1. Chemical Equations




CHEMICAL REACTIONS:- The process in which two or more substance combine with each other to form new substances with new properties is called chemical reaction.

There are two parts of a chemical reactions :-

(i) Reactants:-   The substances which take part in a chemical reaction are known as reactants.

(ii) Products:-  The new substances formed during a chemical reaction are known as products.

There are 5 ways to tell if a chemical reaction has occurred.

  • Change in state.
  • Change  in colour.
  • Change in temperature.
  • Evolution of a gas.
  • Formation of precipitate.

  Chemical reaction in everyday life:-

  • Digestion of food.
  • Respiration.
  • Rusting of iron.
  • Formation of curd.
  • Burning of magnesium ribbon.

Chemical Equations:-  A chemical equation is a written representation of a chemical reaction.

The representation of chemical reaction using symbols and formulae of the substances is called chemical equation.

A   +   B             C   +     D

Reactants                   Products   

n this equation, A and B are called reactants and C and D are called the products. The arrow shows the direction of the chemical reaction. The necessary condition such as temperature, pressure or any catalyst should be written on arrow between reactants and products.

E.g. Magnesium is burnt in air to form magnesium oxide.

(i) Word equation for above reaction would be -

 Magnesium + oxygen                Magnesium oxide

   ( Reactants )                                      ( Product )

Skeletal equation for above reaction would be - 

Mg +    O2                   MgO


  • LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS :-  Mass can neither be created nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction.
  • So number of elements involved in chemical reaction should remain same at reactant and products side.

For Example ,

Zn   +   H2SO4                  ZnSO4  +         H2

(Zinc)    ( Sulphuric Acid)        (Zinc Sulphate)   ( hydrogen) 

Let us check the number of atoms of different elements on both sides of the arrow .


As the number of atoms of each element is same on both sides of arrow. This is   a balanced chemical equation.

 Let us take another example :-   

Fe     +    H2O     Fe3O4   +   H2

STEP 1 :-   Write a chemical equation.

Fe   +    H2O  →   Fe3O4  +  H2

 STEP 2:-  List the number of atoms of different elements present in the unbalanced equation.


















STEP 3 :_ Select the element which has the maximum number of atoms . now equalize the number of atoms by putting coefficient in front of it.

Fe   +      4  H2O           Fe3O4   +     H2

STEP 4 :-  Fe and H atoms are still not balanced choose any elements now to balance. To equalize the number of H atoms,

Fe   +     4 H2O         Fe3O4   +     4 H2

STEP 5 :- Now, take Fe and equalize the number of Fe atoms.

3 Fe   + 4 H2O     Fe3O 4     +    4 H2

Now all the atoms of elements are equal on both sides.

STEP 6 :-  To make the chemical equation more information ,write the physical states of reactants and products.

Solid state = (s)

Liquid state = (l)

Gaseous State = (g)

Aqueous state = (aq)

3 Fe (S)    +   4H2O(g)          Fe3O4S4H2(g) 

STEP 7:-  Write necessary conditions of temperature pressure or catalyst on above or below arrow.

For Example:-          


2. Types of Chemical Reactions


There are five type of chemical reactions.

COMBINATION REACTION:-   The reaction in which two or more reaction combine to form a single product is called combination reaction They are represented by equation of the following term. 

 A  + B                   AB      

Reactant           product

For Example :-  

Burning of coal  

 C(s)      +      o2(g)    →      Co2 (g)   

(carbon)     (oxygen)     (carbon dioxide)

Formation of water

H2 (g)    +        O2 (g)    →    2H2 O (l)           

 (Hydrogen)      (oxygen)          (Water)   

Formation of slaked line

 CaO (s)     +      H2 0(L)           Ca(OH)2 (aq)

(calcium oxide)   (water)   (calcium Hydroxide)/ slaked lime

Formation of slaked lime by the reaction of calcium oxide with water.

DECOMPOSITION REACTION :-   The reaction I which single compound breaks down to simpler product is called decomposition reaction. They are represented by equation of the following term .

  AB              A+B

  (i) Thermat decomposition :-   when decomposition is carried out by heating.                           

For example     

(i) 2 Fe SO4 (s)            CaO(s) +CO2 (g)

(Ferrous sulphate )        (Ferric Oxide)                               

 Green colour                 Red brown colour

(ii)  CaCO3 (s)                        CaO(s)            +        CO2 (g)

(calcium carbonate)       ( calcium oxide )   (Carbon dioxide )  Limestone quick lime

(iii) 2Pb (N03)2   (s) + 2PbO(s)     4NO2 (g)  +   O2(g)    

(Lead nitrate )     (lead oxide)  (Nitrogen dioxide) oxygen   

                                                         Brown fumes

 Heating of lead nitrate and emission of nitrogen  dioxide

 ELECTRONIC DECOMPOSITION :- When decomposition is carried out by passing electricity .

 For Example:-  (i) Electrolysis of water.

 Electric current                                                                                        

 2H2 0              2H2       +    O2

(Water)            (Hydrogen)    (Oxygen)

Electrolysis of water is done as follows:-

Electrolysis of water

When decomposition is carried out in presence of sunlight .

For Example:-

This is why silver chloride turns grey in sunlight because of the decomposition of silver chloride into silvers and chloride by light.

This reaction is used in black and write Photography.

DISPLACEMENT REACTION :-  This reaction in which more reactive element displace less reative element from its salt solution is called displacement reaction . they aare represented by equation of the following term.

A    +    BC          AC   +  B    

For example :- 

(i) Fe (s)  +  CuSO4 (aq)           FeSO4  (aq)   +   Cu(s)

(Iron )    (copper Sulphate)    ( iron Sulphate)      ( Copper)

Fe is more reactive than therefore iron (Fe) has displaced copper (Cu) from copper sulphate solution.

Iron nails dipped in copper sulphate solution.

(ii)  Zn(s) + CuS04 (aq)            ZnSO4 (aq)    +  Cu (s)

(Zinc)  (copper sulphate)     ( Zinc  sulphate )   copper

Zinc is more reactive than copper , therefore it displace copper from copper sulphate solution.

(iii) Pb (s)   + CuCl2 (aq)            PbCl2 (aq)    + Cu(s)

(Lead)    (copper chloride)        ( lead chloride)    copper

Lead is more reactive elements than copper, therefore it displaces copper from copper chloride solution.

DOUBLE DISPLACEMENT REACTIVE :- The reaction in which the reactant ions exchange to form new products is called double displacement reaction . they are represented by equation of the following term.

AB    +    CD          AD    +        CB

For Example :-

Na2 SO4 (aq)   +  BaCl2 (aq)        BaSO4 (s)    +  2NaCl (aq)

(sodium sulphate) (barium chloride) (barium sulphate) (sodium chloride)

White precipitate of BaSO4  is formed .the insoluble substance formed is known as precipitate . any reation that produces  a precipitate can be called a precipitation reaction.


OXIDATION    →    

(i)  The addition of oxygen to reactant

(ii)   the removal of hydrogen from  reactant

 For Example  :-

  2 Cu +         O2              2CuO

 (Copper)  (oxygen)       (copper oxide )

                                          Black substance

Oxidation  of copper to copper oxide

Reduction  : -      (i) the  addition of hydrogen to reactant

(ii) the removal of oxygen from a reactant.

 Redox Reactions :-  The reaction on written one substance gets oxidisied and other get reduced is known as redox reaction

  For example :-    

 CuO  +    H2         Cu   +   H2 O

In this reaction CuO is reduced to Cu and H2  is oxidized to H2 O . So oxidation and reduction taking place together, therefore it is a redox reaction.

 ZnO +  C           Zn    +   C O

    Here, C is oxidized to CO because oxygen is being added and ZnO IS REDUCED TO Zn because O is being removed.

   NOTE :→  

*  If a substance gains oxygen during a reaction , it is said to be oxidized.

*   If a substance loses oxygen during a reactant , it is said to be reduced.

ENDETHERMIC REACTION:-    Reaction in which energy is absorded are known as endothermic reaction.

For example :-  

 CaCO3   (S)              CaO (s)   +   CO2  (g)

FXOTHERMIC REACTION :-    Reaction in which heat is released along with formation of products.

For Example, 

CH(q)   +  2 O2  (g)         CO2 (g) +2H2 O(g) + Heat

3. Effects of Oxidation Reactions in Everyday Life


1 COROSION :-    When a metal is exposd to moisture ,air, acid eyc. For some time , a layer of hydrated oxide, is formed which e weaknes the metal and hence metal is said to be corroded.

Example of corrosion are:-

  1. Rusting of iron .
  2. Black coating on silver
  3. Green coating on copper.

• Rusting of iron :-    when iron is exposed to oxygen in the presence of  moisture, reddish brown power is formed.

This is process is knon as rusting of iron.

• Method to prevent corrosion are:-  

  1. Galvanization
  2.  Electroplating
  3. By putting paints

2) RANCIDITY:-    The oxidation of fats and oils when exposed to air is known as rancidity . due to rancidity, bad smell and bad taste of food occurs

Method of prevent rancidity are :-

  1. By adding antioxidants.
  2. Refrigeration. 
  3. Replacing air by nitrogen.
  4. Keeping food in air tight containers.

 Chips manufactures fill bag of chips with nitrogen because it is non reactive gas and it prevent the chips from getting oxidized.

1. The Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases



These are the substances which have sour taste

  • They turn blue litmus solution  red
  • They give H+ ions in aqueous solution

Type  of acids are as follows

  1. Strong Acid :  Hcl , H2SO4
  2. Weak Acid : CH3COOH, HCOOH
  3. Concentrated Acid : which have more amount of acid and less amount of water.
  4. Dilute Acid : which have more amount of water and less amount of acid


* These are the substances which have bitter taste and soapy in touch .

  • They turn red litmus solution blue
  • They give OH- ions in aqueous solution.

Type of bases are as follows :-

  1. Strong Bases :-  NaOH, KOH
  3. ALKALI :- These are the bases which are soluble in water (like NaOH,KOH)

SALTS :-  A salts is a substance produced from the reaction of an acid and a base.


INDICATORS :- The substances that change their colour/ smell when they are added to acidic or alkaline solutions.

Types of Indicators.

  1. Natural Indicators :- Litmus , turmeric
  2. Synthetic Indicators :-  Phenolphthalein, Mythyl
  3. Olfactory Indicators:- Onion, vanilla essence.


(i)  Reaction of Metal with :-     

(a)  ACIDS 

Acid   +  Metal                 Salt +    Hydrogen  gas                      

For Example,

2Hcl           +          Zn                    ZnCl2      +    H2

(Hydrochloric acid) (zinc)       (zinc chloride ) (hydrogen)

(b)  Bases  Base + metal        salt + hydrogen gas

For example,

2NsoH         +          Zn           Na3ZnO2        +        H2  

(sodium hydroxide )  ( zinc)  ( sodium zincate)  ( hydrogen gas )

 Hydrogen gas released can be tested by bringing burning candle near gas bubbles , it burst with pop sound.

(ii)    REACTION OF METAL CARBONATES / Metal Hydrogen carbonates with 

(a)  Acids :- 

(b) Acid   +   metal carbonate/ metal hydrogen carbonate     salt + carbon dioxide + water.

  For example :-

  1. 2 Hcl + Na2CO3                  2NaCl +  CO2    +   H2O
  2. HCl +  NaHCO3                  NaCl +  CO2  +H2O
  3. Ca(OH)2   +   CO2     →         CaCO3 H2O

                ( Line Water)                   ( White precipitate )

On passing CO Through lime water , lime water turns milky and in this way CO2 can be tested.

And when excess CO2 is passed , milkiness disappers and the following reaction take place.

Passing carbon dioxide gas through calcium hydroxide.

CaCo3    +    CO2     +     H2O        Ca (HCO3)

(iii)     Reaction of acids and bases with each other  

Acid     +       base               Salt   +    H2O

Neutralisation Reaction :-   The reaction between an aid and a base to give a salt and water is known as neutralization reaction.

  For Example :-    

HCl (aq)   + NaOH (aq)    →  NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

(iV)  Reaction of Metallic Oxides with Acids  :-

Metallic oxide +  acid          salt   +  water

 Metallic oxides are basic in nature

For Example :- 

CaO  + 2HCl       CaCl2   +    H2O

(v) Reaction of Non- metallic Oxide with base :-

Non- metallic oxide + base    →        salt   +    H2

Non- metallic oxide are acidic in nature.

For Example :-

CO2   +   Ca(OH)2       CaCO3  +    H2O

1. Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals



 Physical properties of metals and non- metals.

 1     LUSTRE  -

  Metals have shining surface.

    Non-metals do not have shinig surface

 * Except iodine   

 2 Hardness -

    Metals are generally hard.

  • Except sodium lithium and potassium which are soft and can be cut with knife.

 Non – metals are generally soft.

  • Except diamond a form of carbon which is the hardest natural substan

3 Malleability - 

 Metals can be beaten into thin sheets gold and silver are the most malleable metals.

Non- metals are non-mallerable.

4 Ductility -

 Metals can be drawn into thin wires.

 Non- metals can not be drawn into thin wires. They are non- ductile.

5 Conductor of heat and electricity -

Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity of heat. Lead and mercury are poor conductor of heat.

Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity.

Non- metals are poor conductor of heat EXCEPT graphite.

6 state -

 The metals exist as solids. EXCEPT mercury

The non- metals exist as solids or gaseous.EXEPT  bromine.

7 density -

Metals have high density and high melting point.

Except sodium and potassium.

8 Oxides -

 Metallic oxides are basic in nature.

Non metallic oxides are acidic in nature.

9 Sonorous -

Metals produce a sound on strinking a hard surface.

Non-metals are not sonorous.

1. Bonding in Carbon



Carbon:-  (i)Most carbon compounds are poor conductors of electricity. Therefore, the bonding in these componds does not give rise to any ions

  1. They have low melting and boiling points as compared to ionic compounds
  2. Forces of attraction between the molecules are not very strong.
  3. The atomic number of carbonis
  4. It has four elements I its outermost shell and needs to gain or lose four electrons to attain noble gas configuration.

If carbon were to gain lose electrons:-

  • It  could gain four electrons forming C4-  anion. But it would be difficult for the nucleus with six protons to hold on to ten electrons.
  • It could lose four electrons forming C4+ cation. But it would require a large amount of energy to remove electrons. Carbon overcomes this problem by sharing its valences electrons with other of carbon or with atoms of other elements.

 Bonding in carbon

 Carbon form covalent bounds.  

  • Covalent bound formation involves sharing of electrons between bonding atoms which may be either same or different.
  • The number of lectrons contributed by an atom for sharing is known as its covalency.

       For example 

  1. Molecule of hydrogen  

  2. Molecule of oxygen

  1. Molecule of Nitrogen

  1. Structure of methane

Methane CH4  is widely used as a fixed and is a major component of bio-gas and compressed natural gas ( CNG) .

  1. These compounds are molecula in nature  i.e. , they exist as single molecules)
  2. These are insoluble in water and soluble in benzene , kerosence and petrol etc.
  3. These compounds are poor conductor of electricity.

Allotropes of carbon

  The property due to which an element exists intwo or more forms, which differ in their physical and chemical properties is known as ‘Allotropes’ and the various forms are called “Allotropes”.

  • carbon exists in two allotropic  form
  • (i) crystalline                 (ii)  amorphous.

The crystalline forms are diamond and graphite the amorphous forms are coat , characol etc.

  • In diamound , each carbon is bonded to for other carbon atoms forming rigid 3-D dtructure. Diamond is the nardest substance. * in graphite each carbon is bonded to three other carbon atom. Graphite structure is formed by the hexagonal arrays. Graphite is smooth and slippery . it is very good conductor of electricity.
  • Fullerenes form another class of carbon allotropes. The first one to be identified was C-60, which has carbon atoms arranged in the shape of a football.

1. Early Classification of Elements

Chapter 5

Periodic Classification of Elements

Early classification of elements.

  • Classification means identifying similar species and grouping them together.
  • Lavoisier divided lements into two main types known as metals and non- metals.

Doberiner’s law of triads :- 

Doberiner tried to arrange the elements with similar properties. He showed that when the three elements in a triad were written in the order of increasing atomic masses ; the atomic masses ; the atomic mass of the middle element was roughly the average of the atomic masses of other two elements.

i.e atomic masses Li, Na and K are 7,23, and 39 respectively , tus the mean of 1st and 3rd elements is 23 and the atomic mass of middle element is 23.

Limitation :-  He could identify only a few such triads and so the law could not gain importance.

For example, Fe, Co, Ni, all the three elements have nearly equal atomic mass and thus does not follow this law.

Newland’s law of octaves :-

 He found that every eighth element had properties similar to that of the first. HP compared this to the octaves found in music . he called it ‘law of octaves’.

For Example. The properties of lithium and sodium were found to be the same sodium is the eighth  element after lithium.

 Limitation :-

(i) law of octaves was applicable only upto calcium as after calcium every eigth element did not possess properties similar to that of first.

(II)    According  to him , only 56 elements exist in nature and no more elements would be discovered in the future. But later on several new element  were discovered wose properties did not fit into law of octaves. 

(III)    In order to fit new elements into his table newland  adjust two elements in the same column, but put some unlike elements under the same column. 

(IV)    Thus, newland’s  classification was not accepted.

2. Common Things in All Acids and Bases

Common Things in All Acids and Bases:-

All acids have H+ ios in common

All bases have OH- ions in common

 Acids produce H+ ions which  ar responsible for their acidic properties.

Acids solution in water conducts electricity.

An Acid or a Base in water solution:-

  • Acids produce H+Ions in presence of water.
  • H+ ions cannot exist alone , they exist as H3O+ ions.

H+   +   H2O      H3O+

HCl  +  H2O     H3O+ +  Cl-

Bases when dissolved in water gives  Oh-  ions.

For Example:- 


Bases soluble in water are called alkali.

 It is recommended that the acid / base should be added to water and not water. Is added to acid/ base, the heat generated may cause the mixture to splash out and cause burns and the glass

conatiner may also break due to exessing  heating.

  Mixing an acid or base with water results in decrease of concentration of ions per unit volume. Such a process is called dilution.

3. Strongness about Acids or Bases

Strongness  about  Acids or Bases 

Strength of acid and base can be determined by universal indicator.

concentrations of H+ ions in the solution.

pH scale :-  A scale for measuring hydrogen ion concentration in a solution called PH scale.

pH = 7                           Neutral Solution

pH Less than 7             Acidic  Solution

pH more than 7           Basic solution

pH of some common substances shown on a pH paper.

Importance of  pH in everyday life :-

1 ,  Plants and animals are Ph sensitive.

  • Our body works within the pH range of  7- 7.8 .
  • When pH of rain water is less than 5.6, it is called acid rain.
  • When acid rain flows into the rivers ,it lower the pH of river water and makes the survival  of aquatic life difficult.

2, pH of the soil

  • Plants require a specific pH range for their healthy growth.

3,  pH in our digestive system.

  • Our stomach produce hydrogenchloric acid which helps in digestion without harming the stomach.
  • During indigestion, stomach produces more acid and cause pain and irritation.
  • To get rid of pain ,prople use mild bases called antacid to neutralize the excess acid. Magnesium hydroxide ( Milk of magnesia) is an antacid.

  4,  Ph changes as the cause of tooth decay.

  • Tooth decay starts when pH of mouth is lower than 5.5
  • Tooth enamel is made up of calcium phosphate ( hardest substance in body) .it does not dissolve in water but carodes when pHis low than 5.5
  • Using basic toothpaste , tooth decay can be prevented    

5, self defence by animals and plants through chemical warfare.

  • Bee sting leaves an acid which cause pain and irritation. Bakig soda (mild base) gives relief by rubbing it on stung area.
  • Stinging hair of nettle leaves inject  methanoic  acid causing  buring or pain rubbing this with leaf of dock plant give relief.

4. About Salts

About  salts

  1. Strong acid  +  strong base       neutral salt :  pH = 7
  2. Salt of strong   +  weak base      Acidic salt :    pH <7
  3. Salt of strong base + weak acid  Basic salt  :  pH  >7

Chemical from common salt

1;  sodium hydroxide  ( NaOH)

  When electricity is passed through an aqueous solution of NaCl (called brine) it decomposes to form NaOH.

This process is called chlor- alkali process.

2NaCl  +   2H2O              2NaOH + Cl2    + H2

 At cathode  :     H2    gas

 At anode :    Cl2 gas

Near cathode :   NaOH solution is formed


  1. Cl2 :   Water treatment , PVC , pesticides.
  2. H2 :      Fuels,  margarine.
  3. Hcl :       Medicines, cleaning steels.
  4.  NaOH :   De- greasing metals, soaps and paper making.

(2) Bleaching powder  ( CaOCl2)

   Bleaching powder is produced by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime   ( Ca(OH)2).

 Cl2  +  Ca(OH)2        CaOCl2  +   H2O

 USES :   * Bleaching cotton and linen in textile industry

  • Bleaching washed clothes in laundry .
  • Oxidising in chemical industries.
  •  Make drinking water free from germs

(3)   Baking Soda ( NaHCO3)

 The chemical name of the compound is sodium hydrogen carbonate.

NaCl+H2O+CO2+NH3      NH4Cl  +  NaHCO3

                                     (Ammonium Chloride) (Sodium hydrogen carbonate)

  • IT is a mild non- corrosive base.
  • When it is heated during cooking.

2 NaHCO3      Na2CO3  +   H2O  +  CO2


  1. For making baking powder, which is a mixture of baking soda ( sodium hydrogen carbonate ) and tartaric acid. Following reaction takes place.

 NaHCO3   +  H+         CO2  H2O + Sodium salt of acid

  1. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is an ingredient in antacids.
  2. Used in soda-acid , fire extinguisher

 (4)  Washing Soda  :-   ( Na2 CO3IOH2O)

  Recrystallisation of sodium carbonate gives washing sod. It is a basic salt.

  Na2CO3 + IOH2O     →    Na2CO3. IOH2O


  1. In glass , soap and paper industries.
  2. Manufacture of borax
  3. Cleaning agent for domestic purpose.
  4. For removing permanent hardness of water.

 (5)  Plaster of paris CaSO4 .2H2 O. 

On heating gypsum ( CaSo4.2H2O) at 373k, ut loses water molecules and becomes plaster of paris (POP) .

It is a white powder and on mixing with waater it changes to gypsum.

 Removing water of crystallization.


It is a fixed number of water molecules present in one formula unit of a salt.

For Example; 

  • CuSO4.5H2O   has 5 water molecules.
  • Na2CO3.10H2  has 10 water molecules.
  •  CaSO4.2H2O  has 2 water molecules.

2. Chemical Properties of Metals

Chemical properties of Metals

(i)  Reaction with air :-

All metals combine with oxygen to form metal oxide .

Metal + O2           Metal oxide

For example,

2Cu  +  O2          2CUO    copperoxide (black)

 4Al + 3O2        2Al2O3     Aliminium oxide

  • Sodium and potassium react so vigorously that they catch fire in open so they are kept immersed in kerosence
  • Surfaces of Mg , Al, Zn pb are covered with a thin layer of oxide whish prevent them from further oxidation. Anodizing is a process of forming a tick oxide layer of aluminium.
  • Iron does not burn on heating but iron filling burn vigorously.
  •  Copper does not burn but the hot metal is coated with a black coloured layer of copper (ii) oxide
  • Silver and gold do not react with oxygen even at high temperatures.

Amphoteric oxide    Metal oxides which react with both acids as well as bases to produce salts and water are called amphoteric oxides.

Example ;   

Al2O3   +    6HCl      2AlCl3 +   H2O

 Al2O3  +  2NaOH    2NaAlO2    +   H2O

                                (SODIUM ALUMINATE )

Most metal oxides are insoluble in water but some of these dissolve in water to form alkalis. Sodium oxide and potassium oxide dissolved in water to produce alkali.

Na2O(S) +    H2O(l)        2 NaOH (aq)

K2O(S)    +   H2O(l)         2 KOH (aq)

(ii)  Reactions of metals with water:-

 Metal+ water        Metal oxide  +  hydrogen

Metal oxide  +  water      metal hydroxide

Metals like potassium and sodium react violenty with cold water.

Na  +   2 H2O          NaOH + H2  + heat energy.

The reaction of calcium of water is less violent

Ca + 2H2O    →   Ca(oH)2 + H2

Magnesium react with hot water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen.

Mg +  2H2O     →  Mg(OH)   H2

Metals like aluminium iron and zinc do not react with cold or hot water. But they react with steam to form metal oxide and hydrogen.

2 Al + 3 H20         Al2O3  +   3H2

3 Fe  + 4 H2O     →  Fe3O4   +   4H2

Metal such as lead ,copper, silver and gold do not react with water at all.

(ii) Reaction of metals with acids.

Metal +  Dilute acid     salt + hydrogen

Copper and silver do not react wit dil acids.

 For example 

 Fe +  2HCl          FeCl2  +  H2

Mg  +  2HCl          MgCl2  +   H2

Zn  +   2HCl           ZnCl2  +  H2

(iii)   Reaction of metals with solution of other Metal salts ; 

Metal A+  Salts solution B      Salt solution A + Metal B   

Reaction of metals with salt solutions.

More reactive metals can displace less reactive metals from their compounds in solution form.

Fe +  CuSO4          FeSO4  +    Cu       

Fe displaces Cu because Fe is more reactive metals than Cu .


The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in the order of their decreasing activities.

3. Metals and Non-Metals Reactions


  • Atoms of the metals lose electron from their valence shell to form cation.
  • Atoms of the non- metals gain electrons in the valence to form anion.

Formation of sodium chloride.

Formation of magnesium chloride

Properties of ionic compound

  1. PHYSICAL NATURE  :-  They are solid and hard (because of the strong force of attraction between the positive and negative ions) . They are brittle.
  2. Melting and boiling point:_  They have high melting and boiling pont.
  3. Solubility :- soluble in water and insoluble in solvents such as kerosene , petrol etc.
  4. Conductor of electricity :- Ionic compound conduct electricity in molter (ions move to the opposite electrodes  when electricity is passed )
  • They do not conduct electricity in solid state as movements of ions is not possible in solid They conduct electricity in molten state.

4. Occurence of Metals


MINERALS :- The elements which occur naturally in the earth’s crust are called minerals.

ORES:- Minerals that contain very high percentage of particular metal andthe metal can be profitably extracted from it, such minerals are called ores.

  • Metals at the bottom of the activity series are least reactive they are often found in free state . For Example –  Ag,Au, Cu.
  • Metals at the ttop of the acitivity series (k,Na, Co, Mg, and Al) are so reactive that they never found in free state.
  • Metals in the middle of the activity series ( Zn, Fe,Pb etc are moderately reactive . they occur as sulphates ,oxides or carbonates.
  • They ore of many metals are oxide because oxygen is very reactive and is abundant on the earth.
  • Steps involved in the extraction of pure metals from ores.

 Step involved in the extraction of metals from ores.


 1 ENCRICHMENT OF ORES    Ores are usually contaminated with large amounts of impurities such as soil, sand etc called gangue these impuriestes are removed from the ore prior to the extraction of mertal.

 2  Extraction of metals   Metals low in the activity series are very anreactive the oxides of these metals are reduced to metals by heating.

 For example           

 2HgO         2Hg  +  O2

Mercury oxide is reduced to mercury on heating

The metals in the middle of the activity series ( Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu ) are moderately active. The metal sulphides  and carbontes  are converted into metal oxide. The sulphate ores are converted into oxides by heating strongly in the presence of excess air this process is known as roasting .

2 ZnS + 3O2 →      2ZnO + CO2

  • The carbonate ores are changed into oxides by heating strongly in limited air this process is called calcination .

 Zn CO3          ZnO + CO2

  • Then metal oxides are reduced to corresponding metals by using reducing agent like carbon.

 ZnO  +  C       Zn   +  CO

  • This reaction of iron (iii) oxide ( Fe2O3) with aluminium is used to join railway tracks or cracked machine parts . this reaction is known as thermit reaction.

 Fe2O3    +  2Al      2 Fe +  Al2O3 + heat

 Metals high up in the reactivity series are very reactive. The metalo are obtained by electrolytic reduction. The metals are deposit at the cathode and chlore is deposited at anode.

At cathode     Na+    +  e-         Na
At anode        2Cl-       Cl2   +  2e-

Refining of metals

 The most widely used method for refining impure metals is electronic refining.

Electrolytic refining of copper

Electrolytic refining :-   Metals  ( Cu, Zn , Ag, Au etc ) are refined electrolytically . the impure metal is made the anode and athin strip of pure metal is made the cathode . a solution a metal salt is used as an electrolyte.

Electrolytic refining of copper.

Anode :  Impure copper

Cathode: Strip of pure copper

The insoluble impurities settle at the bottom of the anode and is called anode mud.  

5. Corrosion


The surface of metals is corroded when they are exposed to moist air for a long period of time. This is called corrosion

For example 

  • Silver becomes black when exposed to air and form a coating of silver sulphide.
  • Copper react with  moist Co2 and form a green coat of copper carbonate.
  • Iron acquires a coating of brown floky substance called rust.

 Prevention of corrosion. 

The rusting of iron can be prevented by painting , oiling, greasing, galvanizing, chrome plating anodizing and making alloys.

  • Galvanisation:-  It is a method of protecting steel and iron from ressting by coating them a thin layer of zinc.
  • Alloying is a very good method of improving the properties of a metal an alloy is a homogenous mixture of two or more metals or a metal and a non- metal
  • Iron      it is mixed with small amount of carbon
  • Steel    iron + nickel and chromium.
  • Brass   copper  + tin
  • Solder   →  lead  +  tin ( used for welding electric wire together )

2. Nature of Carbon Compounds

Nature of carbon compounds.

Catenation:-     The property of elements to form long chains or rings by self linking of their own atoms through covalentbonds is called catenation. These compounds may have long, branched chains of carbon atoms may be linked by single, double or triple bound. The extent of catenation depends upon the strength of the bounds between the atoms involved in catenation.

Saturated and unsaturated compounds

  • Compounds of carbon which are linked by only single bonds between carbon atoms are called saturated compounds.

For example,    C   -    C  

Carbon atom linked together with single bound.

But the valencies of each carbon atom remain unsatisfied , so each carbon atom is bonded to 3 hydrogen atoms:-

atom is bonded to 3 hydrogen atoms:-

 C2H6 is called methane.

Electron dot structure of ethane

Compounds of carbon having double or triple bounds between their carbon atoms are called unsaturated compounds.

For example,      

C 2 H 2  is called ethyne

.To satisfy the valency , carbon form double bond.

Strength of compound

The bonds that carbon forms with other elements are very strong, so these    compounds because very stable. Carbon form strong bonds is due to its small size. Nucleus hold shaired pair of electrons strougly.

Chains , branches and rings,

Straight chain compounds: the compounds which conatin straight chain of carbon atom e.g butane (c4H10 ) petane ( C5H12) etc.

Branched chain compounds:   Those compounds which are branched.

E.g.    ISO- butane  ( C4H10), isopentane ( C5H12)

Ring compounds:-  they  are also known as closd chain compounds.

Cyclic compounds are called ring coumpounds.

  E.g.  cyclohexane (C6H12)

           Cyclopropane ( C3H6)    etc. 

Hydrocarbons :-  All those compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbon. The saturated hydrocarbon which contain single bond are called alkanes. The unsaturated hydro carbons which contain one or more double bonds are called alkanes those containing one or more triple bounds are called alkynes.

Functional group:-  The atoms or group of atoms which determine the properties of a copmpond is known as functional group.   

E.g.  –Cl  ,  -Br  ( choro/ bromo alkane

             -OH (alcohol) 

Homologous series :-  A series of compounds in which the same functional group substitutes hydrogen ina carbon chain is called a homologous series.   E.g   ,     CH3C1    and   C2H5C1     these differ by a     CH2 unit. 

 Nomenclature :-   For naming organic compounds based on their structures, are followed by UPSC rules.

IUPAC name of an organic compounds consists of 3 parts –

  1. Prefix :- in case functional group is present , it is indicated in the name of the compound with either as a prefix or as a suffix.
  2. Word root :- A word root indicates the nature of basic carbon skeleton.
  3. Suffix :- while adding the suffix to the word rrot, the terminal ‘e’ of carbon chain is removed . if the carbon chain is unsaturated , then final ‘are’ is substituted by ‘en and yne’ respectively for double and triple bonds.

3. Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds


(i)  Combustion :- carbon burns in oxygen to give carbon dioxide along with the release of heat and heat .

 C  +   O2         CO2 +  heat and light.

CH4  +  O2       CO2  +  H2O + heat and light

CH3CH2OH + O2   CO2 + H2O + heat and light

Saturated hydrocarbon will give a clean flame unsaturated carbon compounds will give a yellow flame with lots of balck soke. The gas slove used at home has inlets for air so that a sufficiently oxygen-rich mixture is burnt to give a clean blue flame. Fuel such as  coal  and  petroleum  have some amount of nitrogen and sulphur in them. The combustion results in the formation of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen which are major pollutants in the environment.

•  Coal Coal and petroleum has been formed from biomass. Coal is the remains of trees, forms that lived millions of year ago . oil and gas are the remains of millions of tiny plants and animals that lived in the sea.

(ii) Oxidation :-   The substance which are used for oxidation are known as oxidizing agent.

E.g  alkaline kMnO4  , acidifed  k2 Cr2O7 .


(iii) Addition Reaction  unsatured hydrocarbons ( alkenes and alkynes) add hydrogen in the presence of catalysts to give saturated hydrocarbons. 

Catalyst are substance that cause a reaction to occur or proced ata different rate without the reaction itself being affected

  (IV) Substitution Reaction 

Saturated hydrocarbons give substitution reaction e.g methane in presence of sunlight undergo chlorination.

CH4  +  Cl2        CH3Cl +  Hcl (in the presence of sunlight )

4. Carbon Compounds- Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid

Carbon compounds ethanol and ethanoio acid

 Alcohol :-  compounds containing –OH group attached to a carbon atom are known as alcohol.

E.g, Ethanol ( C2H5OH ) : Commonly known as alcohol.

 Properties of ethanol

Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature and is soluble n a water . in take of ever a small quantity of pure ethanol ( called absolute alcohol ) can be lethal.

Reactions of ethanol

2Na  +  2CH3CH2OH       2CH3CH2ONa+  +  H2 

                                                 Sodium ethoxide

Ethanol reacts with sodium to liberate H2 gas.

Reaction with cone. H2SO4

Heating ethanol at 443 K with excess concentrated sulphuric acid results in the dehydration of ethane to give ethane.

                              HO+ conc

Alcohol as a fuel :- alcohol (ethanol) is added to petrol up to  20% and the mixture is called gasol.

Harmful effects of drinking  Alcohol :

  • If the alcohol is used for drinking purpose conatins some methyl alcohol ( CH3OH) as impurity then it may cause series poisoning and loss of eye sight.
  • It damage liven if taken regularly in large quantities.
  • Dyes are also added to colour the alcohol blue so that it can be identified easily.
  • This is called denatured alcohol.

Ethanoic Acid :-  Ethanoic acid, commercially known as acetic acid belongs to a group of a acids called carboxylic acid. 

Reactions of ethanoic  acid :

  1. Esterification Reaction :- ethanoic acid reacts with absolute ethanol in the presence of an acid catalyst to give an ester.

Ester are sweet – smelling substances.

These are used in making perfums.

•  Saponification :-   ester is converted back to alcohol and sodium salt of carboxylic acid . this reactionis known as saponification because it is used in the preparation of soap.

  1. Reaction with a base

  NaOH  +  CH3COONa  +  H2O

  1. Reaction with carbonates and bicarbonates

Ethanoic acid reacts with carbonates and hydrogencarbonates to give rise toa salt, carbon dioxide and water . the salt produced is commonly called sodium acetate.

   2CH3COOH  +  Na2CO3         2CH3COONa +  H2O + CO2

  CH3COOH +  NaHCO3          CH3COONa + H2O +  CO2

5. Soaps and Detergents


Soap :-   soaps are sodium or potassium molecules is towards the oil droplet while the ionic- end faces outsides. The soap micelle thus helps in pulling out the dirt in water and clothes can be cleaned. salts of long chain acid carboxylic acid. Structures of soap molecules called micelle , where one end of the

Micelles :-  soaps re the molecules in which the two ends have differing properties, one I hydrophilic, it interacts with water , while the other end is hydrophobic i.e it interacts with hydrocarbons. These molecules have a unique orientation that keeps the hydrocarbon portion out of water . this is called

Detergent :- they are ammonium or sulphate salts of long chain carboxylic acids. The charged ends of these compounds do not form insoluble precipitates with the calcium and magnesium oins  in hard water. Thus, they remain effective in hard water. Detergents are used to make shampoos and products for cleaning soaps. 

2. Mendeleev's Periodic Table

 Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

Mendeleev arranged 63 elements known at that time in the periodic table. According to Mendeleev “ the properties of the elements are a periodic function of their atomic masses the table consists of eight vertical coloumn called groups and horizontal rows called periods. 

Achievements :- 

(I) The arrangement of elements in group and periods made the study of elements quite systematic in the sence that if properties of one element in a particular group are known, those of the other can be easily .

(II) many gaps were left in  this table for undiscovered elements however, properties of these elements could be predicted in advance from their expected position. This helped in the discovery of these elements the lements silicon , gallium and germanium were ddiscovered in this manner.

(III) Mendeleev   corrected the atomic masses of certain elements with the help of their excepted position and properties. 

(Iv) When  inert  gasses were discovered they could be placed in a new group without disturbing the existing order.

 Limitations :-     

  1. He could not assign a correct position of hydrogen in his periodic table 1 as the properties of hydrogen resembles both with alkali metals as well as with halogens.
  2. The atomic masses do not increases a regular manner in going from one elements to the next , so it was not possible to predict how many elements could be discovered between two elements.
  3. The isotopes of some element will be given different position if atomic number is taken as basis which will disturb the symmetry of the periodic table.

3. Modern Periodic Table

Modern Periodic Table

This law was given by Henry Moseley in 1913 . it states properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic numbers.

Periodicity may be defined as the repetition of the similar properties the elements placed in a group and separated placed in a group and seprated by certain definite gap of atomic numbers the cause of periodicity is the resemblance in properties of the elements is the repetition of the same valence shell electronic configuration

  • Mosely proposed this modern periodic table according to which “ the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic number and the 7 horizontal rows are called periods and 18 vertical columns known as groups.
  • The elements belonging  to a particular group make a family and usually named after the first member .
  • In a group all elements contain the same number if valence electrons.
  • In a period , all elements contain the same number of shells , but as we move from left to right , the number of valence shell electrons increases by one unit.
  • The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell can be calculated by the formula 2n2 , where n is the formula of the given shell from the nucleus.

For example

K shell        → 2(1)2 =  2, hence the first periodic has 2 elements .  

L shell        → 2(2)2  = 8, hence the second period has 8 elements.     

The third, fourth , fifth, sixth, and seventh periods have 8,18, 18, 32, and 32 respectively.

(i)    Trends in modern periodic table  

Some trends were observed of the elements in moving down the group ( from top to bottom of the table ) and across a period ( from left to right ) are as follows:-

Valency :-  the valancy of an elements is determined by the number if valence electrons present in the outermost shell of its atom (i.e 8 electrons in valence shell, in some special cases it is 2 electrons.

(ii) Atomic size :- the term atomic size refers to the radius of an atom the atomic radius of hydron atom is 37 pm ( picometre , 1=10-12m)

  • The atomic radius decreases on moving from left to right along a period. This is due to an increase  nuclear charge which tends to pull the electrons closer to the nucleus and reduces the size of the atom.
  •  In a group atomic decreases  from top  to buttom due to increase in number of shells.

(iii)   Metallic and non- metallic properties

  • The metals like Na and Mg are towards the left hand side of the periodic table. The non- metals like sulphur and chlorine are formed on the right hand side. In middle , silicon, is classified as a semi- metal or metalloid ( which exhibits some properties of both metals and non-  metals )
  • In a eriod from left to right metallic Character  increases.
  •  In a group , metallic character increases from top to bottom while non- metallic character decrease.

(iV)  Electronegativity :-

The relative tendency of an atom to attract the shared electrons pair of electrons towards itself is called electronegativity.

In a period left to right the value to right the value of electro negativity increases while in a group from top to buttom, the value of electronegativity decreases.