Plant Parts and Animal Products as Food

Animal Products as Food

  1. Meat – Goat, Chicken, Pork, Fish, Prawns etc. are part of the Non-vegetarian diet.
  2. Egg – Eggs of Hen, Duck, Goose like meat are also part of the Non-vegetarian diet.
  3. Milk – Dairy products obtained from Cow, Buffalo, Camel, Goat in a dairy farm
  4. Honey – Bees collect nectar (sweet juices) from flowers, convert it into honey and store it in their hive.

Plants act as sources of food ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses etc.

Animals are sources of food ingredients such as milk, eggs, meat products etc.

These are shown in the figure above.

Some examples of edible plant parts are shown in the image above and their examples are given below:

  • Roots: beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, ginger,
  • Stems: broccoli stem, bamboo shoots, sugar cane, potato
  • Leaves: spinach, lettuce etc.
  • Fruits: apple, pear, tomatoes, grapes, cherries, oranges
  • Edible Flowers: broccoli heads, cauliflower heads
  • Seeds: sunflower seeds