Chemical properties of Metals

(i)  Reaction with air :-

All metals combine with oxygen to form metal oxide .

Metal + O2           Metal oxide

For example,

2Cu  +  O2          2CUO    copperoxide (black)

 4Al + 3O2        2Al2O3     Aliminium oxide

  • Sodium and potassium react so vigorously that they catch fire in open so they are kept immersed in kerosence
  • Surfaces of Mg , Al, Zn pb are covered with a thin layer of oxide whish prevent them from further oxidation. Anodizing is a process of forming a tick oxide layer of aluminium.
  • Iron does not burn on heating but iron filling burn vigorously.
  •  Copper does not burn but the hot metal is coated with a black coloured layer of copper (ii) oxide
  • Silver and gold do not react with oxygen even at high temperatures.

Amphoteric oxide    Metal oxides which react with both acids as well as bases to produce salts and water are called amphoteric oxides.

Example ;   

Al2O3   +    6HCl      2AlCl3 +   H2O

 Al2O3  +  2NaOH    2NaAlO2    +   H2O

                                (SODIUM ALUMINATE )

Most metal oxides are insoluble in water but some of these dissolve in water to form alkalis. Sodium oxide and potassium oxide dissolved in water to produce alkali.

Na2O(S) +    H2O(l)        2 NaOH (aq)

K2O(S)    +   H2O(l)         2 KOH (aq)

(ii)  Reactions of metals with water:-

 Metal+ water        Metal oxide  +  hydrogen

Metal oxide  +  water      metal hydroxide

Metals like potassium and sodium react violenty with cold water.

Na  +   2 H2O          NaOH + H2  + heat energy.

The reaction of calcium of water is less violent

Ca + 2H2O    →   Ca(oH)2 + H2

Magnesium react with hot water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen.

Mg +  2H2O     →  Mg(OH)   H2

Metals like aluminium iron and zinc do not react with cold or hot water. But they react with steam to form metal oxide and hydrogen.

2 Al + 3 H20         Al2O3  +   3H2

3 Fe  + 4 H2O     →  Fe3O4   +   4H2

Metal such as lead ,copper, silver and gold do not react with water at all.

(ii) Reaction of metals with acids.

Metal +  Dilute acid     salt + hydrogen

Copper and silver do not react wit dil acids.

 For example 

 Fe +  2HCl          FeCl2  +  H2

Mg  +  2HCl          MgCl2  +   H2

Zn  +   2HCl           ZnCl2  +  H2

(iii)   Reaction of metals with solution of other Metal salts ; 

Metal A+  Salts solution B      Salt solution A + Metal B   

Reaction of metals with salt solutions.

More reactive metals can displace less reactive metals from their compounds in solution form.

Fe +  CuSO4          FeSO4  +    Cu       

Fe displaces Cu because Fe is more reactive metals than Cu .


The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in the order of their decreasing activities.