1.Chemical Equations

NCERT Solutions -Class 10 -Chemical Reactions and Equations


Chemical Reaction

When two or more substance react with each other to form one or more new substance this is called chemical reaction


The substances which reacts with each other in a chemical reaction are known as reactants they are generally written on the left hand side of the equation


The substances which are formed in a chemical reaction are known as product they are generally written on the right hand side of the equation


Chemical reactions can be of different types


1) Combination reaction-- when two or more substances combine together to form a new substance is called combination reaction




A+B ------C


Two substances A and B are combined together to form a new substance C






2) Decomposition reaction-- when a substance decomposes into two or more substances is called decomposition reaction






The compound C decomposes to two compounds A and. B



ZnCO3------Zn + CO2



The composition of a compound can be done by either of the methods


 --- by thermal decomposition 

--- by electrolysis 

-----by photolysis reaction 


3) Displacement Reaction 


When an element of a compound displaces by another element during a chemical reaction is known as displacement reaction






In above equation element C displaces element B of the compound AB so this type of reaction is known as displacement reaction


2HCl+Mg------MgCl2 + H2



4) Double displacement reaction


When elements of compounds and exchanged each other in a chemical reaction what is known as double displacement reaction






In the above reaction elements of the compound AB and elements of the compounds CD are exchange together to form a compounds AD and BC


2KBr+BaI2-------2KI. + BaBr2


Types of reactions positive ion of one compound reacts with negative ions of another compound similarly in negative ions of the first compound combines with positive

Redox Reaction

The reaction in which there is a oxidation and reduction both occurs is known as red oxide reaction in this type of reaction there is gain of electron in one element and loss of electrons in an atom


The element which gains electrons undergoes oxidation reaction it can also be defined as addition of oxygen is known as oxidation reaction


The element which loses electron undergoes reduction reaction or in other words addition of hydrogen is known as reduction reaction


The substance which undergoes oxidation is known as reducing agent

The substance which undergoes reduction is known as oxidising agent

Limiting Reagent

The substance which consumes completely in a chemical reaction is called limiting reagent generali on limiting reagent decide the extent of a chemical reaction