
The Proposal

By Anton Chekow

The Proposal Introduction

The Proposal is a one-act play that begins with a young man, Lomov, proposing to his neighbor's daughter. They have an argument about Oxen Meadows before he can actually tell the girl. The lady's father, Chubukov, also joins the heated debate. After that, they get into another argument about their dogs and which one is superior to the other. In the midst of all of this, the proposal is forgotten until Lomov collapses from palpitations and Chubukov immediately places her daughter's hands in Lomov's. Unfortunately, the squabbles continue.

The Proposal Summary

Lomov enters his neighbour Chubukov's house fully dressed in his evening attire as the curtain rises. Chubukov is surprised to see him dressed up and inquires about the occasion. Lomov explains that he came to make a request. Chubukov believes he has come to ask for money, which he does not intend to give. When it is revealed that Lomov has come to ask Chubulov's daughter, Natalya, for her hand in marriage, Chubukov becomes ecstatic and rushes off to call Natalya. Lomov is a 35-year-old man who has palpitations, gets easily upset, and has trouble sleeping.

He believes that this is the best age for him to marry, and he is relieved that he has made up his mind about Natalya. Natalya, he says, is average-looking and a good housekeeper. When Natalya arrives, Lomov begins the conversation by expressing his gratitude and happiness that both of their families have been on good terms since the beginning. While continuing to discuss his land, he mentions Oxen Meadows, which was previously disputed but is now his. Natalya couldn't believe what he was saying because she believes Oxen Meadows is her family's property. Both of them get into a heated debate and act childishly when Chubukov walks in to add fuel to the fire.

They scream and shout while Lomov suffers from extreme heart pounding, a side pull, and a numb foot. They evict Lomov from the house and continue to curse him. While speaking negatively about him, Chubukov unintentionally reveals that he had brought Natalya a marriage proposal, which surprises Natalya, and she immediately regrets sending him out. She tells her father to bring him back right away, and Chubukov curses himself for having a grown-up daughter. When Lomov returns, Natalya attempts to change the subject and begins talking about shooting. They get into an argument about their dogs in some way. Natalya believes that her Squeezer is superior to Lomov's Guess.

They continue to argue when Chubukov enters the scene, only to exacerbate the situation once more. Everyone becomes agitated, and Lomov collapses as a result of his palpitations. Even so, the cursing continues until Natalya notices he is unconscious. They attempt to force water down his throat but are unsuccessful and declare him dead. Only when Lomov moves a little do they give him some water and Chubukov forcibly hands Natalya's hands over to him, blesses them, and asks them to kiss. Lomov, who is still not fully conscious, has no idea what is going on.

When he finally comes to, he expresses his joy by kissing Natalya's hands. Natalya, being the child that she is, manipulates him into believing that Squeezer is superior to Guess, but Lomov, being the stubborn man that he is, refuses to accept it. As a result, the squabbling has resumed.

The Proposal Lesson Explanation

‘The Proposal’ (originally titled ‘A Marriage Proposal’) is a one-act play, a farce, by the Russian short story writer and dramatist Anton Chekhov. It was written in 1888–89.
The play is about the tendency of wealthy families to seek ties with other wealthy families, to increase their estates by encouraging marriages that make good economic sense. Ivan Lomov, a long time wealthy neighbour of Stepan Chubukov, also wealthy, comes to seek the hand of Chubukov’s twenty-five-year-old daughter, Natalya. All three are quarrelsome people, and they quarrel over petty issues. The proposal is in danger of being forgotten amidst all this quarrelling. But economic good sense ensures that the proposal is made, after all — although the quarrelling perhaps continues!

  • Farce: a comic dramatic work

The play's original title was 'A Marriage Proposal,' and it was written by Russian writer Anton Chekov. He demonstrates how the wealthy want to marry their children into other wealthy families in order to increase their wealth. The characters are abrasive and frequently get into fights over trivial matters. Nonetheless, they recall the marriage proposal, which will bring financial benefits and finalise the wedding amidst the fighting.


NATALYA STEPANOVNA : his daughter, twenty-five years old
IVAN VASSILEVITCH LOMOV : a neighbour of Chubukov, a large and hearty, but very suspicious, landowner

A drawing-room in Chubukov‘s house. Lomov enters, wearing a dress-jacket and white gloves. Chubukov rises to meet him.

The curtain rises in Chubukov's drawing room, and Lomov enters dressed to the nines. Chubukov rises to greet him.

CHUBUKOV : My dear fellow, whom do I see! Ivan Vassilevitch! I am extremely glad! [Squeezes his hand] Now this is a surprise, my darling… How are you?

Chubukov greets his neighbour Ivan Vassilevitch politely and inquires about his well-being. While shaking hands, he inquires about Lomov's visit.

LOMOV : Thank you. And how may you be getting on?

Lomov inquires about Chubukov's condition while thanking him for inquiring about his well-being.

CHUBUKOV : We just get along somehow, my angel, thanks to your prayers, and so on. Sit down, please do… Now, you know, you shouldn’t forget all about your neighbours, my darling. My dear fellow, why are you so formal in your get-up! Evening dress, gloves, and so on. Can you be going anywhere, my treasure?

Chubukov responds by saying that they manage to live peacefully with the help of people like Lomov. He invites him to take a seat and relax. He is taken aback by his formal evening attire and questions the occasion. Chubukov speaks in a very polite manner, so he frequently refers to Lomov as'my angel,"my treasure,' and so on.

LOMOV : No. I’ve come only to see you, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch.

Lomov responds that there is no special occasion and that he has simply come to see the revered Stepan Stepanovitch.

CHUBUKOV : Then why are you in evening dress, my precious? As if you’re paying a New Year’s Eve visit!

Chubukov, still intrigued, asks him about the significance of Lomov's attire, as it appears to him that Lomov is paying them a New Year's Eve visit.

LOMOV : Well, you see, it’s like this. [Takes his arm] I’ve come to you, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch, to trouble you with a request. Not once or twice have I already had the privilege of applying to you for help, and you have always, so to speak… I must ask your pardon, I am getting excited. I shall drink some water, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch. [Drinks.]

  • Privilege- advantage

With all due respect, Lomov grabs Chubukov's arm and expresses his desire to bother him with a request. Lomov expresses his gratitude by mentioning the times Chubukov has assisted him, and as he continues to speak, he becomes excited. He drinks water to calm himself.

CHUBUKOV : [aside] He’s come to borrow money. Shan’t give him any! [aloud] What is it, my beauty?

  • Shan’t- shall not

Chubukov believes Lomov has come to ask for money, which he has no intention of giving him. He then inquires about the matter at hand.

LOMOV : You see, Honoured Stepanitch… I beg pardon Stepan Honouritch… I mean, I’m awfully excited, as you will please notice… In short, you alone can help me, though I don’t deserve it, of course… and haven’t any right to count on your assistance…

  • Pardon- forgive or excuse (a person, error or offence)
  • Awfully- very; extremely
  • Assistance- the action of helping someone

Lomov was so excited and nervous that he couldn't even speak properly, and he couldn't even remember Chubukov's name. He begs Chubukov's pardon for his obvious excitement. Lomov tells him that he is the only one who can help him in this situation, despite the fact that he does not deserve it and has no right to ask for it.

CHUBUKOV : Oh, don’t go round and round it, darling! Spit it out! Well?

  • Go round and round- not coming to the main point
  • Spit it out- speak out

Chubukov didn't understand what Lomov was talking about, so he told him to speak up.

LOMOV : One moment… this very minute. The fact is I’ve come to ask the hand of your daughter, Natalya Stepanovna, in marriage.

  • To seek the hand of a girl in marriage- to propose

Lomov finally speaks up, only to admit that he came to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.

CHUBUKOV : [joyfully] By Jove! Ivan Vassilevitch! Say it again — I didn’t hear it all!

  • By Jove- By God

Chubukov, enthralled by what he has just heard, requests that Lomov repeat what he has just said.

LOMOV : I have the honour to ask…

Lomov is interrupted by Chubukov, who is very excited, as soon as he continues to repeat his words.

CHUBUKOV : [interrupting] My dear fellow… I’m so glad, and so on… Yes, indeed, and all that sort of thing. [Embraces and kisses Lomov] I’ve been hoping for it for a long time. It’s been my continual desire. [Sheds a tear] And I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son. May God give you both — His help and His love and so on, and so much hope… What am I behaving in this idiotic way for? I’m off my balance with joy, absolutely off my balance! Oh, with all my soul… I’ll go and call Natasha, and all that.

  • Desire- a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
  • Idiotic- very stupid; silly

Extremely pleased Chubukov expresses his joy and contentment. He was at a loss for words to express his joy. Overwhelmed by the fulfilment of his long-awaited desire, he kissed Lomov. He couldn't help but cry when he heard the news. He gave his blessing to both Lomov and his daughter Natasha before realising he had been acting foolishly. He then calls Natasha to inform her of the wonderful news.

LOMOV : [greatly moved] Honoured Stepan Stepanovitch, do you think I may count on her consent?

  • Consent- agreement to do something

Lomov inquires of Chubukov whether Natalya will agree to the marriage.

CHUBUKOV : Why, of course, my darling, and… as if she won’t consent! She’s in love; egad, she’s like a lovesick cat, and so on. Shan’t be long! [Exit.]

  • Egad- exclamation (expressing surprise, anger, or affirmation)
  • Lovesick- longing, yearning or desiring

Chubukov expresses his belief that Natalya will not refuse because she craves his love. He then leaves to call her and have a private conversation with her.

LOMOV : It’s cold… I’m trembling all over, just as if I’d got an examination before me. The great thing is, I must have my mind made up. If I give myself time to think, to hesitate, to talk a lot, to look for an ideal, or for real love, then I’ll never get married. Brr… It’s cold! Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper, not bad-looking, well-educated. What more do I want? But I’m getting a noise in my ears from excitement. [Drinks] And it’s impossible for me not to marry. In the first place, I’m already 35 — a critical age, so to speak. In the second place, I ought to lead a quiet and regular life. I suffer from palpitations, I’m excitable and always getting awfully upset; at this very moment my lips are trembling, and there’s a twitch in my right eyebrow. But the very worst of all is the way I sleep. I no sooner get into bed and begin to go off, when suddenly something in my left side gives a pull, and I can feel it in my shoulder and head… I jump up like a lunatic, walk about a bit and lie down again, but as soon as I begin to get off to sleep there’s another pull! And this may happen twenty times… [Natalya Stepanovna comes in.]

  • Trembling- shaking or quivering, typically as a result of excitement, anxiety or frailty
  • Hesitate- pause in indecision before saying or doing something
  • Housekeeper- a person who manages a household
  • Palpitations- a noticeably rapid, strong or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion or illness
  • Twitch- a sudden quick moment or feeling
  • Lunatic- a person who is mentally ill (not in technical use)

Lomov is nervous and trembling all over, as if he is about to take an exam. He believes that the fact that he has already made up his mind works in his favour because if he gives himself time to think about it, his marriage will be delayed or, worse, cancelled. He reassures himself that Natalya Stepanovna, who is average-looking, an excellent housekeeper, and well-educated, would make an excellent partner. What more could one want? He could hear some noises in his ears while still excited. He did not give himself the option of not marrying after the age of 35 because he desired to live a normal and ordinary life. He has an abnormally fast heart rate and is easily agitated. Even then, his lips were trembling and his brow twitched. Above all, he has trouble sleeping. He feels a pull in the right side of his head and shoulder whenever he sleeps. Then he jumps, walks, and lies down, but just as he is about to fall asleep, he feels another pull. This happens about 20 times.

NATLYA : Well, there! It’s you, and papa said, “Go; there’s a merchant come for his goods.” How do you do, Ivan Vassilevitch?

Natalya Chubukov, Chubukov's daughter, enters the scene, only to be surprised by Ivan Vassilevitch. Her father had informed her that a merchant was waiting for his goods.

LOMOV : How do you do, honoured Natalya Stepanovna?

Lomov inquires about her health.

NATALYA : You must excuse my apron and neglige. We’re shelling peas for drying. Why haven’t you been here for such a long time? Sit down… [They seat themselves.] Won’t you have some lunch?

  • Neglige- form of nightgown

She apologises for her apron and dress, which she wore while shelling peas for drying, and asks him to be at ease. She even offers him a meal.

LOMOV : No, thank you, I’ve had some already.

When asked if he wants to eat, Lomov tells her that he has already eaten.

NATALYA : Then smoke. Here are the matches. The weather is splendid now, but yesterday it was so wet that the workmen didn’t do anything all day. How much hay have you stacked? Just think, I felt greedy and had a whole field cut, and now I’m not at all pleased about it because I’m afraid my hay may rot. I ought to have waited a bit. But what’s this? Why, you’re in evening dress! Well, I never! Are you going to a ball or what? Though I must say you look better… Tell me, why are you got up like that?

She then offers Lomov a cigarette. She talks about how nice the weather was that day and how bad it was the day before that the workers couldn't do anything for the entire day. She begins to talk about her haystack and how she was greedy enough to have the entire field cut, which is now worrying her. While talking, she notices his dress and wonders if he's going to the ball. She compliments him and inquires about the occasion.

LOMOV : [excited] You see, honoured Natalya Stepanovna… the fact is, I’ve made up my mind to ask you to hear me out… Of course you’ll be surprised and perhaps even angry, but a… [aside] It’s awfully cold!

Lomov begins speaking and warns her that she may be surprised or even angry when she hears what she is about to hear. He is unusually cold.

NATALYA : What’s the matter? [pause] Well?

Natalya inquires as to the matter of his concern.

LOMOV : I shall try to be brief. You must know, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, that I have long, since my childhood, in fact, had the privilege of knowing your family. My late aunt and her husband, from whom, as you know, I inherited my land, always had the greatest respect for your father and your late mother. The Lomovs and the Chubukovs have always had the most friendly, and I might almost say the most affectionate, regard for each other. And, as you know, my land is a near neighbour of yours. You will remember that my Oxen Meadows touch your birchwoods.

  • Inherited- received as an heir at the death of the previous holder
  • Affectionate- readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  • Oxen meadows- a land full of grass for animals to graze in
  • Birchwoods- a wood of birch trees

Lomov makes an effort to be simple in his approach. He begins by recalling the good relations that have existed between both of their families since the beginning. Natalya's parents were respected by his late aunt and her husband. He even mentions that their lands are adjacent, and that his Oxen Meadows touches their birchwoods.

NATALYA : Excuse my interrupting you. You say, “my Oxen Meadows”. But are they yours?

Natalya questions Lomov's integrity by asking if the Oxen Meadows he claims to own are in fact his.

LOMOV : Yes, mine.

Lomov agrees.
NATALYA : What are you talking about? Oxen Meadows are ours, not yours!

She couldn't believe what she was hearing because the Oxen Meadows were rightfully hers.

LOMOV : No, mine, honoured Natalya Stepanovna.

Lomov exclaims, "They're mine!"

NATALYA : Well, I never knew that before. How do you make that out?

Natalya claims she was unaware of it and requests an explanation from Lomov.

LOMOV : How? I’m speaking of those Oxen Meadows which are wedged in between your birchwoods and the Burnt Marsh.

Lomov clarifies and identifies the Oxen Meadows he is referring to, which are located between birchwoods and the Burnt Marsh.

NATALYA : Yes, yes… they’re ours.

Natalya also confirms that she is only referring to those specific meadows.

LOMOV : No, you’re mistaken, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, they’re mine.

Lomov believes Natalya has some sort of misunderstanding because he is certain they are his.

NATALYA : Just think, Ivan Vassilevitch! How long have they been yours?

Natlaya informs Lomov to consider how long he has owned the Oxen Meadows.

LOMOV : How long? As long as I can remember

Lomov responds that they have always been his.

NATALYA : Really, you won’t get me to believe that!

Natalya expressed her disbelief, saying she couldn't believe him.

LOMOV : But you can see from the documents, honoured Natalya Stepanovna. Oxen Meadows, it’s true, were once the subject of dispute, but now everybody knows that they are mine. There’s nothing to argue about. You see my aunt’s grandmother gave the free use of these Meadows in perpetuity to the peasants of your father’s grandfather, in return for which they were to make bricks for her. The peasants belonging to your father’s grandfather had the free use of the Meadows for forty years, and had got into the habit of regarding them as their own, when it happened that…

  • Perpetuity- the state or quality of lasting forever

Lomov mentions that he has proof that he owns the land. He even mentions that Oxen Meadows was once a disputed property, but that the issue has been resolved and that they are now his.

He traces its history back to his aunt's grandmother, who granted the peasants of her father's grandfather perpetual free use of the Meadows. According to him, it was given for forty years, and the peasants grew accustomed to thinking of it as their own.

NATALYA : No, it isn’t at all like that! Both grandfather and greatgrandfather reckoned that their land extended to Burnt Marsh — which means that Oxen Meadows were ours. I don’t see what there is to argue about. It’s simply silly!

  • Reckoned- established by calculation

Natalya strongly disagrees! Her grandfather and great-grandfather have told her since she was a child that their land extended all the way to the Burnt Marsh. She has complete faith in them and sees no point in arguing about who owns it.

LOMOV : I’ll show you the documents, Natalya Stepanovna!

Lomov is adamant about showing her the proof.

NATALYA : No, you’re simply joking, or making fun of me. What a surprise! We’ve had the land for nearly three hundred years, and then we’re suddenly told that it isn’t ours! Ivan Vassilevitch, I can hardly believe my own ears. These Meadows aren’t worth much to me. They only come to five dessiatins, and are worth perhaps 300 roubles, but I can’t stand unfairness. Say what you will, I can’t stand unfairness.

Natalya regards it as a joke because she believes the land has been theirs for the past three hundred years and that someone has come to claim it as his property. Despite the fact that the land isn't particularly valuable (it's only worth about 300 roubles), Natalya is deeply disappointed by the injustice.

LOMOV : Hear me out, I implore you! The peasants of your father’s grandfather, as I have already had the honour of explaining to you, used to bake bricks for my aunt’s grandmother. Now my aunt’s grandmother, wishing to make them a pleasant…

  • Implore- Beg someone earnestly to do something

Lomov begs Natalya to at least hear what he has to say. He mentions that her great-peasants grandfather's used to bake bricks for his aunt's grandmother, but he is cut off by Natalya.

NATALYA : I can’t make head or tail of all this about aunts and grandfathers and grandmothers. The Meadows are ours, that’s all.

Natalya expresses her aversion to hearing any of his stories. She is certain of one thing: the Oxen Meadows are hers!

LOMOV : Mine.

They are his, according to Lomov,

NATALYA : Ours! You can go on proving it for two days on end, you can go and put on fifteen dress jackets, but I tell you they’re ours, ours, ours! I don’t want anything of yours and I don’t want to give anything of mine. So there!

Natalya disagrees, telling him that he can do anything to prove his theory, including wearing fifteen such dress jackets (which means she won't be influenced by his good looks), but she will never accept the fact that they are his. She makes it clear that she wants nothing from him and has no intention of giving up anything she owns, except the Oxen Meadows.

LOMOV : Natalya Stepanovna, I don’t want the Meadows, but I am acting on principle. If you like, I’ll make you a present of them.

Lomov clarifies that he, too, does not place a high value on the Oxen Meadows, but he is simply being fair and acting on principle. He even offered to give her the meadows as a gift.

NATALYA : I can make you a present of them myself, because they’re mine! Your behaviour, Ivan Vassilevitch, is strange, to say the least! Up to this we have always thought of you as a good neighbour, a friend; last year we lent you our threshing-machine, although on that account we had to put off our own threshing till November, but you behave to us as if we were gypsies. Giving me my own land, indeed! No, really, that’s not at all neighbourly! In my opinion, it’s even impudent, if you want to know.

  • Gypsies-  a group of nomadic people who travel from one place to another
  • Impudent- not showing due respect for another person

Natalya offers to give them to him as a gift because they are hers. She is taken aback by his offer to only give her property to her. She mentions that he had been acting strangely, and that they had previously thought of him as a friendly neighbour, but that he is no longer acting in that manner. Natalya's family offered him their threshing machine last year, even though it meant delaying their own process, but he has treated them strangely. She believes he is not treating them with respect.

LOMOV : Then you make out that I’m a landgrabber? Madam, never in my life have I grabbed anybody else’s land and I shan’t allow anybody to accuse me of having done so. [Quickly steps to the carafe and drinks more water] Oxen Meadows are mine!

  • Carafe- an open-topped glass flask used for serving wine or water in a restaurant

He interprets Natalya's words as an accusation of land grabbing. He is offended and claims that he has never grabbed something that is not his in his entire life. He can't stand it when someone accuses him of the same thing. He mentions that the Oxen Meadows are his while sipping some water.

NATALYA : It’s not true, they’re ours!

Natalya is still adamant that they are theirs.

LOMOV : Mine!

Lomov is adamant about his point of view.

NATALYA : It’s not true! I’ll prove it! I’ll send my mowers out to the Meadows this very day!

  • Mowers- a person who cuts grass with a mower

Natalya feels the need to prove her ownership, so she decides to send the grass cutters the same day.

LOMOV : What?

Lomov is taken aback by Natalya's words.

NATALYA : My mowers will be there this very day!

Natalya is adamant that the grass cutters will arrive that day.

LOMOV : I’ll give it to them in the neck!

Lomov threatens to run over Natalya's lawnmowers.

NATALYA : You dare!

Natalya warns him not to dare to do such a thing.

LOMOV : [Clutches at his heart] Oxen Meadows are mine! You understand? Mine!

Lomov becomes agitated and declares emphatically that the Oxen Meadows are his and his only.

NATALYA : Please don’t shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!

  • Hoarse- sounding rough and harsh
  • Restrain- prevent from doing something; keep under control or within limits

Natalya requests that Lomov be quiet and refrain from shouting in her home.

LOMOV : If it wasn’t, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn’t upset, I’d talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine!

  • Excruciating- intensely painful; sever; acute; extreme
  • Palpitation- heartbeat

He mentions his extremely painful increased heart rate and blames it for his tone. Even though he is in extreme pain, he continues to claim the Oxen Meadows.

LOMOV : Mine!

LOMOV : Mine! [Enter Chubukov]
CHUBUKOV : What’s the matter? What are you shouting for?

Chubukov enters to check on them and inquires about the matter after hearing them fight.

NATALYA : Papa, please tell this gentleman who owns Oxen Meadows, we or he?

Natalya asks  her father to confirm ownership of Oxen Meadows.

CHUBUKOV : [to Lomov] Darling, the Meadows are ours!

Chubukov tells Lomov the same thing Natalya does: the Oxen Meadows are theirs!

LOMOV : But, please, Stepan Stepanovitch, how can they be yours? Do be a reasonable man! My aunt’s grandmother gave the Meadows for the temporary and free use of your grandfather’s peasants. The peasants used the land for forty years and got accustomed to it as if it was their own, when it happened that…

Lomov questions Chubukov's claim and asks him to be reasonable. Chubukov interrupts him as he continues to explain his side of the storey.

CHUBUKOV : Excuse me, my precious. You forget just this, that the peasants didn’t pay your grandmother and all that, because the Meadows were in dispute, and so on. And now everybody knows that they’re ours. It means that you haven’t seen the plan.

Chubukov interrupts and corrects him, stating that the peasants were only allowed to use Oxen Meadows for free because it was disputed land. But it is now obvious to everyone that the Chubukovs own it. He even accuses him of failing to see the plan.

LOMOV : I’ll prove to you that they’re mine!
CHUBUKOV : You won’t prove it, my darling —

Chubukov believes Lomov is incapable of proving ownership of something that is not his.

LOMOV : I shall

Lomov is adamant that he will prove they are his.

CHUBUKOV : Dear one, why yell like that? You won’t prove anything just by yelling. I don’t want anything of yours, and don’t intend to give up what I have. Why should I? And you know, my beloved, that if you propose to go on arguing about it, I’d much sooner give up the Meadows to the peasants than to you. There!

Chubukov also points out that yelling is unnecessary. Yelling won't get you anywhere. He repeats Natalya's words and states that he does not intend to claim something that is not his and does not want to give away what is his. He says this out of frustration, implying that if Lomov continues to argue about the land, he would rather give it to his peasants for free than to him.

LOMOV : I don’t understand! How have you the right to give away somebody else’s property?

Lomov is offended and asks him how he can give away something that belongs to someone else.

CHUBUKOV : You may take it that I know whether I have the right or not. Because, young man, I’m not used to being spoken to in that tone of voice, and so on. I, young man, am twice your age, and ask you to speak to me without agitating yourself, and all that.

Chubukov is irritated by the tone with which Lomov addresses him. He says he is twice his age and deserves to be spoken to with respect, politeness, and all that.

LOMOV : No, you just think I’m a fool and want to have me on! You call my land yours, and then you want me to talk to you calmly and politely! Good neighbours don’t behave like that, Stepan Stepanovitch! You’re not a neighbour, you’re a grabber!

Lomov insists that his impolite demeanour is a reaction to Chubukov's actions, which include claiming Lomov's land. He refers to Chubukov as a bad neighbour and a thief.

CHUBUKOV : What’s that? What did you say?

Stepan, feeling deeply offended, requests that Lomov repeat his words.

NATALYA : Papa, send the mowers out to the Meadows at once!

Natalya steps in and requests that the mowers be sent to Oxen Meadows right away.

CHUBUKOV : What did you say, sir?

Still unable to accept what he has just learned about himself, he requests that Lomov repeat his words.

NATALYA : Oxen Meadows are ours, and I shan’t give them up, shan’t give them up, shan’t give them up!

Natalya claims ownership of Oxen Meadows and refuses to give it up just because someone else claims it.

LOMOV : We’ll see! I’ll have the matter taken to court, and then I’ll show you!

Lomov threatens to take the matter to court to prove that he is the rightful owner.

CHUBUKOV : To court? You can take it to court, and all that! You can! I know you; you’re just on the look-out for a chance to go to court, and all that. You pettifogger! All your people were like that! All of them!

  • Pettifogger- an inferior legal practitioner, especially one who deals with petty cases or employs dubious practices

Chubukov accuses Lomov of simply looking for a chance to go to court like the rest of his family. He insists on continuing the proceedings.

LOMOV : Never mind about my people! The Lomovs have all been honourable people, and not one has ever been tried for embezzlement, like your grandfather!

  • Embezzlement- theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer

Lomov refuses to listen to anything negative about his family and points out that they are all respectable people, unlike Chubukov's grandfather, who was tried for embezzlement.

CHUBUKOV : You Lomovs have had lunacy in your family, all of you!

  • Lunacy- the state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in technical use)

Chubukov mentions that the Lomovs are prone to insanity and irrationality.

NATALYA : All, all, all!

Natalya imitates her father.

CHUBUKOV : Your grandfather was a drunkard, and your younger aunt, Nastasya Mihailovna, ran away with an architect, and so on…

  • Drunkard- a person who is habitually drunk

Chubukov describes Lomov's grandfather as an alcoholic and informs him that Lomov's younger aunt has fled with an architect.

LOMOV : And your mother was hump-backed. [Clutches at his heart] Something pulling in my side… My head…. Help! Water!

  • Hump- A rounded protuberance found as an abnormality on the back of a person

Lomov mentions Chubukov's mother having a hump back. He felt a pull on his side and head as he said this. As a result, he requests assistance and water.

CHUBUKOV : Your father was a guzzling gambler!

  • Guzzling- greedy (here)
  • Gambler- a person who gambles; speculator

In the midst of the blame game, Chubukov refers to Lomov's father as a greedy gambler.

NATALYA : And there haven’t been many backbiters to equal your aunt!

Natalya refers to Lomov's aunt as a backbiter and claims that no one can compete with her.

LOMOV : My left foot has gone to sleep… You’re an intriguer….Oh, my heart! And it’s an open secret that before the last elections you bri… I can see stars… Where’s my hat?

  • Intriguer- someone who tricks, deceives or cheats

Lomov complains about his numb foot. Chubukov is dubbed a plotter. Saya that he is experiencing heart pain. He adds that in the previous elections, Chubukov was...... he does not finish the sentence because he is dizzy. He motions for his hat.

NATALYA : It’s low! It’s dishonest! It’s mean!

Natalya describes his act as low, dishonest, and mean.

CHUBUKOV : And you’re just a malicious, double faced intriguer! Yes!

  • Malicious-intending or intended to do harm

Chubukov continues to insult him.

LOMOV : Here’s my hat. My heart! Which way? Where’s the door? Oh I think I’m dying! My foot’s quite numb… [Goes to the door.]

  • Numb- deprived of the power of physical sensation

Lomov eventually finds his hat and begins asking for directions to the door. He believes he is dying because his heart is pounding and his foot is numb.

CHUBUKOV : [following him] And don’t set foot in my house again!

Chubukov screams angrily and tells Lomov not to come back into his house.

NATALYA : Take it to court! We’ll see! [Lomov staggers out.]

And Natalya advises him to take the matter to court to demonstrate that they are not afraid.

CHUBUKOV : Devil take him! [Walks about in excitement.]

Chubukov summons the devils to transport Lomov.

NATALYA : What a rascal! What trust can one have in one’s neighbours after that!

  • Rascal- devil

Natalya remarks that Lomov is a devil and untrustworthy.

CHUBUKOV : The villain! The scarecrow!

Chubukov insults him further.

NATALYA : The monster! First he takes our land and then he has the impudence to abuse us.

  • Impudence- audacity

Natalya is taken aback by Lomov's arrogance in first claiming their land as his own and then abusing them.

CHUBUKOV : And that blind hen, yes, that turnip-ghost has the confounded cheek to make a proposal, and so on! What? A proposal!

Chubukov reveals the true reason for Lomov's visit, which had been overshadowed by the Oxen Meadows argument, while cursing and calling him names. He couldn't believe his audacity in proposing to her daughter.

NATALYA : What proposal?

Natalya, who is unaware of the topic, inquires as to which proposal her father is referring to.

CHUBUKOV : Why, he came here to propose to you.

Chubukov explains that Lomov came here to ask Natalya for her hand in marriage.

NATALYA : To propose? To me? Why didn’t you tell me so before?

Natalya, surprised, tells her father that he should have told her this earlier.

CHUBUKOV : So he dresses up in evening clothes. The stuffed sausage! The wizen-faced frump!

He continues to call Lomov names and expresses his displeasure at his audacity in showing up in evening attire.

NATALYA : To propose to me? Ah! [Falls into an easy-chair and wails] Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here.

Natalya is taken aback by the news. She slumps into the chair and immediately demands that he call her back.

CHUBUKOV : Bring whom here?

Chubukov isn't sure who she's talking about.

NATALYA : Quick, quick! I’m ill! Fetch him! [Hysterics.]

She instructs her father to call him back right away.

CHUBUKOV : What’s that? What’s the matter with you? [Clutches at his head] Oh, unhappy man that I am! I’ll shoot myself! I’ll hang myself! We’ve done for her!

Chubukov failed to notice Natalya's shift in behaviour toward Lomov, so he labels himself an unhappy man. He intends to commit suicide by shooting himself or hanging himself.

NATALYA : I’m dying! Fetch him!

Natalya claims she is about to die. Lomov should be summoned.

CHUBUKOV : Tfoo! At once. Don’t yell! [Runs out. A pause.]

Chubukov asks  his daughter to calm down and stop yelling. He runs away to call Lomov.

NATALYA : [Natalya Stepanovna wails.] What have they done to me? Fetch him back! Fetch him! [A pause. Chubukov runs in.]

Natalya requests  her father to hurry. Chubukov is back.

CHUBUKOV : He’s coming, and so on, devil take him! Ouf! Talk to him yourself; I don’t want to…

He informs Natalya that Lomov is on his way. He doesn't want to talk to him, so he asks her to speak with him herself.

NATALYA : [wails] Fetch him!

Natalya cries for Lomov.

CHUBUKOV : [yells] He’s coming, I tell you. Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown-up daughter! I’ll cut my throat I will, indeed! We cursed him, abused him, drove him out; and it’s all you… you!

He is unable to accept what has just occurred. Being a grown-up girl's daughter feels like a burden and a curse to him. He wants to sever his throat because they cursed, abused, and threw him out of their house one moment and then called him back to accept the proposal the next.

NATALYA : No, it was you!

Natalya holds her father responsible for his abuse.

CHUBUKOV : I tell you it’s not my fault. [Lomov appears at the door] Now you talk to him yourself. [Exit.]

When Lomov appears at the door, Chubukov clarifies that it was not his fault, and he tells Natalya to handle the situation herself.

LOMOV : [Lomov enters, exhausted.] My heart’s palpitating awfully. My foot’s gone to sleep. There’s something that keeps pulling in my side….

Lomov walks in completely exhausted. He isn't feeling well due to palpitations, numb feet, and pulls on one side.

NATALYA : Forgive us, Ivan Vassilevitch, we were all a little heated. I remember now: Oxen Meadows… really are yours.

Natalya, surprisingly in a completely different tone, clarifies how they treated him earlier. She suddenly recalls that the Oxen Meadows belong to him.

LOMOV : My heart’s beating awfully. My Meadows… My eyebrows are both twitching….

While attempting to discuss the Meadows, he expresses that his heart is pounding and his brows are twitching.

NATALYA : The Meadows are yours, yes, yours. Do sit down. [They sit] We were wrong.

Natalya confirms ownership of the Oxen Meadows and invites him to take a seat. She admits her error and claims that they were incorrect.

LOMOV : I did it on principle. My land is worth little to me, but the principle…

Lomov stated that, despite the fact that the land is worth very little, he was acting on principle. He was only trying to be fair.

NATALYA : Yes, the principle, just so. Now let’s talk of something else.

Natalaya advises him to change the subject in order to bring up the proposal.

LOMOV : The more so as I have evidence. My aunt’s grandmother gave the land to your father’s grandfather’s peasants…

Lomov doesn't stop there, mentioning that his aunt's grandmother gave the land to her father's grandfather's peasants.

NATALYA : Yes, yes, let that pass. [aside] I wish I knew how to get him started. [aloud] Are you going to start shooting soon?

Natalya asks him to change the subject. She considers how she could persuade him to discuss the marriage proposal. She asks Lomov if he plans to resume shooting

LOMOV : I’m thinking of having a go at the blackcock, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, after the harvest. Oh, have you heard? Just think, what a misfortune I’ve had! My dog Guess, who you know, has gone lame.

  • Lame- unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot; limping

When asked, Lomov discusses his shooting plans. He intends to visit the blackcock after the harvest. He then informs us that his dog, Guess, has difficulty walking properly.

NATALYA : What a pity! Why?

She expresses her sympathy and inquires as to how he became lame.

LOMOV : I don’t know. Must have got his leg twisted or bitten by some other dog. [sighs] My very best dog, to say nothing of the expense. I gave Mironov 125 roubles for him.

Lomov is unsure of the cause, but he suspects that he was bitten or had his leg twisted by another dog. He deeply regrets it because it was his best dog and he had paid a high price for it, 125 roubles.

NATALYA : It was too much, Ivan Vassilevitch.

Natalya believes he paid a high price for such a dog.

LOMOV : I think it was very cheap. He’s a first-rate dog.

He considers it to be extremely low for a first-rate dog like Guess.

NATALYA : Papa gave 85 roubles for his Squeezer, and Squeezer is heaps better than Guess!

She mentions that he gave her 85 roubles for her dog Squeezer, who is far superior to Guess.

LOMOV : Squeezer better than Guess? What an idea! [laughs] Squeezer better than Guess!

He thinks it's hilarious that Squeezer outperforms Guess.

NATALYA : Of course he’s better! Of course, Squeezer is young, he may develop a bit, but on points and pedigree he’s better than anything that even Volchanetsky has got.

Natalya asserts unequivocally that Squeezer is superior. He is still young, but he may mature. He is the best in terms of points and pedigree, even surpassing Volchanetsky.

LOMOV : Excuse me, Natalya Stepanovna, but you forget that he is overshot, and an overshot always means the dog is a bad hunter!

Lomov emphasises her Squeezer's overshoot, which means he's bad at hunting.

NATALYA : Overshot, is he? The first time I hear it!

She disagrees with Lomov's evaluation of Squeezer as an overshot.

LOMOV : I assure you that his lower jaw is shorter than the upper.

He goes on to say that Squeezer's lower jaw is smaller than his upper jaw.

NATALYA : Have you measured?

LOMOV : Yes. He’s all right at following, of course, but if you want to get hold of anything…

He mentions that Squeezer is fine when it comes to simply following someone, but not so much when it comes to grabbing something.

NATALYA : In the first place, our Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, the son of Harness and Chisels while there’s no getting at the pedigree of your dog at all. He’s old and as ugly as a worn-out cab-horse.

Natalya boasts about her thoroughbred dog, the son of Harness and Chisels. Guess, on the other hand, she claims, is as old and unsightly as a worn-out cab-horse.

LOMOV : He is old, but I wouldn’t take five Squeezers for him. Why, how can you? Guess is a dog; as for Squeezer, well, it’s too funny to argue. Anybody you like has a dog as good as Squeezer… you may find them under every bush almost. Twenty-five roubles would be a handsome price to pay for him.

Lomov claims that, despite his dog's age, he is still superior to Squeezer, to the point where he will not trade Guess for 5 Squeezers. He doesn't consider Squeezer to be a special dog. He can be found almost anywhere, and he isn't worth more than 25 roubles.

NATALYA : There’s some demon of contradition in you today, Ivan Vassilevitch. First you pretend that the Meadows are yours; now, that Guess is better than Squeezer. I don’t like people who don’t say what they mean, because you know perfectly well that Squeezer is a hundred times better than your silly Guess. Why do you want to say he isn’t?

Natalya believes there is something wrong with Lomov's decision. First, he falsely claimed Meadows as his, and now he claims that Guess is superior to Squeezer. She believes he is insane and does not mean what he says, which is a characteristic she despises. She doesn't understand why he thinks his dog is superior to Squeezer.

LOMOV : I see, Natalya Stepanovna, that you consider me either blind or a fool. You must realise that Squeezer is overshot!

Lomov says that Natalya thinks he is either blind or foolish but iinsists that her dog is overshot.

NATALYA : It’s not true.
LOMOV : He is!
NATALYA : It’s not true!
LOMOV : Why shout madam?
NATALYA : Why talk rot? It’s awful! It’s time your Guess was shot, and you compare him with Squeezer!

They begin fighting once more. Natalya believes Lomov is delusory. Guess should be killed rather than compared to Squeezer.

LOMOV : Excuse me, I cannot continue this discussion, my heart is palpitating.

Lomov mentions that he is unable to speak on the subject because his heart is running so fast.

NATALYA : I’ve noticed that those hunters argue most who know least.

Natalya mocks Lomov, claiming that those who argue the most are the ones who know the least.

LOMOV : Madam, please be silent. My heart is going to pieces. [shouts] Shut up!

Lomov tells Natalya to keep quiet because he is ill.

NATALYA : I shan’t shut up until you acknowledge that Squeezer is a hundred times better than your Guess!

Natalya continues to argue and will not stop until he accepts that her dog Squeezer is superior to his Guess.

LOMOV : A hundred times worse! Be hanged to your Squeezer! His head… eyes… shoulder…

Lomov scoffs at the idea, claiming that it could never be true and that her Squeezer is the worst.

NATALYA : There’s no need to hang your silly Guess; he’s half-dead already!

Guess, according to Natalya, is old and half-dead.

LOMOV : [weeps] Shut up! My heart’s bursting!

He tells her to stop arguing because his heart is palpitating.

NATALYA : I shan’t shut up. [Enter Chubukov.]

Natalya will not remain silent.

CHUBUKOV : What’s the matter now?

Chubukov enters and inquires about the nature of their disagreement this time.

NATALYA : Papa, tell us truly, which is the better dog, our Squeezer or his Guess.

Natalya, like the last time, asks Chubukov who is the better dog, knowing full well what his answer will be.

LOMOV : Stepan Stepanovitch, I implore you to tell me just one thing: is your Squeezer overshot or not? Yes or no?

Lomov, on the other hand, raises a more direct question to him. He inquires as to whether his Squeezer is overshot or not.

CHUBUKOV : And suppose he is? What does it matter? He’s the best dog in the district for all that, and so on.

Chubukov responds that it doesn't matter if Squeezer is an overshot because he is the best dog in the district.

LOMOV : But isn’t my Guess better? Really, now?

Lomov, unwavering in his belief, continues to believe Guess is superior and asks Chubukov the same.

CHUBUKOV : Don’t excite yourself, my precious one. Allow me. Your Guess certainly has his good points. He’s purebred, firm on his feet, has well-sprung ribs, and all that. But, my dear man, if you want to know the truth, that dog has two defects: he’s old and he’s short in the muzzle.

Chubukov mentions that, while Guess has some good qualities, he also has some flaws. He is purebred, firm on his feet, has well-sprung ribs, and all that, but he is old and has a short muzzle.

LOMOV : Excuse me, my heart… Let’s take the facts. You will remember that on the Marusinsky hunt my Guess ran neck-and-neck with the Count’s dog, while your Squeezer was left a whole verst behind.

Lomov refuses to believe it and begins to list the facts. He begins by referring to the Marusinsky hunt, in which Guess gave the Count's dog a good run, but Squeezer was far behind.

CHUBUKOV : He got left behind because the Count’s whipper-in hit him with his whip.

Chubukov clarifies that it happened because the Count's dog bit Squeezer in the whip.

LOMOV : And with good reason. The dogs are running after a fox, when Squeezer goes and starts worrying a sheep!

Lomov even mentions that the dogs were chasing a fox, as opposed to Squeezer, who started bothering sheep.

CHUBUKOV : It’s not true! My dear fellow, I’m very liable to lose my temper, and so, just because of that, let’s stop arguing. You started because everybody is always jealous of everybody else’s dogs. Yes, we’re all like that! You too, sir, aren’t blameless! You no sooner begin with this, that and the other, and all that… I remember everything!

Chubukov refuses to agree and mentions that if they continue to argue, he may lose his temper, so he suggests that the heated discussion be ended. He believes that everyone is envious of other people's dogs. Also, he is well aware of how Lomov will continue the argument by pointing out details, but he remembers everything as well.

LOMOV : I remember too!

Lomov possesses that he remembers everything.

CHUBUKOV : [teasing him] I remember, too! What do you remember?

Chubukov teasingly repeats, "I remember, too," and then asks him what he actually remembers.

LOMOV : My heart… my foot’s gone to sleep. I can’t…

He complains that his heart is pounding and that his foot has gone numb.

NATALYA : [teasing] My heart! What sort of a hunter are you? You ought to go and lie on the kitchen oven and catch black beetles, not go after foxes! My heart!

Natalya mocks Lomov by remarking on what kind of hunter he is who keeps saying "My heart! My heart!" He must catch black beetles rather than foxes.

CHUBUKOV : Yes really, what sort of a hunter are you, anyway? You ought to sit at home with your palpitations, and not go tracking animals. You could go hunting, but you only go to argue with people and interfere with their dogs and so on. Let’s change the subject in case I lose my temper. You’re not a hunter at all, anyway!

Chubukov agrees with Natalya. He claims that Lomov must stay at home because of his palpitations. He should not go tracking animals, but rather do what he is best at, which is arguing about whose dog is better. He insists on deviating from the topic yet again, fearing that he will lose his temper.

LOMOV : And are you a hunter? You only go hunting to get in with the Count and to intrigue. Oh, my heart! You’re an intriguer!

He retaliates against Chubukov by implying that he is not even a hunter. He only goes there so that he can be counted. He keeps repeating about his heart while cursing and referring to him as an intriguer.

CHUBUKOV : What? I am an intriguer? [shouts] Shut up!

Chubukov screams and orders him to remain silent.

LOMOV : Intriguer!
CHUBUKOV : Boy! Pup!
LOMOV : Old rat! Jesuit!

They both start calling each other names!

CHUBUKOV : Shut up or I’ll shoot you like a partridge! You fool!

  • Patridge- a short-tailed game bird with mainly brown plumage, found chiefly in Europe and Asia

Chubukov threatens Lomov with a birdshot and calls him a fool.

LOMOV : Everybody knows that — oh, my heart! — your late wife used to beat you… My feet… temples… sparks… I fall, I fall!

Lomov begins to get personal, despite the fact that his heart and feet are in pain. He specifies that his wife is well-known for beating him.

CHUBUKOV : And you’re under the slipper of your house-keeper!

Chubukov, for his part, claims that everyone knows he is under the control of his housekeeper.

LOMOV : There, there, there… my heart’s burst! My shoulders come off! Where is my shoulder? I die. [Falls into an armchair] A doctor!

Lomov's heart has burst and his shoulder has come off. He collapses into a chair and summons a doctor.

CHUBUKOV : Boy! Milksop! Fool! I’m sick! [Drinks water] Sick!

Chubukov continues to curse him while drinking water.

NATALYA : What sort of a hunter are you? You can’t even sit on a horse! [To her father] Papa, what’s the matter with him? Papa! Look, Papa! [screams] Ivan Vassilevitch! He’s dead!

Natalya is cursing as well, and she notices Lomov lying motionless, as if dead.

CHUBUKOV : I’m sick! I can’t breathe! Air!

NATALYA : He’s dead. [Pulls Lomov’s sleeve] Ivan Vassilevitch! Ivan Vassilevitch! What have you done to me? He’s dead. [Falls into an armchair] A doctor, a doctor! [Hysterics.]

Natalya, who is holding his sleeve, believes he is dead. She begs her father to call a doctor while panicking and crying.

CHUBUKOV : Oh! What is it? What’s the matter?

Chubukov inquires  Natalya what happend.

NATALYA : [wails] He’s dead… dead!

Natalya sobs because Lomov is no longer alive.

CHUBUKOV : Who’s dead? [Looks at Lomov] So he is! My word! Water! A doctor! [Lifts a tumbler to Lomov’s mouth] Drink this! No, he doesn’t drink. It means he’s dead, and all that. I’m the most unhappy of men! Why don’t I put a bullet into my brain? Why haven’t I cut my throat yet? What am I waiting for? Give me a knife! Give me a pistol! [Lomov moves] He seems to be coming round. Drink some water! That’s right.

Chubukov, too, becomes alarmed and attempts to down some water, but Lomov refuses to drink. He comes to the conclusion that Lomov is no longer alive and begins cursing himself. He considers himself to be the most unhappy and wonders why he hasn't cut his throat or shot himself in the head yet. When he notices Lomov moving, he asks him to drink some water.

LOMOV : I see stars… mist… where am I?

Lomov is unsure of where he is as he regains consciousness. He appears to be dazed.

CHUBUKOV : Hurry up and get married and — well, to the devil with you! She’s willing! [He puts Lomov’s hand into his daughter’s] She’s willing and all that. I give you my blessing and so on. Only leave me in peace!

Chubukov rushesly asks him to marry his daughter right then and there. He takes Natalya's hand in his and says she is willing. He bestows his blessings on them and requests that they leave him alone.

LOMOV : [getting up] Eh? What? To whom?

Lomov, still unaware of his surroundings, asks Chubukov who he is asking to marry him.

CHUBUKOV : She’s willing! Well? Kiss and be damned to you!

Chubukov exclaims that Natalya is willing and insists on them kissing each other.

NATALYA : [wails] He’s alive… Yes, yes, I’m willing.

Natalya is relieved that he is still alive and expresses her eagerness to marry him.

CHUBUKOV : Kiss each other!

He asks them to kiss each other.

LOMOV : Eh? Kiss whom? [They kiss] Very nice, too. Excuse me, what’s it all about? Oh, now I understand … my heart… stars… I’m happy. Natalya Stepanovna… [Kisses her hand] My foot’s gone to sleep.

Lomov is still perplexed until Natalya kisses him. He suddenly recalls, becomes excited, and kisses her hand, but then complains that his foot is numb again.

NATALYA : I… I’m happy too…

Natalya also expresses her joy.

CHUBUKOV : What a weight off my shoulders, ouf!

Chubukov is relieved to have married his daughter.

NATALYA : But, still you will admit now that Guess is worse than Squeezer.

Natalya brings up the subject of dogs once more, this time convincing him that her Squeezer is superior to his Guess.

LOMOV : Better!
NATALYA : Worse!
CHUBUKOV : Well, that’s a way to start your family bliss! Have some champagne!
LOMOV : He’s better!
NATALYA : Worse! Worse! Worse!

While Chubukov offers them a drink, Lomov and Natalya argue.

CHUBUKOV : [trying to shout her down] Champagne! Champagne!

Chubukov, tired of them fighting, exclaims, "It's time for some Champagne!"


About the Author

Antony Chekhov was a fantastic playwright and storyteller. He was born in a village in southern Russia on January 29, 1860. His father was the owner of a grocery store. Yevgeniya, his mother, was a fantastic storyteller. Chekhov was a well-known physician. He is regarded as one of the world's greatest short-story writers. "Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my mistress," Chekhov once said.

The Proposal

By Anton Chekow


The Proposal is a one-act play that begins with a young man, Lomov  who went to his neighbour’s for  marriage proposal to his neighbour’s daughter.

Before he could actually propose  the girl, they enter into an argument about Oxen Meadows. Chubukov, the lady’s father also joins the heated discussion.

 When the first argument ended , they started  arguing about their dogs and which one is better than the other.

 In the midst of all this, proposal gets forgotten until Lomov falls off due to his palpitations and Chubukov instantly puts her daughter’s hands in Lomov’s. Unfortunately, the quarrelling still continues.


The play begins with Lomov entering his neighbour Chubukov’s house fully dressed up in his evening attire. Being surprised, Chubukov asks Lomov about the occasion for which he has dressed up in evening attire.

 Lomov reveals that he had come to make a request. At First Chubukov guessed that he ask for money which he doesn’t intend on giving. However  when Lomov informed that he had come to ask for Chubulov’s daughter, Natalya’s hand in marriage, Chubukov gets overjoyed with excitement and leaves to call Natalya.

 Lomov ,  a 35 year- old gentleman who suffers from palpitations, gets upset very easily and doesn’t sleep well. He thinks it is the best age for him to get married and he is happy that he has his mind made-up about Natalya.

According to him, Natalya is a good match for him as she is an average-looking, perfect housekeeper.

 When Natalya arrives, As they  started conversation about how  Lomov somehow mentions about Oxen Meadows which earlier was a disputed property but  now belongs to  him.

 Natalya being short tempered couldn’t tolerate Lomov’s  assumptions as she believes that her father is the owner of Oxen Meadows . Both started arguing like a kid. Later  when Chubukov enters  arguments  became worst.

 They throw Lomov out of the house and continue cursing him even though, Lomov starts to suffer from extreme pounding of the heart, a side pull and a numb foot.

 In the middle of the argument Chubukov  reveals that he had come with a marriage proposal for Natalya which surprises Natalya and she immediately regrets sending him out.

She asks her father to bring him back immediately and Chubukov curses himself on being a father of a grown-up daughter.

When Lomov returns, Natalya starts talking about shooting.

 Somehow, they enter into an argument involving their dogs. According to Natalya her Squeezer is better than Lomov’s Guess.

They again continue arguing and Chubukov enters the scene and makes the situation worse, once again.

 Everyone starts shouting and cursing  and it still continues when Lomov  falls due to his palpitations. 

Suddenly Natalya notices that he is unconscious.

They try to get water down his throat but end up getting unsuccessful and declare him dead. It is only when Lomov moves a little bit, they feed him some water and Chubukov forcefully hands over Natalya’s hands to him, gives his blessings and asks them to kiss. Lomov, still not fully conscious doesn’t understand what is going on. When he finally comes to his senses, he expresses his excitement and kisses Natalya’s hands. Natalya, being childish as she is, manipulates him into accepting that Squeezer is better than Guess but Lomov, being adamant as he is, refuses to accept it. Thus, once again, the quarrelling continues.


The play illustrates  the real purpose of wealthy families to seek matrimonial ties which was just to enhance their estates and landed properties.


‘The Proposal’ (originally titled ‘A Marriage Proposal’) is a one-act play, a farce, by the Russian short story writer and dramatist Anton Chekhov. It was written in 1888–89.
The play is about the tendency of wealthy families to seek ties with other wealthy families, to increase their estates by encouraging marriages that make good economic sense. Ivan Lomov, a long time wealthy neighbour of Stepan Chubukov, also wealthy, comes to seek the hand of Chubukov’s twenty-five-year-old daughter, Natalya. All three are quarrelsome people, and they quarrel over petty issues. The proposal is in danger of being forgotten amidst all this quarrelling. But economic good sense ensures that the proposal is made, after all — although the quarrelling perhaps continues!

Farce: a comic dramatic work

The play was originally titled ‘A Marriage Proposal’, written by Russian writer Anton Chekov. He displays how the rich want to marry their children into other wealthy families with the aim of enhancing their wealth. The characters are quarrelsome and often end up fighting over trivial matters. Still, they remember the marriage proposal which will bestow monetary gains and finalise the wedding amidst the fighting.


NATALYA STEPANOVNA : his daughter, twenty-five years old
IVAN VASSILEVITCH LOMOV : a neighbour of Chubukov, a large and hearty, but very suspicious, landowner

A drawing-room in Chubukov‘s house. Lomov enters, wearing a dress-jacket and white gloves. Chubukov rises to meet him.

(As The curtain rises . It is Chubukov’s drawing room where Lomov enters fully dressed up in his evening attire.) Chubukov stands up to greet him.

CHUBUKOV : My dear fellow, whom do I see! Ivan Vassilevitch! I am extremely glad! [Squeezes his hand] Now this is a surprise, my darling… How are you?

(Chubukov welcomes his neighbour Ivan Vassilevitch very politely and asks about his well-being. )

LOMOV : Thank you. And how may you be getting on?

(While thanking Chubukov for asking about his well-being, Lomov asks him about his condition.)

CHUBUKOV : We just get along somehow, my angel, thanks to your prayers, and so on.( we are living because of the blessings of people like you)Sit down, please do… Now, you know, you shouldn’t forget all about your neighbours, my darling. My dear fellow, why are you so formal in your get-up! Evening dress, gloves, and so on. Can you be going anywhere, my treasure?

(Chubukov refers to Lomov as ‘my angel’, ‘my treasure’, etc.)

LOMOV : No. I’ve come only to see you, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch( Chubukov).

CHUBUKOV : Then why are you in evening dress, my precious? As if you’re paying a New Year’s Eve visit!( Chubukov asks about the dress of lomov and says if he has visited them for new year)

LOMOV : Well, you see, it’s like this. [Takes his arm] I’ve come to you, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch, to trouble you with a request. Not once or twice have I already had the privilege of applying to you for help, and you have always, so to speak… I must ask your pardon, I am getting excited. I shall drink some water, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch. [Drinks.]

  • Privilege- advantage

( lomov expresses his wish to make a request as a reason for his visit)

CHUBUKOV : [aside] He’s come to borrow money. Shan’t give him any! [aloud] What is it, my beauty?

  • Shan’t- shall not

(Chubukov guesses that Lomov had come to ask for money which he is doesn’t want to give then asks Lomov the reason for his request)

LOMOV : You see, Honoured Stepanitch… I beg pardon Stepan Honouritch… I mean, I’m awfully excited, as you will please notice… In short, you alone can help me, though I don’t deserve it, of course… and haven’t any right to count on your assistance…

  • Pardon- forgive or excuse (a person, error or offence)
  • Awfully- very; extremely
  • Assistance- the action of helping someone

(Being excited and nervous, Lomov couldn’t  address Chubukov’s name properly. He begs Chubukov’s pardon for his clearly visible excitement. Lomov says  that Chubukov is the only person who could help him in the situation although he doesn’t deserve it and has no right to ask for it.)

CHUBUKOV : Oh, don’t go round and round it, darling! Spit it out! Well?

  • Go round and round- not coming to the main point
  • Spit it out- speak out

(Chubukov asks Lomov to clearly reveal  what does he want to say)

LOMOV : One moment… this very minute. The fact is I’ve come to ask the hand of your daughter, Natalya Stepanovna, in marriage.

  • To seek the hand of a girl in marriage- to propose

(Lomov finally reveals  that he visited them to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage.)

CHUBUKOV : [joyfully] By Jove! Ivan Vassilevitch! Say it again — I didn’t hear it all!

  • By Jove- By God

(Chubukov couldn’t believe what he just heard out of delight and thus, asks Lomov to repeat what he just said.)

LOMOV : I have the honour to ask…

(As soon  as Lomov continues to repeat his words, he is interrupted by Chubukov who is very excited.)

CHUBUKOV : [interrupting] My dear fellow… I’m so glad, and so on… Yes, indeed, and all that sort of thing. [Embraces and kisses Lomov] I’ve been hoping for it for a long time. It’s been my continual desire. [Sheds a tear] And I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son. May God give you both — His help and His love and so on, and so much hope… What am I behaving in this idiotic way for? I’m off my balance with joy, absolutely off my balance! Oh, with all my soul… I’ll go and call Natasha, and all that.

  • Desire- a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
  • Idiotic- very stupid; silly

( Chubukov expresses his happiness and contentment on hearing  this. He  says that he even wanted this for long , he kissed Lomov. He offered his blessing to both Lomov and his daughter Natasha before he realises he had been behaving in a silly way. He then calls Natasha to break her the great news.)


LOMOV : [greatly moved] Honoured Stepan Stepanovitch, do you think I may count on her consent?

  • Consent- agreement to do something

(Lomov asks Chubukov if Natalya will consent for this marriage.)

CHUBUKOV : Why, of course, my darling, and… as if she won’t consent! She’s in love; egad, she’s like a lovesick cat, and so on. Shan’t be long! [Exit.]

  • Egad- exclamation (expressing surprise, anger, or affirmation)
  • Lovesick- longing, yearning or desiring

(Chubukov ensures  that Natalya would  certainly  consent because she is longing for his love. He then exits to call her and give the two a chance to talk privately.)

LOMOV : It’s cold… I’m trembling all over, just as if I’d got an examination before me. The great thing is, I must have my mind made up. If I give myself time to think, to hesitate, to talk a lot, to look for an ideal, or for real love, then I’ll never get married. Brr… It’s cold! Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper, not bad-looking, well-educated. What more do I want? But I’m getting a noise in my ears from excitement. [Drinks] And it’s impossible for me not to marry. In the first place, I’m already 35 — a critical age, so to speak. In the second place, I ought to lead a quiet and regular life. I suffer from palpitations, I’m excitable and always getting awfully upset; at this very moment my lips are

trembling, and there’s a twitch in my right eyebrow. But the very worst of all is the way I sleep. I no sooner get into bed and begin to go off, when suddenly something in my left side gives a pull, and I can feel it in my shoulder and head… I jump up like a lunatic, walk about a bit and lie down again, but as soon as I begin to get off to sleep there’s another pull! And this may happen twenty times… [Natalya Stepanovna comes in.]

  • Trembling- shaking or quivering, typically as a result of excitement, anxiety or frailty
  • Hesitate- pause in indecision before saying or doing something
  • Palpitations- a noticeably rapid, strong or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion or illness
  • Twitch- a sudden quick moment or feeling
  • Lunatic- a person who is mentally ill (not in technical use)

(Lomov is quite nervous   as if he’s got an examination before him. He thinks that it is  good for him   that he already has taken decision to get married because if he  kept thinking upon it, his marriage would end up getting delayed or worse, being cancelled.

 He reassures himself that Natalya Stepanovna would make a great partner as she is average-looking, an excellent housekeeper and well-educated. What else could one ask for? Still excited, he could feel some noises in his ears.

 He feels that there is no reason  of not marrying after he is now at critical age of 35 and  wishes to live a normal and ordinary life.

He generally suffers from an abnormally high heart rate and gets upset easily. )

(Even at that moment, his lips were trembling and his eyebrow twitching. Above all this, he doesn’t sleep well. Whenever he sleeps, he feels a pull in the right side of his head and shoulder. Then he jumps, walks and lies down, but as soon as he is to get off to sleep, he experiences another pull. This happens for around 20 times.)

NATLYA: Well, there! It’s you, and papa said, “Go; there’s a merchant come for his goods.” How do you do, Ivan Vassilevitch?

 (Natalya enters the scene only to see Ivan Vassilevitch to her surprise. Her father had told her that some merchant was waiting to get his goods).

LOMOV : How do you do, honoured Natalya Stepanovna?

NATALYA : You must excuse my apron and neglige. We’re shelling peas for drying. Why haven’t you been here for such a long time? Sit down… [They seat themselves.] Won’t you have some lunch?

  • Neglige- form of nightgown

(She excuses for her apron  as they had been shelling peas for drying . She offers lunch)

LOMOV: No, thank you, I’ve had some already.

NATALYA : Then smoke. Here are the matches. The weather is splendid now, but yesterday it was so wet that the workmen didn’t do anything all day. How much hay have you stacked? Just think, I felt greedy and had a whole field cut, and now I’m not at all pleased about it because I’m afraid my hay may rot. I ought to have waited a bit. But what’s this? Why, you’re in evening dress! Well, I never! Are you going to a ball or what? Though I must say you look better… Tell me, why are you got up like that?

(She talks about her haystack that how in greedy she cut her entire field ans now she is worried about it that it may rot.  She suddenly notices his dress and guesses if he is going for the ball. She compliments him and asks him the occasion.)

LOMOV : [excited] You see, honoured Natalya Stepanovna… the fact is, I’ve made up my mind to ask you to hear me out… Of course you’ll be surprised and perhaps even angry, but a… [aside] It’s awfully cold!

NATALYA : What’s the matter? [pause] Well?

LOMOV : I shall try to be brief. You must know, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, that I have long, since my childhood, in fact, had the privilege of knowing your family. My late aunt and her husband, from whom, as you know, I inherited my land, always had the greatest respect for your father and your late mother. The Lomovs and the Chubukovs have always had the most friendly, and I might almost say the most affectionate, regard for each other. And, as you know, my land is a near neighbour of yours. You will remember that my Oxen Meadows touch your birchwoods.

  • Inherited- received as an heir at the death of the previous holder
  • Affectionate- readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  • Oxen meadows- a land full of grass for animals to graze in
  • irchwoods- a wood of birch trees

Lomov tries to be brief in his approach.

Lomov recalls  the good relations between both of their families since long of his childhood and  how  both families respected each other. He even mentions that their lands are neighbours to each other and his Oxen Meadows touches their birchwoods.

NATALYA : Excuse my interrupting you. You say, “my Oxen Meadows”. But are they yours?

LOMOV : Yes, mine.

NATALYA : What are you talking about? Oxen Meadows are ours, not yours!

LOMOV : No, mine, honoured Natalya Stepanovna.

NATALYA : Well, I never knew that before. How do you make that out?

LOMOV : How? I’m speaking of those Oxen Meadows which are wedged in between your birchwoods and the Burnt Marsh.

NATALYA : Yes, yes… they’re ours.

LOMOV : No, you’re mistaken, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, they’re mine.

NATALYA : Just think, Ivan Vassilevitch! How long have they been yours?

LOMOV : How long? As long as I can remember.

A : Really, you won’t get me to believe that!

When Lomov claims that Oxen Meadows belong to him NATALYA gets shocked as according to her they are the owners of Oxen Meadows.

She interrupted him asking how could he say so and explain since how long it belong to him.

Lomov affirms that he is the owner of Oxen Meadows saying that it has been belonging to him since forever at which Natalya couldn’t believe.

LOMOV : But you can see from the documents, honoured Natalya Stepanovna. Oxen Meadows, it’s true, were once the subject of dispute, but now everybody knows that they are mine. There’s nothing to argue about. You see my aunt’s grandmother gave the free use of these Meadows in perpetuity to the peasants of your father’s grandfather, in return for which they were to make bricks for her. The peasants belonging to your father’s grandfather had the free use of the Meadows for forty years, and had got into the habit of regarding them as their own, when it happened that…

  • Perpetuity- the state or quality of lasting forever

Lomov offers to show documents as a proof. He admits  that once Oxen Meadows were a disputed property but the issue had been resolved and they are now his.

He explained how his aunt’s grandmother had given the free use of these Meadows in perpetuity to the peasants of her father’s grandfather.

 According to him, it was given for forty years and the peasants got in the habit of regarding it as their own.

NATALYA : No, it isn’t at all like that! Both grandfather and great-grandfather reckoned that their land extended to Burnt Marsh — which means that Oxen Meadows were ours. I don’t see what there is to argue about. It’s simply silly!

  • Reckoned- established by calculation

Natalya firmly showed her discontent as since childhood, she has heard from her grandfather and great-grandfather that their land extended till the Burnt Marsh.

Thus she doesn’t see any point to argue on that issue.

LOMOV : I’ll show you the documents, Natalya Stepanovna!

NATALYA : No, you’re simply joking, or making fun of me. What a surprise! We’ve had the land for nearly three hundred years, and then we’re suddenly told that it isn’t ours! Ivan Vassilevitch, I can hardly believe my own ears. These Meadows aren’t worth much to me. They only come to five dessiatins, and are worth perhaps 300 roubles, but I can’t stand unfairness. Say what you will, I can’t stand unfairness.

Natalya is firm upon her claim sayings she couldn’t avoid unfair claim even though the Oxen Meadows doesn’t worth too much.  It seems a joke to her.

LOMOV : Hear me out, I implore you! The peasants of your father’s grandfather, as I have already had the honour of explaining to you, used to bake bricks for my aunt’s grandmother. Now my aunt’s grandmother, wishing to make them a pleasant…

  • Implore- Beg someone earnestly to do something

Lomov begs Natalya to at least listen to what he is trying to say. He mentions that her great-grandfather’s peasants used to bake bricks for his aunt’s grandmother and as he continued talking, he was interrupted by Natalya.

NATALYA : I can’t make head or tail of all this about aunts and grandfathers and grandmothers. The Meadows are ours, that’s all.

LOMOV : Mine.

NATALYA : Ours! You can go on proving it for two days on end, you can go and put on fifteen dress jackets, but I tell you they’re ours, ours, ours! I don’t want anything of yours and I don’t want to give anything of mine. So there!

Both start claiming for the land.

Natalya says she is not going to believe by any mean although Lomov can do anything to prove his theory or wear fifteen such dress jackets (means that she won’t come under the influence of him being well dressed) but she will never accept the fact that they are his. She clarifies that she wants nothing from him and doesn’t intend on giving anything that is hers but the Oxen Meadows are hers.

LOMOV : Natalya Stepanovna, I don’t want the Meadows, but I am acting on principle. If you like, I’ll make you a present of them.

NATALYA : I can make you a present of them myself, because they’re mine! Your behaviour, Ivan Vassilevitch, is strange, to say the least! Up to this we have always thought of you as a good neighbour, a friend; last year we lent you our threshing-machine, although on that account we had to put off our own threshing till November, but you behave to us as if we were gypsies. Giving me my own land, indeed! No, really, that’s not at all neighbourly! In my opinion, it’s even impudent, if you want to know.

  • Gypsies-  a group of nomadic people who travel from one place to another

NATALYA : No, you’re simply joking, or making fun of me. What a surprise! We’ve had the land for nearly three hundred years, and then we’re suddenly told that it isn’t ours! Ivan Vassilevitch, I can hardly believe my own ears. These Meadows aren’t worth much to me. They only come to five dessiatins, and are worth perhaps 300 roubles, but I can’t stand unfairness. Say what you will, I can’t stand unfairness.

Lomov clears that land worths nothing to him but he is working upon the principle. He offers that land to Natalya at which she resists saying that she would like to present the same to him as it belongs to her.

 This scenario seems to get as a kind of joke as since past three hundred years that land is theirs and now someone comes claiming it to be his property. Although the land isn’t of much worth, only around 300 roubles but Natalya is highly disappointed by the unfairness.

LOMOV : Hear me out, I implore you! ( begs to listen to him)  The peasants of your father’s grandfather, as I have already had the honour of explaining to you, used to bake bricks for my aunt’s grandmother. Now my aunt’s grandmother, wishing to make them a pleasant…

  • Implore- Beg someone earnestly to do something

Tries to clear it that his great-grandfather’s peasants used to bake bricks for his aunt’s grandmother and as he continued talking, he was interrupted by Natalya.

NATALYA : I can’t make head or tail of all this about aunts and grandfathers and grandmothers. The Meadows are ours, that’s all.

LOMOV : Mine.

NATALYA : Ours! You can go on proving it for two days on end, you can go and put on fifteen dress jackets, but I tell you they’re ours, ours, ours! I don’t want anything of yours and I don’t want to give anything of mine. So there!

Natalya is still reluctant at her claim although, Lomov tries to explain.

Both are claiming at the land like a child.

She says that she is not going to believe at him, though he would try to influence many times by giving proofs and wear the dress fifteen times. She clarifies that she wants nothing from him and doesn’t intend on giving anything that is hers but the Oxen Meadows are hers.

LOMOV : Mine!

NATALYA : It’s not true! I’ll prove it! I’ll send my mowers out to the Meadows this very day!

  • Mowers- a person who cuts grass with a mower

LOMOV : What?

NATALYA : My mowers will be there this very day!

LOMOV : I’ll give it to them in the neck!

NATALYA : You dare!

LOMOV : [Clutches at his heart] Oxen Meadows are mine! You understand? Mine!

NATALYA : Please don’t shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself!

  • Hoarse- sounding rough and harsh
  • Restrain- prevent from doing something; keep under control or within limits

LOMOV : If it wasn’t, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn’t upset, I’d talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine!

  • Excruciating- intensely painful; sever; acute; extreme
  • Palpitation- heartbeat

LOMOV : Mine!

LOMOV : Mine! [Enter Chubukov]

To prove her ownership, Natalya decides to send her mowers at the land at the very day. Lomov couldn’t believe at this.He becomes very aggressive and threatens to hit her mower, shouting and claiming the land.

Both claim at the land childishly.

Natalya says that he must control himself and can shout at his own house.

Lomov explains about his extremely painful increased heart rate and blames it for his tone. Even in such a pain, he doesn’t stop claiming the Oxen Meadows.
CHUBUKOV : What’s the matter? What are you shouting for?

NATALYA : Papa, please tell this gentleman who owns Oxen Meadows, we or he?

CHUBUKOV : [to Lomov] Darling, the Meadows are ours!

LOMOV : But, please, Stepan Stepanovitch, how can they be yours? Do be a reasonable man! My aunt’s grandmother gave the Meadows for the temporary and free use of your grandfather’s peasants. The peasants used the land for forty years and got accustomed to it as if it was their own, when it happened that…

CHUBUKOV : Excuse me, my precious. You forget just this, that the peasants didn’t pay your grandmother and all that, because the Meadows were in dispute, and so on. And now everybody knows that they’re ours. It means that you haven’t seen the plan.

Chubukov enters the scene asking about the matter of arguments a d Natalya explains to him and asks to confirm his ownership.

He too explains the same to Lomov at which he Lomov questions the claim made by Chubukov and asks him to be reasonable. He continues explaining his side of the story to him and gets interrupted by Chubukov that it was earlier a disputed property but now everybody knows that it belongs to them

LOMOV : I’ll prove to you that they’re mine!
CHUBUKOV : You won’t prove it, my darling —

LOMOV : I shall

CHUBUKOV : Dear one, why yell like that? You won’t prove anything just by yelling. I don’t want anything of yours, and don’t intend to give up what I have. Why should I? And you know, my beloved, that if you propose to go on arguing about it, I’d much sooner give up the Meadows to the peasants than to you. There!

Lomov insists to prove his ownership

Chubukov says that he couldn’t prove anything by shouting.

He repeats the same words as Natalya and says that he doesn’t intend on claiming something that is not his and also doesn’t want to give away what is his.

Being very angry, he says that if Lomov keeps on arguing about the land, he would rather give it to his peasants for free than to him.

LOMOV : I don’t understand! How have you the right to give away somebody else’s property?

Lomov gets offended and asks him how he can give away something that is someone else’s property.

CHUBUKOV : You may take it that I know whether I have the right or not. Because, young man, I’m not used to being spoken to in that tone of voice, and so on. I, young man, am twice your age, and ask you to speak to me without agitating yourself, and all that.

Lomov asks about Chubukovs authority to give others land to any body .

Chubukov gets irritated by the tone and ask Lomov to speak politely as he is twice of his age and not habitual about such tone.

LOMOV : No, you just think I’m a fool and want to have me on! You call my land yours, and then you want me to talk to you calmly and politely! Good neighbours don’t behave like that, Stepan Stepanovitch! You’re not a neighbour, you’re a grabber!

Lomov insists that his impolite tone is a reaction to what Chubukov has been doing, that is, claiming Lomov’s land. He calls Chubukov a bad neighbour and a grabber.

CHUBUKOV : What’s that? What did you say?

Feeling highly disrespected, Stepan asks Lomov to repeat his words.

 NATALYA : Papa, send the mowers out to the Meadows at once!

Natalya again insisted to send the mowers to Oxen Meadows at once.

CHUBUKOV : What did you say, sir?

Still unable to accept what he just heard about himself, he asks Lomov to repeat his words.

NATALYA : Oxen Meadows are ours, and I shan’t give them up, shan’t give them up, shan’t give them up!

Natalya claims to possess Oxen Meadows and refuses to let them go just because someone else is claiming it to be theirs.

LOMOV : We’ll see! I’ll have the matter taken to court, and then I’ll show you!

Lomov threatens to take the matter to court and prove it to them that he is the real owner.

CHUBUKOV : To court? You can take it to court, and all that! You can! I know you; you’re just on the look-out for a chance to go to court, and all that. You pettifogger! All your people were like that! All of them!

  • Pettifogger- an inferior legal practitioner, especially one who deals with petty cases or employs dubious practices

Chubukov blames  Lomov that he and his family is a pettifogger

LOMOV : Never mind about my people! The Lomovs have all been honourable people, and not one has ever been tried for embezzlement, like your grandfather!

Embezzlement- theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or belonging to one’s employer

Lomov refuses to listen anything against his family and mentions that they are all respectable personalities unlike Chubukov’s grandfather who had been tried for embezzlement.

CHUBUKOV : You Lomovs have had lunacy in your family, all of you!

Lunacy- the state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in technical use)

NATALYA : All, all, all!

Chubukov says  that Lomovs are insane at which Natalya emphasize

CHUBUKOV : Your grandfather was a drunkard, and your younger aunt, Nastasya Mihailovna, ran away with an architect, and so on…

  • Drunkard- a person who is habitually drunk

LOMOV : And your mother was hump-backed. [Clutches at his heart] Something pulling in my side… My head…. Help! Water! (he felt a pull on his side and head. Thus, he calls for help and water)

  • Hump- A rounded protuberance found as an abnormality on the back of a person

CHUBUKOV : Your father was a guzzling gambler!

Guzzling- greedy (here)

Gambler- a person who gambles; speculator

NATALYA : And there haven’t been many backbiters to equal your aunt!

LOMOV : My left foot has gone to sleep… You’re an intriguer….Oh, my heart! And it’s an open secret that before the last elections you bri… I can see stars… Where’s my hat?

Intriguer- someone who tricks, deceives or cheats

Lomov felt that his foot is numb and there is pain in his heart. In the midst he calls Chubukov a plotter. He adds that in the last elections, Chubukov was …… he does not complete the sentence as he feels dizzy. He calls for his hat.

NATALYA : It’s low! It’s dishonest! It’s mean!

CHUBUKOV : And you’re just a malicious, double faced intriguer! 


  • Malicious-intending or intended to do harm

LOMOV : Here’s my hat. My heart! Which way? Where’s the door? Oh I think I’m dying! My foot’s quite numb… [Goes to the door.]

  • Numb- deprived of the power of physical sensation

CHUBUKOV : [following him] And don’t set foot in my house again!

NATALYA : Take it to court! We’ll see! [Lomov staggers out.]

CHUBUKOV : Devil take him! [Walks about in excitement.]

NATALYA : What a rascal! What trust can one have in one’s neighbours after that!

  • Rascal- devil

CHUBUKOV : The villain! The scarecrow!

NATALYA : The monster! First he takes our land and then he has the impudence to abuse us.

Impudence- audacity

CHUBUKOV : And that blind hen, yes, that turnip-ghost has the confounded cheek to make a proposal, and so on! What? A proposal!

Amidst cursing Lomov!, Chubukov reveals the  reason behind Lomov’s visit that had been overshadowed by the argument related to Oxen Meadows. He couldn’t believe his audacity to come with a proposal for her daughter.

NATALYA : What proposal?

CHUBUKOV : Why, he came here to propose to you.

NATALYA : To propose? To me? Why didn’t you tell me so before?

CHUBUKOV : So he dresses up in evening clothes. The stuffed sausage! The wizen-faced frump!

(He further abuses Lomov  and expresses displeasure on seeing his audacity to come there in the evening dress.)

NATALYA: To propose to me? Ah!

[Falls into an easy-chair and wails] Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here.

Natalya is shocked that Lomov had come to propose her

 She falls into the chair and instantly demands to call him back.

CHUBUKOV : Bring whom here? ( couldn’t understand who is being asked to be brought back)

NATALYA : Quick, quick! I’m ill! Fetch him! [Hysterics.]

CHUBUKOV : What’s that? What’s the matter with you? [Clutches at his head] Oh, unhappy man that I am! I’ll shoot myself! I’ll hang myself! We’ve done for her!

When Natalya kept  insisting to bring Lomov back Chubukov gets shocked and curses him being a father of a daughter due  Natalya’s changed attitude towards Lomov He intends on shooting himself or hanging himself.

NATALYA : I’m dying! Fetch him!

CHUBUKOV : Tfoo! At once. Don’t yell! [Runs out. A pause.]

( asks his daughter to calm down and stop yelling. He runs away to call Lomov).

NATALYA : [Natalya Stepanovna wails.] What have they done to me? Fetch him back! Fetch him! [A pause. Chubukov runs in.]

Natalya asks her father to hurry.

CHUBUKOV: He’s coming, and so on, devil take him! Ouf! Talk to him yourself; I don’t want to…

NATALYA: [wails] Fetch him!

CHUBUKOV: [yells] He’s coming, I tell you. Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown-up daughter! I’ll cut my throat I will, indeed! We cursed him, abused him, drove him out; and it’s all you… you! (couldn’t accept what he sees and wishes to cut his throat off as it is both a burden and a curse to be a grown-up girl’s daughter.)

NATALYA : No, it was you!

( blames her father for abusing Lomov)

CHUBUKOV : I tell you it’s not my fault. [Lomov appears at the door] Now you talk to him yourself. [Exit.]

LOMOV : [Lomov enters, exhausted.] My heart’s palpitating awfully. My foot’s gone to sleep. There’s something that keeps pulling in my side….

NATALYA : Forgive us, Ivan Vassilevitch, we were all a little heated. I remember now: Oxen Meadows… really are yours.

Natalya, in a very different tone clears that Oxen Meadows are of Lomov.

LOMOV : My heart’s beating awfully. My Meadows… My eyebrows are both twitching….

( expresses that his heart is pounding and eyebrows twitching.)

NATALYA : The Meadows are yours, yes, yours. Do sit down. [They sit] We were wrong.

LOMOV : I did it on principle. My land is worth little to me, but the principle…

NATALYA : Yes, the principle, just so. Now let’s talk of something else.

( Asks to change the topic in the hope of bringing up the proposal.)

LOMOV: The more so as I have evidence. My aunt’s grandmother gave the land to your father’s grandfather’s peasants…

(Lomov still clarifies that his aunt’s grandmother gave the land to her father’s grandfather’s peasants.)

NATALYA : Yes, yes, let that pass. [aside] I wish I knew how to get him started. [aloud] Are you going to start shooting soon?

(To divert the topic, she asks about shooting)

LOMOV : I’m thinking of having a go at the blackcock, honoured Natalya Stepanovna, after the harvest. Oh, have you heard? Just think, what a misfortune I’ve had! My dog Guess, who you know, has gone lame.

  • Lame- unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot; limping

 Lomov  replies about his shooting plan and said he is   going to the blackcock after the harvest. He then shares the news that his dog Guess suffers difficulty in walking properly.

NATALYA: What a pity! Why?

LOMOV : I don’t know. Must have got his leg twisted or bitten by some other dog. [sighs] My very best dog, to say nothing of the expense. I gave Mironov 125 roubles for him.

He highly regrets it as it was his best dog and he had paid a high amount, that is, 125 roubles for it.

NATALYA : It was too much, Ivan Vassilevitch.

(Says for such a dog it is a  very high price )

LOMOV : I think it was very cheap. He’s a first-rate dog.

(He  says  it was very low for a first-rate dog like Guess.)

NATALYA : Papa gave 85 roubles for his Squeezer, and Squeezer is heaps better than Guess!

(She mentions that he rather gave 85 roubles for her dog Squeezer who is way better than Guess.)

LOMOV : Squeezer better than Guess? What an idea! [laughs] Squeezer better than Guess!

NATALYA : Of course he’s better! Of course, Squeezer is young, he may develop a bit, but on points and pedigree he’s better than anything that even Volchanetsky has got.

LOMOV : Excuse me, Natalya Stepanovna, but you forget that he is overshot, and an overshot always means the dog is a bad hunter!

NATALYA : Overshot, is he? The first time I hear it!

LOMOV : I assure you that his lower jaw is shorter than the upper.

NATALYA : Have you measured?

LOMOV : Yes. He’s all right at following, of course, but if you want to get hold of anything…


NATALYA : In the first place, our Squeezer is a thoroughbred animal, the son of Harness and Chisels while there’s no getting at the pedigree of your dog at all. He’s old and as ugly as a worn-out cab-horse.

(Natalya brags about her dog being a thoroughbred, the son of Harness and Chisels. She says that Guess, on the other hand, is old and ugly as a worn-out cab-horse.)

LOMOV: He is old, but I wouldn’t take five Squeezers for him. Why, how can you? Guess is a dog; as for Squeezer, well, it’s too funny to argue. Anybody you like has a dog as good as Squeezer… you may find them under every bush almost. Twenty-five roubles would be a handsome price to pay for him. (Squeezer is generally found at every place and doesn’t worth more than 25 roubles)

NATALYA : There’s some demon of contradition ( something wrong in your judgment) in you today, Ivan Vassilevitch. First you pretend that the Meadows are yours; now, that Guess is better than Squeezer. I don’t like people who don’t say what they mean, because you know perfectly well that Squeezer is a hundred times better than your silly Guess. Why do you want to say he isn’t?

LOMOV : I see, Natalya Stepanovna, that you consider me either blind or a fool. You must realise that Squeezer is overshot!

NATALYA : It’s not true

NATALYA : It’s not true!
LOMOV : Why shout madam?
NATALYA : Why talk rot? It’s awful! It’s time your Guess was shot, and you compare him with Squeezer!

(start fighting again. Natalya says that Lomov is talking rubbish. Guess must be shot dead rather than being compared to Squeezer.)

LOMOV : Excuse me, I cannot continue this discussion, my heart is palpitating.

NATALYA : I’ve noticed that those hunters argue most who know least.

 (Taunts by saying that those who argue the most know the least.)

LOMOV : Madam, please be silent. My heart is going to pieces. [shouts] Shut up!

NATALYA : I shan’t shut up until you acknowledge that Squeezer is a hundred times better than your Guess!

LOMOV : A hundred times worse! Be hanged to your Squeezer! His head… eyes… shoulder…

NATALYA : There’s no need to hang your silly Guess; he’s half-dead already!

LOMOV : [weeps] Shut up! My heart’s bursting!

NATALYA : I shan’t shut up. [Enter Chubukov.]

CHUBUKOV : What’s the matter now?

NATALYA : Papa, tell us truly, which is the better dog, our Squeezer or his Guess.

LOMOV : Stepan Stepanovitch, I implore you to tell me just one thing: is your Squeezer overshot or not? Yes or no?

CHUBUKOV : And suppose he is? What does it matter? He’s the best dog in the district for all that, and so on.

LOMOV : But isn’t my Guess better? Really, now?

CHUBUKOV : Don’t excite yourself, my precious one. Allow me. Your Guess certainly has his good points. He’s purebred, firm on his feet, has well-sprung ribs, and all that. But, my dear man, if you want to know the truth, that dog has two defects: he’s old and he’s short in the muzzle.

LOMOV : Excuse me, my heart… Let’s take the facts. You will remember that on the Marusinsky hunt my Guess ran neck-and-neck with the Count’s dog, while your Squeezer was left a whole verst behind.

(He begins to prove by referring to the Marusinsky hunt where Guess gave a good competition to the Count’s dog but Squeezer was running far behind.)

CHUBUKOV: He got left behin

d because the Count’s whipper-in hit him with his whip.

Chubukov clarifies that it happened because poor Squeezer got hit in his whip by the Count’s dog.

LOMOV: And with good reason. The dogs are running after a fox, when Squeezer goes and starts worrying a sheep!

(Lomov even mentions that the dogs were running after a fox unlike Squeezer, who began troubling a sheep.)

CHUBUKOV : It’s not true! My dear fellow, I’m very liable to lose my temper, and so, just because of that, let’s stop arguing. You started because everybody is always jealous of everybody else’s dogs. Yes, we’re all like that! You too, sir, aren’t blameless! You no sooner begin with this, that and the other, and all that… I remember everything!

LOMOV : I remember too!

CHUBUKOV : [teasing him] I remember, too! What do you remember?

LOMOV : My heart… my foot’s gone to sleep. I can’t…

NATALYA : [teasing] My heart! What sort of a hunter are you? You ought to go and lie on the kitchen oven and catch black beetles, not go after foxes! My heart!

(Natalya makes fun of  Lomov by talking about what kind of a hunter is he who keeps on saying “My heart! My heart!” He must catch black beetles, not foxes).

CHUBUKOV: Yes really, what sort of a hunter are you, anyway? You ought to sit at home with your palpitations, and not go tracking animals. You could go hunting, but you only go to argue with people and interfere with their dogs and so on. Let’s change the subject in case I lose my temper. You’re not a hunter at all, anyway!

Chubukov agrees with Natalya. He suggests Lomov  to take rest at home with his palpitations. He must not go tracking animals or rather, he could go and do what he is best at, that is, arguing whose dog is better.

 He urges   deviating the topic or else, he might lose his temper.

LOMOV: And are you a hunter? You only go hunting to get in with the Count and to intrigue. Oh, my heart! You’re an intriguer!

CHUBUKOV : What? I am an intriguer? [shouts] Shut up!

LOMOV : Intriguer!
CHUBUKOV : Boy! Pup!
LOMOV : Old rat! Jesuit!

CHUBUKOV : Shut up or I’ll shoot you like a partridge! You fool!

  • Patridge- a short-tailed game bird with mainly brown plumage, found chiefly in Europe and Asia

LOMOV : Everybody knows that — oh, my heart! — your late wife used to beat you… My feet… temples… sparks… I fall, I fall!

CHUBUKOV : And you’re under the slipper of your house-keeper!

( under the control of his housekeeper).

LOMOV: There, there, there… my heart’s burst! My shoulders come off! Where is my shoulder? I die. [Falls into an armchair] A doctor!

CHUBUKOV : Boy! Milksop! Fool! I’m sick! [Drinks water] Sick!

(Kept cursing Lomov instead of his poor condition )

NATALYA : What sort of a hunter are you? You can’t even sit on a horse! [To her father] Papa, what’s the matter with him? Papa! Look, Papa! [screams] Ivan Vassilevitch! He’s dead!

(While cursing Lomov she suddenly notices that Lomov is lying still as if dead.)

CHUBUKOV : I’m sick! I can’t breathe! Air!

NATALYA : He’s dead. [Pulls Lomov’s sleeve] Ivan Vassilevitch! Ivan Vassilevitch! What have you done to me? He’s dead. [Falls into an armchair] A doctor, a doctor! [Hysterics.]

Natalya while holding his sleeve anticipates that he is dead. While panicking and crying, she asks her father to call a doctor.

CHUBUKOV : Oh! What is it? What’s the matter?

NATALYA : [wails] He’s dead… dead!

Natalya cries that Lomov is dead.

CHUBUKOV : Who’s dead? [Looks at Lomov] So he is! My word! Water! A doctor! [Lifts a tumbler to Lomov’s mouth] Drink this! No, he doesn’t drink. It means he’s dead, and all that. I’m the most unhappy of men! Why don’t I put a bullet into my brain? Why haven’t I cut my throat yet? What am I waiting for? Give me a knife! Give me a pistol! [Lomov moves] He seems to be coming round. Drink some water! That’s right.

Chubukov too, gets scared and tries to get some water down his throat but Lomov doesn’t drink. He thought that Lomov’s dead and starts cursing himself And saying he is most unhappy man and wonders why he hasn’t cut his throat or pulled a bullet into his brain yet. He suddenly notices that Lomov is moving and he asks him to drink some water.

LOMOV : I see stars… mist… where am I?

 (not sure where he is.)

CHUBUKOV: Hurry up and get married and — well, to the devil with you! She’s willing! [He puts Lomov’s hand into his daughter’s] She’s willing and all that. I give you my blessing and so on. Only leave me in peace!

In the midst of cursing Lomov he makes haste to get his daughter married with him and puts his hand in Natalya’s hand and blesses the newly couple. At last requests to let him in peace.

LOMOV: [getting up] Eh? What? To whom?

still don’t know what is going on in his surrounding and asks Chubukov who is he asking him to marry.

CHUBUKOV: She’s willing! Well? Kiss and be damned to you!

( still curses and asks to kiss Natalya)

NATALYA : [wails] He’s alive… Yes, yes, I’m willing.

CHUBUKOV : Kiss each other!

LOMOV : Eh? Kiss whom? [They kiss] Very nice, too. Excuse me, what’s it all about? Oh, now I understand … my heart… stars… I’m happy. Natalya Stepanovna… [Kisses her hand] My foot’s gone to sleep.

Lomov  doesn’t understand until (Natalya kisses him. He suddenly remembers, gets excited and then kisses her hand but complains that his foot is numb again.)

NATALYA : I… I’m happy too…

Natalya expresses her happiness too.

CHUBUKOV : What a weight off my shoulders, ouf!

Chubukov feels relieved after marrying his daughter.

NATALYA : But, still you will admit now that Guess is worse than Squeezer.

Natalya again starts to argue about dogs and  forces him to  say  that her Squeezer is better than his Guess.

LOMOV : Better!
NATALYA : Worse!
CHUBUKOV : Well, that’s a way to start your family bliss! Have some champagne!
LOMOV : He’s better!
NATALYA : Worse! Worse! Worse!

In the midst of arguments Chubukov offers them a drink.

CHUBUKOV : [trying to shout her down] Champagne! Champagne!

Chubukov, tired of them fighting, shouts that it is time for some Champagne.


Imp questions

Q1. Anton Chekov has used humour and exaggeration in the play to comment on courtship in his times. Illustrate with examples from the lesson, “The Proposal”. Also mention the values, you think, any healthy relationship requires.
The principle ‘forgive and forget’ helps a lot is maintaining cordial relations with our neighbours. Do you think Chubukov conveys this message in the play “The Proposal’

Answer. Lomov visits Natalya to propose her for marriage, thinking that she would prove to be a good partner as she is a good housekeeper. However, the purpose of his visit gets lost amidst the argument about their lands, property, relatives and dogs. Both started arguing, claiming and abusing each other.

It all shows their greed about properties, proudy and arrogant mindset. It also illustrates that in that era marriages were based on the status and relationship was established just to enhance the property.

Finally, Chubukov forces them to marry before the next argument could start.  Thus, the play ends in a comic note, just because the couple gets together with their father to celebrate their marriage while the dispute over the pets is still continuing. For any healthy relationship there should be mutual understanding and respect. Quarreling over trivial issues like dog cannot guarantee longevity of a relationship.

 Q2. What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov had come for? Is he sincere when he later
says, “And I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son”? Find reasons for your answer from the play.

Answer. Initially Chubukov  suspects that Lomov will ask for money. But  he requests a proposal to get Natalaya’s hand for marriage. Since long, Chubukov wanted match for his daughter. Finding fact in his favour, Chubukov changes and uses sweet words and becomes ready for the match.

Q3. Chubukov says of Natalaya, “… as if she won’t consent! She’s in love; egad, she’s like a lovesick cat…” Would you agree? Find reasons for your answer.
Answer.  In reality Natalaya has got the fittest age for the marriage. She wants a life partner. On the other hand, Chubukov also desires that his daughter should be married. Lomov is the most suitable match in every respect. In order to say something outwardly, Chubukov happens to pour out these words. It is an acceptable fact that Natalaya loves Lomov from the core of her heart.

Q4. Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Lomov and Natalya do not have. Describe the first fight between them. 
Answer.  Lomov and Natalya meet and rather than proposing her he gets off the point. He tells her how he inherited his land and how he respects her father. He also tells Natalya that his Oxen meadows touch Natalya’s Birchwood. On hearing this, Natalya says that Oxen Meadows are theirs. They start arguing about it. Lomov clarifies that he is talking about the Oxen Meadows that are between her Birchwoods and Burnt marsh. Natalya again insists that they are theirs.
Lomov refuses it. He tells her that his aunt’s grandmother gave those meadows to her father’s grand father. The peasants used the land for forty years and started regarding it as their own. Natalya’s father comes and also starts quarreling with Lomov. They get into a heated argument and resort to name-calling. After some time, Lomov leaves their house