Product of Two Vectors and Scalar (or dot) product of two vectors:

  1. scalar product of vectors or dot product
  2. vector product of vectors or cross product

Dot Product of Vectors:

The scalar or dot product of two non-zero vectors a  and b , denoted by a .b  is

a .b  = |a | |b cosθ

where θ is the angle between a  and b  and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π as shown in the figure below.

It is important to note that if either a  = 0  or b  = 0 , then θ is not defined, and in this case

a .b  = 0

 We can express the scalar product as:

where || and || represent the magnitude of the vectors  and  while cos θ denotes the cosine of the angle between both the vectors and .  indicate the dot product of the two vectors.

Projection of Vectors:

BP is known to be the projection of a vector a on vector b in the direction of vector b given by |a| cos θ.

Similarly, the projection of vector b on a vector a in the direction of the vector a is given by |b| cos θ.

The projection of vector    on a vector  

Question: Find the angle between two vectors a  and b  with magnitudes 3 and 2 ,
respectively having 
a .b  = 6.

Solution: By definition of the scalar or dot product of vectors, we know that

a .b  = |a | |b cosθ

where θ is the angle between a  and b . In this question, we have,

|a | = 3, |b | = 2, and a .b  = 6

Replacing these values in the formula, we get             

a .b  = |a | |b cosθ
 6 = 3 x 2 x cosθ
 3 x 232 x 2cosθ

Cancelling the common terms on both sides, we get

1 = 2 x cosθ
Or, cosθ = 12
Therefore, θ = π/4
Hence, the angle between the vectors a  and b  is π/4.

Dot Product Properties of Vector:

  • Property 1: Dot product of two vectors is commutative i.e. a.b = b.a = ab cos θ.
  • Property 2: If a.b = 0 then it can be clearly seen that either b or a is zero or cos θ = 0 
  •   q = π/2
  • Property 3: Also we know that using scalar product of vectors (pa).(qb)=(pb).(qa)=pq (a.b)
  • Property 4: The dot product of a vector to itself is the magnitude squared of the vector i.e. a.a = a.a  cos 0 = a2
  • Property 5: The dot product follows the distributive law also i.e. a.(b + c) = a.b + a.c
  • Property 6: In terms of orthogonal coordinates for mutually perpendicular vectors it is seen that

Example : Let there be two vectors [6, 2, -1] and [5, -8, 2]. Find the dot product of the vectors.


Given vectors: [6, 2, -1] and [5, -8, 2] be a and b respectively.

a.b = (6)(5) + (2)(-8) + (-1)(2)

a.b = 30 – 16 – 2

a.b = 12

Example 2: Let there be two vectors |a|=4 and |b|=2 and θ = 60°. Find their dot product.


a.b = |a||b|cos θ

a.b = 4.2 cos 60°

a.b = 4.2 × (1/2)

a.b = 4

Example :

Find the angle between two vectors





The formula to find the angle between two vectors is given by:


= 1-1-1

= -1


Now, substituting the value in the formula, we get

Cos θ = -⅓

Hence, the angle between two vectors is θ = cos-1(-⅓).

Question:  Ifare such thatis perpendicular to, then find the value of λ.


We know that the