1.Euclid's division lemma

3.Irrational and Rational Numbers

There are two types of Real numbers



Rational numbers are of form p/q and terminating. Eg 5/7


Irrational numbers are repeated eg √2+5

1.Zeros of Polynomial

Zeros of polynomial 

2x²+3x+5 = 0 find x=-1 is zero of polynomial or not 

We put value of x in above equation



4 which is not equal to zero so it is not zero of polynomial 

If after calculation its value becomes zero then that was zero of polynomial

1.Distance Formula

Distance formula


Find distance between points A(2,1) and B (3,6)




1.Perimeter and Area of a Circle

Perimeter of circle = 2πr 

Area of circle =πr²

Find perimeter and area of circle for radius 7cm 

Perimeter = 2π×7 = 14π cm 

Area = πr²= π7×7= 49 π cm²

2.Solution of Quadratic Equation by Squaring Method

3.Determination of Types of Roots

Determination of roots

ax²+bx+c = 0 

discriminant =✓b²-4ac 

If discriminant is greater than 0 then roots are real and unequal

If discriminant is equal to zero roots are equal

If discriminant is less than zero roots are imaginary 


2.Nth Term of Arithmetic Progression

Nth term of AP 

a+(n-1) d

Where a. is first term d is common difference and n is number of terms 

Que find 5th term for series


a= 2.    d=4-2=2.   n = 5

T(5) = 2+(5-1)2

         = 2+4×2

         = 2+8=10

3.Sum of N Terms of Arithmetic Progression

Sum of series 

S= n/2{2a+(n-1)d}

Find sum of series for 

3,6,9,12....... Up to 20 terms 

first term 3

common difference 6-3=3

number of terms n=20 

S = 20/2 {2×3+(20-1)×3}

    = 10 {6+19×3}

   = 10 × {6+57}

    = 630

2.Number of Tangents from a Point on the Circle