His theory was based on human needs. He felt that within every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs. These are:

  1. Basic Physiological Needs: for survival in the hierarchy and include Hunger, Thirst, Shelter, and Sleep.
  2. Safety/Security Needs: includes
  • Physical security: includes protection against fire, accidents, disease, crime, etc.
  • Economical security: includes having a permanent job and money to fulfill basic needs permanently.
  • Social security: includes the need for security in old age, illness, disability, etc.
  1. Affiliation/Belonging Needs: Refer to affection, a sense of belongingness; acceptance and friendship can be achieved through teamwork and social interaction.
  2. Esteem Needs: desires of having self-respect and positive self-image and recognition, respect from others, etc. Can be achieved through good job titles, more challenging jobs, granting more authority
  3. Self Actualization Needs: desire to be being everything one is capable of being can be achieved through giving challenging jobs, risky decisions, encouraging creativity


  1. People’s behavior is based on their needs. Satisfaction with such needs influences their behavior.
  2. People’s needs are in hierarchical order, starting from basic needs to other higher-level needs.
  3. A satisfied need can no longer be motivated a person; only the next higher level need can motivate him.
  4. A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the lower need is satisfied.