(i) Differentiation: It is permanent qualitative change in structure, chemistry and physiology of cell wall and protoplasm of cells, their tissues and organs.

(ii) Dedifferentiation : It is the process of despecialisation of differentiated living cells so that they regain the capacity to divide and form new cells.

(iii) Redifferentiation: Structural, chemical and physiological specialisation of cells derived from dedifferentiated meristematic cells is called redifferentiation.

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Some examples of differenentiation

(i) Enlargement, lignocellulosic secondary wall thickening and loss of protoplasm in case of tracheary elements.

(ii) Loss of end walls in case of vessel elements.

(iii) Loss of nucleus and perforations in sieve tube members.

(iv) Deposition of suberin and tannins in cells.

(v) Differential wall thickening (in guard cells).

(vi) Secretion of mucilage in root cap.