1. Cartesian product and different types of relations


Equivalence Relation

A function is an equivalence relation if a function  satisfies the three conditions

1 the function must be reflexive

2 a function must be symmetric

3 function  is transitive

2. Reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence and equivalence classes

How we will distinguish between one one and many one function

It is also explained as what is the other name of one one function that is one one function is also named as injective function whereas many one function is also known as surjective function

A  function as both one one and onto then it is also known as bijective function

3. Different types of functions their domain and range

This concept is started in class 12 that is what are the commutative and associative properties of the binary functions


a*b=b*a. Commutative property

a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c associative property


How to check whether a function is infimum function or superinfimum function

How will we obtain a binary composition table for any given function