Presentation of Data

After collecting the data for a certain group, we have to now learn to present it. The presentation should be such that it should be meaningful, easily understood by everyone and the main features could be captured at a glance or by a single view. The important details should be highlighted properly. Here, to represent numerous data, we use a frequency distribution table, to condense the data into sub-groups. Let us see an example here.

Example: Suppose an exam was conducted for a class of 50 students. The marks obtained out of 100, by the students here are:

12, 23, 45, 55, 10, 33, 65, 78, 89, 22,

44, 55, 77, 88, 35, 65, 63, 61, 84, 89,

34, 27, 90, 65, 67, 45, 78, 98, 66, 77,

31, 41, 61, 68, 86, 34, 54, 59, 78, 89,

50, 29, 58, 63, 72, 87, 34, 65, 48, 91

Find how many students got more than 40 marks.

Solution: Let us arrange the data with respect to the marks obtained by the students.

Marks Obtained

Number of Students











Hence, from the above-grouped frequency distribution table, we can calculate the number of students who scored above 40 marks = 11+17+10 = 38

Presentation of Data and Information

Statistics is all about data. Presenting data effectively and efficiently is an art. You may have uncovered many truths that are complex and need long explanations while writing. This is where the importance of the presentation of data comes in. You have to present your findings in such a way that the readers can go through them quickly and understand each and every point that you wanted to showcase. As time progressed and new and complex research started happening, people realized the importance of the presentation of data to make sense of the findings.

Define Data Presentation

Data presentation is defined as the process of using various graphical formats to visually represent the relationship between two or more data sets so that an informed decision can be made based on them

Types of Data Presentation

Broadly speaking, there are three methods of data presentation:

  • Textual
  • Tabular
  • Diagrammatic

Textual Ways of Presenting Data

Out of the different methods of data presentation, this is the simplest one. You just write your findings in a coherent manner and your job is done. The demerit of this method is that one has to read the whole text to get a clear picture. Yes, the introduction, summary, and conclusion can help condense the information.

Tabular Ways of Data Presentation and Analysis

To avoid the complexities involved in the textual way of data presentation, people use tables and charts to present data. In this method, data is presented in rows and columns - just like you see in a cricket match showing who made how many runs. Each row and column have an attribute (name, year, sex, age, and other things like these). It is against these attributes that data is written within a cell.