Taylor’s Contribution to Scientific Management

  1. Science not Rule of Thumb:
  • It states that there was only one best method to maximize efficiency.
  • This method can be developed through scientific study and analysis of each element of a job and should substitute ‘Rule of Thumb’.
  •  This standard method should be followed throughout the organization. Involved investigation of traditional methods through work-study, and develop one best method to maximize efficiency
  • Adopt the best practices to  save human energy, wastage of time and materials 
  • Example - Sending information by e-mail instead of a post is more effective
  1. Harmony, Not Discord:
  • There should be absolute understanding and harmony between workers and management.
  • Both should realize that each one is important
  • Management should share the gains of the company with the workers.
  • In return, workers should work hard with discipline and loyalty
  • Prosperity for the employer cannot exist for a long time unless it is accompanied by prosperity for the employees and vice versa’
  1. Cooperation, Not Individualism:
  • Extension of principle of ‘Harmony not discord.
  • Competition should be replaced by cooperation.
  • Management should award workers for giving valuable suggestions and involves in decision making
  • Workers should avoid making unreasonable demands and strikes
  • The employer takes care of the needs of employees, which would prevail as in the case of Japanese companies.
  1. Development of Each and Every Person to His or Her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity:
  • Industrial efficiency depends upon the efficiency of workers. Workers' efficiency depends upon proper training and their selection
  • Employees with the required qualification and experience should be selected.
  • Provide training to the selected employees to make them fit and confident in doing their duties.
  • Assign work that suits her/his physical, mental and intellectual ability
  • Efficient employees would produce more and earn more. This will ensure the greatest efficiency and prosperity for both company and workers

Studies of Taylor

Functional Foremanship:-Separation of planning and execution functions which is extended to the lowest level of the shop floor

  • Extension of the principle of division of work.
  • Each worker will have to take orders from the eight foremen
  • Under the factory manager, there was planning in charge and production in charge.

Planning in charge: In the planning officer, four foremen exist according to Taylor.

  1. Route clerk: specify the route of production
  2. Card and instruction clerk:  issue various instructions to workers to carry on the job
  3. Time and cost clerk:  fix the time for starting and completing of job and prepares a cost sheet.
  4. Disciplinarian:  maintains discipline among the employee.

Production in charge: In the production officer four specialist bosses are existing.

  1. Gang boss: makes arrangements for machinery, material, tools etc. for the job
  2. Speed boss: checks the speed of work and investigates the cause for delays and removes them.
  3. Repair boss: maintains the machinery and other equipment and makes proper repairs.
  4. Inspector: checks the quality of work.

Standardization of Work

Standardization refers to the process of setting standards for every business activity. The company establishes a standard such as product dimensions, size, quality and then the company produces products based on that standard

Process of setting standards for every business activity; it can be standardization of process, raw material, time, product, machinery, methods, or working conditions.

The objectives

  1. Establish standards of quality in materials.
  2. Establish standards of performance of men and machines.
  3. To reduce a given line or product to fixed types, sizes and characteristics.

Simplification of Work

  • Aims at removing unnecessary varieties, sizes and dimensions
  • Simplification aims at eliminating unnecessary diversity of products.
  • It results in savings of costs on labor, machines and tools.
  • It implies reduced inventories, fuller utilization of equipment and increasing turnover.

Method Study

  • Meaning: -find out one best way of doing the job out of various methods
  • Objectives The objective of the whole exercise is to minimize the cost of production and maximize the quality and satisfaction
  • Benefits: - Minimize the cost of production and maximize the quality of the customer
  • Instrument used: process charts and operations research etc

Motion study

  • Meaning:-Motion study refers to the study of movements like lifting, putting objects, sitting and changing positions etc., which are undertaken while doing a typical job. Unnecessary movements are sought to be eliminated so that it takes less time to complete the job efficiently.
  • Purpose:- Possible to find out  motions that are productive  and which are unproductive
  • Benefits:- Unnecessary movements are can be removed so to complete the job efficiently
  • Instruments used:- stopwatches and various symbols and colors

Time Study

Meaning:-Analysis the time taken by each worker to finish a standard

Objective:-Determine number of workers to be employed Determine cost of labor Frame suitable incentive schemes

Benefits: - improving the efficiency of workers by creating time awareness

Example - standard time 1 hour @ 3 boxes, total working hour 7 hour

Instruments used: - stopwatches

Fatigue study

  • There should be proper rest intervals between two work spans.
  • A person will feel tired physically and mentally if she/he does not rest while working.
  • Help workers regain stamina and work again with the same capacity.
  • There can be many causes for fatigue like long working hours, doing unsuitable work, having cordial relations with the boss or bad working conditions, etc.

Differential Piece Wage System

  • Efficient workers are paid at a higher rate for their entire output and a less efficient worker is to be paid less when the production falls below the standard.


  • Standard output per day = 20 units
  • Wage rate for efficient workers =  Rs 50 for standard output/more than standard

Wage rate for inefficient workers.