Nervous Tissue

Nervous tissue

This tissue helps us in thinking, listening, conveying messages, etc. On the whole, we can say that it helps in control and coordination in the body. It is a specialized tissue that helps in transmitting messages within our body. It contains highly specialized cells called neurons. The neurons have the ability to receive stimuli from within or outside the body and to conduct impulses to different parts. Each neuron consists of:

  • Cyton
  • Dendrite
  • Axon

The irregular structure called cell body encloses a nucleus in neuroplasm. From cell body, small branches arise on upper side called dendrite. On the lower side, it gives out only one branch that is elongated called axon. The whole neuron is made up of neurolemma. It has a fatty layer on it as a modulated sheath that creates nodes of ranvier that help in saltatory conduction. Axon ends into nerve endings.

Function of neuron

  • It is to form nerves that further helps in control and coordination of body.