Role of hormones in completing the life history of insects and frogs


  • The change from larva to adult is known as metamorphosis.
  • In insects it is controlled by insect hormones.
  • In frog, thyroid produce thyroxin hormone for metamorphosis (change from tadpoles to adult frog).
  • Sufficient iodine in the water is also important for metamorphosis.
  • Insects like silk moths and some animals like frogs undergo the process of metamorphosis which results in drastic changes in their bodies.
  • The insect hormones control the process of metamorphosis in the insects.
  • In frogs, the thyroid releases thyroxine which controls the process of metamorphosis in them.
  • The thyroxine only produces with the help of iodine that is present in the water.
  • If there is a lack of iodine in water the tadpoles would never turn into adult frogs.