
  • Roots are mostly the underground part of the plant.
  • They absorb water and minerals from the soil.
  • They hold the soil firmly to keep the plant upright.
  • Some roots store food and become plump.

There are two types of roots :

  1. Tap root : Tap roots are seen in large trees and shrubs.
  2. Fibrous root : Fibrous roots are common in herbs

The root is a very important component of the plant system, as, without the presence of roots the plant ceases to exist. This is because the roots perform three major functions essential to the growth and survival of the plant which are:

  • Roots are responsible for absorbing minerals and water from the soil and transferring them to the stem. It’s only after root has transported water and minerals to stem that the stem becomes capable of transporting these to all parts of the plant.
  • Another important function of roots is to firmly anchor the plant in the ground. This is essential to support the upright position of the plants.
  • Roots also perform the function of storing important nutrients and food for growth.

There are two major types of roots that exist in plants and these are: