Use of "AVoir" verb with subject pronouns

Sentence formation with verb avoir

Introduction to Irregular verb "ÊTRE" (helping verbs is/am/are)

•    Être, which means "to be" in most instances, is used in idiomatic expressions, as an auxiliary verb for some verbs in the compound tenses, and for the passive voice. Note that even though être is the French equivalent of "to be,"
•    It is used with adjectives, nouns, and adverbs to describe a temporary or permanent state of being, such as: Il est beau ("He is handsome").
•    Être is also used to describe someone's profession, as in: Mon père est avocat ("My father is a lawyer").
•    And être can be used with the preposition à plus a stressed pronoun to indicate possession, like this: Ce livre est à moi ("This is my book").

Use of "Être" verb with subject pronouns