But when we see around us, we observe most of the matter around us exists as mixtures of two or more pure components. For example: Sea water, Air etc.


 It is a form of matter in which two or more elements or compounds combine physically in any proportion by weight.

Characteristics of Mixture

  • Mixture may be homogeneous and heterogeneous.
  • Mixture does not have a fixed melting point.
  • In a mixture, the different constituents combine physically in any proportion by mass.
  • The constituents of a mixture do not lose their identical property.
  • Usually, no energy change take place during the formation of a mixture.

Types of Mixtures

  • Homogeneous mixture: A mixture which has same composition throughout. It has no visible boundaries of separation between the various constituents Solutions are homogeneous mixtures. For example, Detergent in water, Sugar in water, Ice cream etc.
  • Heterogeneous mixture: A mixture which has different compositions in different parts. These types of mixtures have visible boundaries of separation between the various constituents. For example, Oil in water, Fruit salad, Sand in water etc.