Valence bond theory was introduced by Heitler and London (1927) and developed by Pauling and others. It is based on the concept of atomic orbitals and the electronic configuration of the atoms.
Let us consider the formation of hydrogen molecule based on valence-bond theory.
Let two hydrogen atoms A and B having their nuclei N and N and electrons present in them are eA and e.
As these two atoms come closer new attractive and repulsive forces begin to operate.
(i) The nucleus of one atom is attracted towards its own electron and the electron of the other and vice versa.
(ii) Repulsive forces arise between the electrons of two atoms and nuclei of two atoms. Attractive forces tend to bring the two atoms closer whereas repulsive forces tend to push them apart.

• Orbital Overlap Concept
According to orbital overlap concept, covalent bond formed between atoms results in the overlap of orbitals belonging to the atoms having opposite spins of electrons. Formation of hydrogen molecule as a result of overlap of the two atomic orbitals of hydrogen atoms is shown in the figures that follows:

Stability of a Molecular orbital depends upon the extent of the overlap of the atomic orbitals.

• Types of Orbital Overlap
Depending upon the type of overlapping, the covalent bonds are of two types, known as sigma (σ ) and pi (π) bonds.
(i) Sigma (σ bond): Sigma bond is formed by the end to end (head-on) overlap of bonding orbitals along the internuclear axis.
The axial overlap involving these orbitals is of three types:

• s-s overlapping: In this case, there is overlap of two half-filled s-orbitals along the internuclear axis as shown below:

• s-p overlapping: This type of overlapping occurs between half-filled s-orbitals of one atom and half filled p-orbitals of another atoms.

• p-p overlapping: This type of overlapping takes place between half filled p-orbitals of the two approaching atoms.

(ii) pi (π bond): π bond is formed by the atomic orbitals when they overlap in such a way that their axes remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the internuclear axis.The orbital formed is due to lateral overlapping or side wise overlapping.

• Strength of Sigma and pf Bonds
Sigma bond (σ bond) is formed by the axial overlapping of the atomic orbitals while the π-bond is formed by side wise overlapping. Since axial overlapping is greater as compared to side wise. Thus, the sigma bond is said to be stronger bond in comparison to a π-bond.
Distinction between sigma and n bonds