Deliberately Planned By the Top Management to Achieve the Specified Objectives Through the Network of Authority Responsibility Relationship


  • Created deliberately by management.
  • Results in the creation of a scalar chain.
  • Extra emphasis on work than on interpersonal relationships among employees.
  • Assigned a specific job to each individual and a fixed authority.
  • Motives to organizational goals.


  1. Avoid duplication of effort as each member knows their duties.
  2. Responsibility can be fixed due to well established authority responsibility relationship
  3. Establish unity of command through a chain of command.
  4. Accomplishment of goals by providing a structure where each employee knows their role
  5. Stability to the organization by well-defined job and ensure growth and survival


  1. Talent and creativity of worker is reduced  due to rigid policies
  2. Rigid structures do not allow deviation due to fixed roles assigned to employees
  3. Inter-personal relationship gaps between persons issuing orders and subordinates following orders
  4. Procedural delays increase the time taken for urgent decision-making.


Informal Organization: -Complex network of social relationships which appear unexpectedly to fulfill social and human needs. Features

  • Created automatically without any purposeful efforts by the management.
  • Originates from within the formal organization as a result of personal interactions among employees.
  • Does not follow any fixed path of authority.
  • Employee's behavior is based on convenience  with no definite structure.


  1. Fast:-Information travels very fast as  there is no procedural and language barrier
  2. Add flexibility: - Serves the purpose not fulfilled by the formal organization.
  3. Social needs of the members are fulfilled and give them a sense of belongingness in the organization.
  4. Timely feedback Prescribed lines of communication are not followed and quick feedback gets from informal channels.


  1. Opposition The management may not be successful in implementing changes if the informal organization opposes them.
  2. Promotes groups: - Compels members to agree with the group expectations. This can be harmful  if the rule set by the group are against organizational interests.
  3. Spread rumors: - Due to the fast flow of information it can spread rumors which may work against the goodwill of the formal organization