Cell Structure and Function

Some of the cells have a simple structure and some are complex, but all cells essentially contain three basic parts. They are:

  • Cell envelop that contains: Cell membrane: It protects cell content and controls exit and entry of materials from the cell.
  • Cell wall: It helps plants to withstand changes in the outside environment without bursting
  • Nucleus: It is the control center of a cell.
  • It contains chromosomes made up of DNA and protein.
  • It contains functional segments of DNA called genes, which are responsible for the transmission of hereditary characters.
  • The nucleolus is seen inside the nucleus.
  • The nuclear membrane has pores for the exchange of material with the cytoplasm.
  • Cytoplasm: It is the fluid content present inside the plasma membrane.
  • Protoplasm + Cell organelles = Cytoplasm

  • In multicellular organisms, each organ system is made up of several organs.
  • Organs are further made up of tissues.
  • Tissues are groups of similar cells performing a specific function.
  • The number of cells Organisms made up of only a single cell are called unicellular organisms. For example Amoeba and Paramecium
  • Single-cell in unicellular organisms performs all the basic functions such as digestion, respiration, and excretion.
  • Organisms made up of more than one cell are called multicellular organisms. For example Humans, cows, etc.
  • In multicellular organisms, the cells show division of labor as a particular set of cells is involved in performing a specific body function.
  • In a unicellular organism, a single cell performs all the basic functions of life but in multicellular organisms, there is a division of labor.