Conflict Resolution Strategies

  • Conflicts can be reduced if we know about their causes.
  • The processes that increase conflict can be turned around to reduce it also.

Conflict Resolution Strategies:

Introduction of superordinate goals

By introducing superordinate goals, intergroup conflict can be reduced.

A superordinate goal is mutually beneficial to both parties, hence both groups work cooperatively.

Altering perceptions

Conflicts can also be reduced by altering perceptions and reactions through:

  • Persuasion
  • Educational and media appeals
  • Portrayal of groups differently in society

Promoting empathy for others should be taught to everyone right from the beginning.

Increasing intergroup contacts

Conflict can also be reduced by increasing contacts between the groups which can be done by involving groups in conflict on neutral grounds through community projects and events.

The idea is to bring them together so that they become more appreciative of each other’s stand.

However, for contacts to be successful, they need to be maintained, which means that they should be supported over a period of time.

Redrawing group boundaries

This can be done by creating conditions where groups boundaries are redefined and groups come to perceive themselves as belonging to a common group.


Conflict can also be resolved through negotiations and third party interventions. Warring groups can resolve conflict by trying to find mutually acceptable solutions. This requires understanding and trust.

Negotiation refers to reciprocal communications so as to reach an agreement in situations in which there is a conflict.

Sometimes it is difficult to dissipate conflict through negotiations; at that time mediation and arbitration by a third party is needed.

Mediators help both parties to focus their discussions on the relevant issues and reach a voluntary agreement.

In arbitration, the third party has the authority to give a decision after hearing both parties.

Structural solutions

Conflict can be reduced by redistributing the societal resources according to principles based on justice.

Some of the principles of justice are :

  • equality (allocating equally to every one)
  • need (allocating on the basis of needs)
  • equity (allocating on the basis of contributions of members).

Respect for other group’s norms

In a pluralist society like India, it is necessary to respect and be sensitive to the strong norms of various social and ethnic groups.

Aa number of communal riots between different groups have taken place because of such insensitivity.