Frame of Reference - A frame of reference is another object or scene with respect to which we compare an object's position.

Objects changing positions with time with respect to the frame of reference are in motion while those which do not change position are at rest.

For example – A passenger sitting on a moving bus is at rest with respect to his co-passenger but at the same time, he is moving with the bus with respect to a person standing outside.

Scalar quantities

The quantities that depend upon magnitude and not the direction is called scalar quantities. They are represented as their own symbol.

Vector quantities

A physical quantity that depends upon magnitude as well as direction. They are represented by putting on their symbol.

Distance and Displacement: 


•    The distance travelled by a moving object is the length of the path the object takes.
•    The measure of distance is a scalar quantity. The meter is the SI unit of distance.


•    It is the shortest path covered by a moving object in a specified direction from the point of              reference (the initial position of the body).
•    The meter is the SI unit of displacement.
•    Displacement is a vector, which means that it is represented by a number with appropriate              units and direction.

Difference between Distance and Displacement



Distance provides the complete details of the path taken by the object 

    Displacement does not provide the complete    details of the path taken by the object

Distance is always positive 

Displacement can be positive, negative or zero 

It is a scalar quantity 

It is a vector quantity

The distance between two points may not be unique 

The displacement between two points is always unique