand YearsChapter 10: Eighteenth Century Political Formations, Chapter 9: The Making of Regional Cultures, Chapter 8: Devotional Paths to the Divine, Chapter 7: Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities, Chapter 6: Towns, Traders and Craftspersons, Chapter 5: Rulers and Buildings

Chapter 4: The Mughal Empire, Chapter 3: The Delhi Sultans, Chapter 2: New Kings and Kingdoms,

Political Science

Chapter 1: On EqualityChapter 10: Struggles for Equality, Chapter 9: A Shirt in the Market, Chapter 8: Markets Around Us, Chapter 7: Understanding Advertising, Chapter 6: Understanding Media, Chapter 5: Women Change the World

Chapter 4: Growing up as Boys and Girls, Chapter 3: How the State Government Works, Chapter 2: Role of the Government in Health,


Chapter 1: EnvironmentChapter 10: Life in the Deserts, Chapter 9: Life in the Temperate Grasslands, Chapter 8: Human Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region, Chapter 7: Human Environment – Settlement, Transport and Communication, Chapter 6: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife, Chapter 5: Water

Chapter 4: Air, Chapter 3: Our Changing Earth, Chapter 2: Inside Our Earth,