The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?


The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?


The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?


The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?


The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?


The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?


The Nationalist Movement in Indo - China

French colonialism in Indo-China.


Emerging from shadow of china 
     Indo-china comprises of the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
     Different groups of people living in this area are under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. 
This is because :
    (i)     Even today the rules of northern and central Vietnam continue to maintain the chinese system of government as well as chinese culture.
    (ii)     Vietnam was also linked to the ‘maritime silk route that brought in goods, people and ideas from China. Other networks of trade connected the hinterlands where non-Vietnamese people such as khmer Cambodias lived.

    Colonial Domination and Resistance
    Vietnam was colonised by French.
    On one hand France controlled military and economic domination and on other hand tried to reshape the culture of Vietnamess.
    The people opposed the french and their policies which led to development of Nationalism in Vietnam.
    Stages in Freanch colonisation
    (i)     1858 – French troops landed in Vietnam.
    (ii)     Mid 1880 – French established firm grip over northern region.
    (iii)     1887 – After Franco-chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam leading to the formation of French Indo-china.

    Why the French thought Colonies Necessary
    Colonies were considered essential to supply natural resources and other essential goods.France also thought it was the mission of the’ advanced’ European countries to bring the benefits of civilisation to backward peoples.
    (i)    The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong delta to increase cultivation.
    (ii)    The vast system of irrigation works -canals and earthworks - built mainly with forced labour, increased rice production and allowed the export of rice to the international market. 
    (iii)    Vietnam exported two-thirds of its rice production and by 1931 had become the third largest exporter of rice in the world.
    (iv)    This was followed by infrastructure projects to help transport goods for trade, move military garrisons and control the entire region. Construction of a trans-lndo-China rail network that would link the northern and southern parts of Vietnam and China had begun.

    Should Colonies be Developed?
    Some like Paul Bernard, an influential writer and policy-maker, strongly believed that the economy of the colonies needed to be developed. 
    (i)    He argued that the purpose of acquiring colonies was to make profits. Bernard suggested that there were several barriers to economic “growth in Vietnam: high population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants. If the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French business.
    (ii)    To reduce rural poverty and increase agricultural productivity it was necessary to carry out land reforms.
    (iii)    The colonial economy in Vietnam was, however, primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail and port facilities were set up to service this sector. 
    Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in the rubber plantations.

    The Dilemma of Colonial Education
    French colonisation was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising mission’. The French claimed that they were bringing modern civilisation to the Vietnamese. They took it for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilisation. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development’.
    Education was seen as one way to civilise the ‘native’. But in order to educate them the French needed an educated local labour force but they feared that education might create problems. 
    (i)    Once educated, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
    (ii)    Moreover, French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs-as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen - to the educated Vietnamese. So they opposed policies that would give the Vietnamese full access to French education. 

    Talking Modern
    The French were faced with yet another problem in the sphere of education: the elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional educational system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 
    (i)    Some policymakers emphasised the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilisation of France. This would help create an ‘Asiatic France solidly tied to European France’. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals, see the superiority of French culture, and work for the French. 
    (ii)    Others were opposed to French being the only medium of instruction. They suggested that Vietnamese be taught in lower classes and French in the higher classes. The few who learnt French and acquired French culture were to be rewarded with French citizenship.
    (iii)    Only the Vietnamese elite - comprising a small fraction of the population-could enroll in the schools, and only a few among those admitted ultimately passed the school-leaving examination. This was largely because of a deliberate policy of failing students, particular  in the final year, so that they could not qualify for the better-paid jobs.
    (iv)    School textbooks glorified the French and justified colonial rule. The Vietnamese were represented as primitive and backward, capable of manual labour but not of intellectual reflection; they could work in the fields but not rule themselves; they were ‘skilled copyists’ but not creative. School children were told that only French rule could ensure peace in Vietnam.

     Looking Modern
    The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education. This education included classes in science, hygiene and French (these classes were held in the evening and had to be paid for separately). The school’s approach to what it means to be ‘modern’ is a good example of the thinking prevalent at that time. It was not enough to learn science and Western ideas: to be modern the Vietnamese had to also look modern.The school encouraged the adoption of Western styles such as having a short haircut. For the Vietnamese this meant a major break with their own identity since they traditionally kept long hair.

    Resistance in Schools
    Teachers and students did not blindly follow the curriculum. Sometimes there was open opposition, at other times there was silent resistance. 
    It became difficult to control what was actually taught. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticised what was stated.
    In 1926 a major protest erupted in the Saigon Native Girls School. A Vietnamese girl sitting in one of the front seats was asked to move to the back of the class and allow a local French student to occupy the front bench.
    Elsewhere, students fought against the colonial government’s efforts to prevent the Vietnamese from qualifying for white-collar jobs. They were inspired by patriotic feelings and the conviction that it was the duty of the educated to fight for the benefit of society. This brought them into conflict with the French as well as the traditional elite, since both saw their positions threatened.
    Schools became an important place for political and cultural battles. The French sought to strengthen their rule in Vietnam through the control of education. They tried to change the values, norms and perceptions of the people, to make them believe in the superiority of French civilisation and the inferiority of the Vietnamese. 
    Vietnamese intellectuals, on the other hand, feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but its very identity: its own culture and customs were being devalued and the people were developing a master-slave mentality.

Illustration 1
    Why it is said that Indo-China had ‘Emerged from shadow of China’?
    Indo-China comprise of countries Vietnams, Laos and Cambodia. They still follow the Chinese system of governence and culture. They are closely connected to China through maritime silks route. 

Illustration 2
    Why French thought that colonisation was necessary?
    French thought colononisation was necessary because :
    (i)     Colonies can be used for supplying natural resources and other essential goods.
    (ii)     Advanced European countries have a mission to bring the benifits of civilization to backward peoples of the colonies.

Illustration 3
    What was the dilemma of colonial education?
    On one hand the French needed the educated labour force on the other hand educated people of colonies may question the colonial domination.

Illustration 4
    How silent resistance started in the schools of Vietnam.
    It was difficult to check what was being tanght in the class. The teachers in Vietnam quitely modified the text while teaching and criticised what was stated in the texts. This started the silent resistance in the schools of Vietnam. 

Illustration 5
    What steps were suggested by French policy makers to counter the impact of Chinese culture from Vietnam?
    French policy makers suggested that in schools of Vietnam French language should be used as medium of instruction. So that the Vietnamese people may come under French culture creating an Asiatic France tied to influence of European France.
    Try yourself

1    How nationalism developed in Vietnam?
2    What do you mean by civilizing mission?
3.    How France tried to consolidate their rule in Vietnam through textbooks?