Types of Occupation
 The various occupations may be classified into three sectors. These are: Primary Sector, Secondary Sector and Tertiary Sector.

Primary Sector
The primary sector consists of those activities concerned with the direct extraction of materials from nature. In this sector, people are engaged in agriculture, fishing, dairy farming and poultry farming, mining, forestry etc. A farmer grows crop in the fields, manages orchards or vineyards; a dairy farmer raises livestock for milk while a poultry farmer keeps hens and chickens to obtain eggs and meat; a fisherman catches fish from a river or pond; and a miner extracts minerals from the earth. All these occupations are related to obtaining raw materials from the earth directly and hence are primary occupations.

Secondary Sector
The secondary sector includes industries that process, transform and assemble raw materials into products. For example, the cotton textile industry makes cloth from the cotton plant; a bakery makes breads, cakes, pizzas and biscuits from wheat; the steel industry converts iron ore found in nature into steel. All manufacturing industries also come in this sector because they manufacture products like automobiles, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals from raw materials .
The secondary sector is dependent on the primary sector for raw material.

Tertiary Sector
This sector provide goods and services to people in exchange of payment. Once the product is ready, it needs to be made available to the people. Thus the secondary and tertiary sectors are also linked. This sector covers activities like trading, banking, healthcare, transportation, communication, insurance, entertainment, security, management and consultancy, among several others.