
Discovery Of Magnets
According to a legend, the first magnet was discovered by a Greek shepherd named Magnes. It is said that the nails in his shoes and the iron tip of his staff got stuck to a large black rock on which he was standing. Greeks named this strange type of rock ‘magnetite’. The Chinese also knew about magnets. Ancient Chinese sailors used magnets for navigation.

Magnets are made of materials that attract objects made of certain substances like iron, cobalt, and nickel.
Magnets come in various shapes and sizes (Fig. 12.1). They can be found as horseshoe, ring, cylindrical, or bar shape.
Not all objects are attracted to magnets. Objects that are attracted by a magnet are said to be magnetic, e.g., iron and nickel. Objects that are not attracted by a magnet, are said to be non-magnetic, e.g., wood and plastic.

What are Magnets?

Magnets are pieces of iron or other materials which exhibit the properties of magnetism i.e. the ability to attract other objects that contain iron. Compass needles, fridge magnets and MRI scanners are some common examples of magnets.

It is said that magnets were discovered after a shepherd named Magnes accidentally got his iron stick stuck to a rock. It was later discovered that the said rock had magnetic properties and was called Magnetite, named so after the shepherd.

These days magnets come in different shapes and forms such as: horseshoe magnet, bar magnet, cylindrical or a ball-ended magnet, needle magnet etc.

Natural Magnet: Magnetite is called natural magnet.

Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials

Magnetic Materials: Materials like nickel, cobalt and iron are called magnetic materials. These materials are attracted to magnets.

Non-Magnetic Materials: Materials like rubber, plastic, cloth, glasses etc. which are not attracted to magnets are referred to as non-magnetic materials.

Types Of Magnets
There are two types of magnets: temporary and permanent. Magnets that retain their magnetic properties only for a short period of time are called temporary magnets. Magnets that retain their magnetic properties for a long period of time are called permanent magnets.

Temporary magnets are usually made of iron, cobalt, or nickel. These materials behave like magnets only when they are near a strong magnet. They quickly lose their magnetic property if the influence of the strong magnet is removed.
Permanent magnets are made from mixtures of iron, cobalt, or nickel with other materials. These make strong magnets and retain their magnetic properties for a long time.

Uses Of Magnets
Magnets have several uses:

  • Credit cards, ATM cards, and identity cards have a strip of magnetic material that stores information.
  • Television and computer monitors use magnets.
  • Computer hard discs and audio and video cassettes have magnetic material that store information.
  • Magnets are used in picking up substances made of iron from scrapyard.