1 COROSION :-    When a metal is exposd to moisture ,air, acid eyc. For some time , a layer of hydrated oxide, is formed which e weaknes the metal and hence metal is said to be corroded.

Example of corrosion are:-

  1. Rusting of iron .
  2. Black coating on silver
  3. Green coating on copper.

• Rusting of iron :-    when iron is exposed to oxygen in the presence of  moisture, reddish brown power is formed.

This is process is knon as rusting of iron.

• Method to prevent corrosion are:-  

  1. Galvanization
  2.  Electroplating
  3. By putting paints

2) RANCIDITY:-    The oxidation of fats and oils when exposed to air is known as rancidity . due to rancidity, bad smell and bad taste of food occurs

Method of prevent rancidity are :-

  1. By adding antioxidants.
  2. Refrigeration. 
  3. Replacing air by nitrogen.
  4. Keeping food in air tight containers.

 Chips manufactures fill bag of chips with nitrogen because it is non reactive gas and it prevent the chips from getting oxidized.