
  1. Setting Performance Standards:
  • Standards are set-to compare with the actual performance
  • They can be set in both quantitative as well as qualitative terms. I
  • Example:- producing 300 units in a month
  1. Measurement of Actual Performance:
  • Actual Performance is measured using controlling techniques like personal observation, sample checking, and ratio analysis.
  • Example:- Actual production may comes:-  290,250,310,300 units,
  1. Comparing Actual Performance with Standards:
  • Comparison will tell the difference  between actual performance and standards
  • If actual production is 290 unit and standards was 300 units (already fixed). Difference is = -10 units
  1. Examine Deviations:
  • Finding the extent of deviation and causes of deviations
  • Deviations can be observed by using
    1. Critical path control: - focus should on deviation in important areas.
    2. Management by exception:- minor deviation should be avoided
  1. Taking Corrective Action:
  • When the deviations are minor no corrective action is required
  • When differences are major immediate actions are required. For example
    • Training of employees
    • Adding more workers and machines
    • Increasing no of working hours