What makes an Election Democratic?

  • Some non-democratic nations also have elections but they are not real choices.
  • Everyone should be able to choose, i.e. everyone should have one vote and every vote should have equal value. Universal Adult Franchise.
  • There should be parties and candidates to choose from, freedom to contest and a wide choice for people.
  • Elections must be held at regular intervals.
  • Candidate preferred by the people should be elected.
  • Elections should be held in a fair and free atmosphere to be democratic.
  • These conditions are not followed m=in many so-called democratic nations.

Political Competition:


  • In the name of party politics, many unwanted practices are followed.
  • Creates a sense of disunity.
  • Parties level allegations against each other of using dirty tricks to win elections.
  • Long-term and sensible policies cannot be formulated.
  • Good people do not enter politics.

Merits :

  • Elections are good because they force the ruling party to perform. The government is aware that it will be voted out of power if it does not perform as the people expected.
  • It forces parties and leaders to perform, so competition is good.
  • Political competition may cause divisions and some ugliness, but it finally helps to force political parties and leaders to serve the people.