Nitrogen is the most prevalent element in living organisms.

The atmosphere contain near about 78% of N2 by volume.

Plants compete with microbes for the limited nitrogen that is available in soil.

Thus, it is a limiting nutrient for both natural and agricultural ecosystems.

N2 cycle can be conveniently discussed under the following steps

(i)   N2 fixation     (ii) Ammonification    (iii) Nitrification    (iv) Denitrificatio

Figure: The Nitrogen Cycle


Nitrogen exists as two nitrogen atoms joined by a very strong triple covalent bond (N º N).

The process of conversion dinitrogen (N2) to ammonia is termed as nitrogen fixation.

Following are the methods of N2-fixation:

A. Physico-Chemical method : During thunder, lightening and by using UV rays, atmospheric N2 and oxygen combine to form oxides of nitrogen which form nitrous and nitric acid with water. This may form nitrates of calcium, potassium and ammonium.

B. Industrial N2 fixation: Industrial combustions, forest fires, automobile exhausts and power generating stations are also sources of atmospheric nitrogen oxides.

C. Biological N2 fixation : Only certain prokaryotic species are capable of fixing N2. Biological N2 fixation may be asymbiotic, symbiotic or through loose symbiosis. Biological N2 fixation is called diazotrophy and agents of this process are called diazotrophs.

Some important N2 fixing organisms

(a) Asymbiotic N2 fixers:


(i)   Aerobic Azotobacter, Beijerinckia

(ii)  Facultative AerobicKlebsiella, Bacillus

(iii) AnaerobicClostridium

(iv) Photosynthetic Chromatium, Rhodospirillum

Blue Green Algae – Anabaena, Aulosira, Nostoc, Scytonema etc. Heterocyst is present in these blue green algae which is responsible for N2 fixation

(b)    Symbiotic N2 fixers:

(i) In root nodule of legumes – Rhizobium

(ii) In root nodule of Alnus, Casuarina, MyricaFrankia

(iii) In leaf nodule of Dioscorea, Pavetta and Psychotria Klebsiella

(iv) In coralloid root of CycasAnabaena cycadae

(v) In fronds of AzollaAnabaena azollae

(vi) In thallus of Anthoceros Nostoc

(c) Intermediate: Loose symbiosis with the roots of Sorghum, Zea etc. by Azospirillum.

Rhizobium -Legume Symbiosis

Principal stages of nodule formation are summarised as follows:

1. Rhizobia are Gram negative aerobic rod-shaped bacteria. This genus is responsible for symbiotic N2 fixation in legumes

Figure: Development of root nodules in legumes

2.Legume roots secrete some specific chemicals (e.g., Flavinoids) which attract the bacteria. Rhizobia multiply an colonise-the surroundings of roots and get attached to epidermal root hair cells.

3.The root hairs curl by the action of nod factors secreted by bacteria and the bacteria invade the root hair.

4.An infection thread is produced, carrying the bacteria into the cortex region of root.

5.Cortical cells are stimulated divide rapidly. It is due to auxins secreted by plants and cytokinins secreted by bacteria.

6.Bacteria enters only polyploid cells of cortex. Some of them enlarge and become membrane bound structures called bacteroids. These form the seat of N2 fixation. These specialised cortical cells now form nodules. Nodules establish a direct vascular connection with the host for exchange of nutrients.

7.The nodules contain a red coloured pigment called leghaemoglobin (LHb). The globin part of leghaemoglobin is formed by host genome, while the heme portion is formed by bacteria.

8.This pigment is O2 carrier and is also called scavenger of O2.

9. Nitrogenase enzyme (synthesized by nif genes of bacteria) is required to fix N2. It is an O2 sensitive enzyme made up of two unequal sub units. Large component has Fe-Mo moiety, while, small component has only Fe-moiety. Here Mo acts as an acceptor and donor of electrons, when N2 is reduced to NH3 LHb maintains anaerobic conditions.

10.N2 fixation requires energy, so it is an active process.

N2 + 8e + 8H+ + l6 ATP —® 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi

11.N2 fixation occurs under the controJ of plant nod gene and bacterial nod, nif and fix gene cluster.

12.During this process, atmospheric N2 is reduced by the addition of hydrogen atom.

13.Strong reducing agents e.g., NADPH2, FMNH2, Ferredoxin are also required.

14.Donor of electron and H+ is generally glucose-6-phosphate; certain cofactors like -TPP, Mg++ and CoA are also involved.

15. ATP is provided by the host respiration process.

16.NH3 so formed is used for the synthesis of amino acids. These acts as building blocks for the synthesis of various types of protein.


Plants absorb inorganic nitrogen and convert it into proteins

 After the death of organisms and plants, proteins are broken into ammonia by the following two steps:

(a)  Proteolysis: It is breakdown of protein

(b) Deamination : Ammonia is released from the amino acids.

Amino acid + H2O organic acid + ammonia

It is done by Bacillus ramosus, B. vulgaris, and B. mycoides. This ammonia is converted into nitrate which is absorbed by' the plants.


It is oxidation of ammonia into nitrate, it involves following steps:

   (a)     Conversion of ammonia into nitrate

2NH3 + 3O2  2NO2 + 2H+ + 2H2O + Energy

(b)     Conversion of nitrite into nitrate.

2NO2 + O2  2NO3 + energy

Nitrate assimilation : Nitrate cannot be used by the plant as such. It is first converted into ammonia before being incorporated into organic compounds. Nitrate is reduced in two steps -

The process of nitrate reduction to ammonia is called nitrate assimilation and is accomplished in two steps mediated by two specific enzymes:

(a)     First, the nitrate is reduced to nitrite by an enzyme called nitrate reductase. This enzyme is a flavoprotein and contains molybdenum.

(b)     The nitrite ions are then reduced to ammonia by an enzyme called nitrite reductase. Ferredoxin is the most direct source of electrons for nitrite reduction and hence, it occurs specifically in leaves. Therefore, nitrite ions formed in other parts of the plant are tranported to leaves and further reduced to ammonia. Nitrite reductase does not require molybdenum but contains copper and iron.

Ammonia thus formed, is fixed by the organic acids to produce amino acids which form other nitrogenous compounds.


Nitrates are broken down into gaseous nitrogen or nitrolls oxides by some microorganisms.

It is called denitrification e.g., Thiobacillus denitrificans, Micrococcus denitrificans, Pseudomonas denitrificans.


At physiological pH, the ammonia is protonated to form NH4+ ions, which is quite toxic to plants and hence cannot be accumulated by them. This is commonly used up to synthesize ­

(a) Amino acids and or        (b) Amides

(a) Amino Acids

Amino acids are generally the initial products of N2 assimilation. Mainly, these two processes are used by plants to synthesise amino acid :

(i) Reductive Amination : In this process, NH3 reacts with a-ketoglutaric acid and forms glutamic acid.

   a-Ketoglutaric acid + NH4+ + NAD(P)H  Glutamic acid + H2O + NAD (P).

(ii)     Transamination : It involves the transfer of amino group from one amino acid to the keto group of other keto acid.

Glutamic acid is the main amino acid from which other 17 amino acids are formed through transamination. Enzyme required for this reaction is transaminase.

(b) Amides

­Two most important amides present in plants are asparagine and glutamine.

These are formed from two amino acids, glutamic acid and aspartic acid.

For this reaction, glutamine synthetase and asparagine synthetase are required respectively.

Amides contain more N2 than amino acids and are structural part of most proteins, these are transported through xylem vessels.

Inaddition, along with the transpiration stream the nodules of some plants (e.g., soyabean) export the fixed nitrogen as ureides (allantoin, allantoic acid and citrulline).

Important definitions/ formulae:

Some important N2 fixing organisms

(a) Asymbiotic N2 fixers:


(i) Aerobic Azotobacter, Beijerinckia

(ii) Facultative AerobicKlebsiella, Bacillus

(iii) AnaerobicClostridium

(iv)      Photosynthetic Chromatium, Rhodospirillum

Blue Green Algae – Anabaena, Aulosira, Nostoc, Scytonema etc. Heterocyst is present in these blue green algae which is responsible for N2 fixation.

(b) Symbiotic N2 fixers:

(i) In root nodule of legumes – Rhizobium

(ii) In root nodule of Alnus, Casuarina, MyricaFrankia

(iii) In leaf nodule of Dioscorea, Pavetta and Psychotria Klebsiella

(iv) In coralloid root of CycasAnabaena cycadae

(v) In fronds of AzollaAnabaena azollae

(vi) In thallus of Anthoceros Nostoc

(c) Intermediate: Loose symbiosis with the roots of Sorghum, Zea etc. by Azospirillum.