(a) Oxides: Alkali metals when burnt in the air form oxides. The nature of oxides depends upon the nature of the alkali metal.

Under ordinary conditions, lithium forms the monoxide (Li2O), sodium forms the peroxide (Na2O2) and the other alkali metals form mainly superoxides (MO2) along with a small number of peroxides.

The increasing stability of the peroxide or superoxide, as the size of the metal ion increases, is due to the stabilization of large anions by larger cations through lattice energy effects. These oxides are easily hydrolysed by water to form the hydroxides according to the following reactions:
M2O + H2O → 2M+ + 2OH
M2O2 + 2H2O → 2M+ + 2OH + O2
2MO2 + 2H2O → 2M+ + 2OH + H2O2 + O2

The oxides and the peroxides are colourless, but the superoxides are yellow or orange coloured. The superoxides are also paramagnetic. Sodium peroxide is widely used as an oxidizing agent in inorganic chemistry.

(b) Hydroxides: Alkali metal hydroxides, MOH are prepared, by dissolving the corresponding oxide in water. Their solubility in the water further increases as we move down the group due to a decrease in lattice energy.


1. These are white crystalline solid, highly soluble in water and alcohols. Their solubility in the water further increases as we move down the group due to a decrease in lattice energy.

2. Since alkali metals are highly electropositive, their hydroxides form the strongest bases known. They dissolve in water with the evolution of much heat to give a strongly alkaline solution.

3. They melt without decomposition and are good conductors of electricity in the fused state.

4. These are stable to heat and do not lose water even at red heat. The thermal stability increases on moving from Li to Cs. However, they sublime at about 400°C and the vapours mainly consists of dimers. (MOH)2.

(c) Halides: Alkali metal halides arc prepared by the direct combination of the element, M and halogens. They are normally represented by the formula MX and Cs and Rb, being of large size, also form Polyhalides, i.e. Csl3


1. All alkali halides except lithium fluoride are freely soluble in water (LiF is soluble in non-polar solvents).

2. They have high melting and boiling points.

3. Solubility of halides of alkaline metals: The solubility of alkali metal halides show a gradation. For example

4. They are good conductors of electricity infused state.

5. They have an ionic crystal structure. However, lithium halides have a partly covalent character due to polarising power of Li+ ions.

(d) Carbonates and bicarbonates: All alkali metals from carbonates of the type M2CO3. Due to the high electropositive nature of the alkali metals, their carbonates (and also the bicarbonates) are highly stable to heat (however, lithium carbonate decomposes easily by heat. Further, as the electropositive character increases in moving down the group, the stability of carbonates (and bicarbonates) increases in the same order.

Both carbonates and bicarbonates are quite soluble in water and their solubility increases as we move down the group from Li to Cs. Since carbonates are salts of a weak acid (carbonic acid H2CO3), they are hydrolysed in water to give a basic solution.
2M+ + CO3 + H – OH = 2M+ + HCO32- + OH

Since the alkali metals are highly electropositive, these are the only elements that form stable solid carbonates. However, lithium due to its less electropositive nature does not form solid bicarbonate.

(e) Hydrides: Alkaline metals form hydrides of the type M+N. The presence of hydrogen as an anion in alkali metal hydrides is evidenced by the fact that on electrolysis hydrogen is liberated at the anode. The hydrides are not very stable. They react with water liberating hydrogen
LiH + H2O → LiOH + H2

These hydrides are, therefore, used as reducing agents. Lithium aluminium hydride, LiAlH4 is even a stronger reducing agent and is used in organic chemistry.