(i) Calcium Oxide or Quick Lime, CaO

(i) In the manufacture of cement, sodium carbonate, calcium carbide etc.
(ii) Used in the purification of sugar.
(iii) In the manufacture of dye stuffs.

(ii) Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime), Ca(OH)2

Carbonates of alkaline earth metals are thermally unstable and decompose on heating.

Calcium hydroxide is prepared by adding water to quick lime, CaO. It is a white amorphous powder. It is sparingly soluble in water. The aqueous solution is known as lime water and a

suspension of slaked lime in water is known as milk of lime. When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water it turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate.

(i) It is used in the manufacturing of building material.
(ii) Used in white-wash as a disinfectant.
(iii) Used to detect C02 gas in the laboratory.

(iii) Calcium Carbonate or Limestone (CaC03)
Preparation: Calcium carbonate occurs in nature in different forms like limestone, marble, chalk etc. It can be prepared by passing C02 through slaked lime in limited amount.
Ca(OH)2 + C02  ——>  CaC03 + H20

It can also prepared by the reaction of a solution of sodium carbonate with calcium chloride.
CaCl2 + Na2C03  ——>  CaC03 + 2NaCl

(i) In the manufacturing of Quick Lime.
(ii) With MgC03 used as flux in the extraction of metals.
(iii) Used as an antacid.
(iv) In the manufacture of high quality paper.

(iv) Calcium Sulphate (Plaster of Paris) CaS04-1/2H20
Preparation: It is obtained when gypsum CaS04– 2 H20 is heated to 393 K
2(CaS04-2H20) ———-> 2(CaS04) . H20 + 3H20
Above 393 K anhydrous CaS04 is formed, which is called ‘dead burnt plaster’.

(i) It is a white atmosphous powder.
(ii) When it is mixed in adequate quantity of water it forms a plastic hard mass within 15 minutes.

(i) Commonly used in making pottery, ceramics etc.
(ii) Used in the surgical bandages for setting the fractured bone or sprain.
(iii) For making statues, ornamental work, decorative material etc.

(v) Cement
Preparation: Prepared by combining a material rich in CaO with other material such as clay, which contains Si02 along with the oxides of aluminium, iron and magnesium.

Important Ingredients of portland cement:
(Ca2Si04) dicalcium silicate 26%
(Ca2SiO4) Tricalcium silicate 51%
(Ca3Al206) Tricalcium Aluminate 11%

In plastering and in construction purposes.
• s-block elements constitute Group I and II elements.
• General electronic configuration of
Group I = [Noble gas] ns1
Group II = [Noble gas] ns2
• Diagonal Relationship

The first three elements of second period (Li, Be, B) show diagonal similarity with the elements (Mg, Al, Si) of third period. Such similarities are termed as diagonal relationship.
• The alkali metals are silvery-white soft metals. They are highly reactive. Their aqueous solutions are strongly alkaline in nature. Their atomic and ionic sizes increase on moving down the group and ionization enthalpies decrease systematically down the group.
• Alkaline earth metals. They are much similar to alkali metals but due to small size some differences are there. Their oxides and hydroxides are less basic than the alkali metals.
• Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is prepared by the electrolysis of aq NaCl in Castner- Kellner cell.
Slaked lime Ca(OH)2 is formed by the action of quick lime on water.
• Gypsum is CaS04. 2 H20. On heating upto 390 K CaS04/2H20 (plaster of paris) is formed.