Making of the Indian Constitution

  • The process began during the national struggle for freedom.
  • First draft 1928, then 1931. Moti lal Nehru and 8 leaders demanded in the draft : universal adult franchise, social justice, right to freedom and liberty.
  • Participation in Provincial Legislatures helped Indians in framing their constitution.
  • Leaders inspired by French Revolution, British parliamentary system and the Bill of Rights of the US.
  • They also learnt what the British were denying Indian citizens.

The Constituent Assembly

  • Elections to the Constituent Assembly held in July 1946.
  • Dr. B. R. Ambedkar appointed chairman of the drafting committee.
  • Constitution adopted on 26 November 1949, and enacted on 26 January, 1950, when India became a republic.
  • The Constitution reflects the best minds of the country. Its members represented mini-India.

Every law was debated clause by clause and a consensus arrived at.

It is the longest written constitution.