Chapter 9

Data Handling

Introduction to data,

Data handling is appertained to the procedure done to organize the information handed in order to perform fine operations on them.
 Scoring or marks, measuring height/ weight, calculating distance travelled are all data for different situations. In our day-to-day life, raw information or data, in terms of volume or numbers is used regularly.

Below are a many examples.

Classification of data

Tally mark,


 It is a representation in terms of pictures/symbols.


Bar graph

Information is displayed in terms of bars of equal width and equal gap in between. The heights are proportional to the values they represent.

Classification of bar graphs,

Double Bar Graph

 Information is displayed for two sets of data in terms of bars together. This is used for comparison of data.

Multiple Bar Graphs

Multiple bar graphs are a bar graph, which is used for comparing more than one kind of information.

Construct simple bar graph

In the bar graph, the information represented by the bars of the same width with equal gaps but the height of the bars represents the respective values.